Reviews from

in the past

I looked directly at the sun and now I'm blind

eu não curti muito os trials, mas é um bom jogo.

Esse jogo é tipo uma Demo do Sun 2. Nintendo não tinha orçamento pra fazer um jogo novo completo.

It was pretty good! Team skull is a very fun villain team and has a banger theme song as well as the gym presentation in this game being unique :)

Teve horas que eu só rushei tudo, a história é o padrão de todos os jogos de Pokémon, entediante o que acho inaceitavel em um RPG de turno

Overall good game, story is good and its my favourite by far when it comes to pvp, z-moves, mega evolving and the new pokemons are on point especially the regional forms

This replay has re-confirmed I still love this linear adventure through Not Hawaii quite a lot. This game's characters, art/colour direction, location design, and music owns. I don't have any major complaints with the gameplay too. Good encounter variety, no need to grind, boss fights are challenging enough on Set mode.

This is still comfortably one of my favourite mainlines behind BW/2 and RSE. I love Alola.

This game is so fucking good when you don't got a bitch in your ear whining about cutscenes

thinking back, it was a drag to finish

I still have nightmares about hunting for that shiny marowak. Was so worth though...

Gladion is also really cool too.

The first Pokemon game I played since Silver. I enjoyed it! The gym challenges were different, but a nice change of pace.

disagree with me all you want i just cannot enjoy these games. i come to this series for a multitude of things such as how creative you can get with team building and great replay value. this game lacks that. add onto it the sheer slowdown of it all makes me never wanting to revisit it outside of my original playthrough. i thought it was pretty good back then but now, i never wanna touch this again frankly.

L'ambiance de la région était vraiment cool malheureusement le jeu est trop simple et je trouve le concept d'ultra chimère nul mais l'ajout du fait qu'on soit vraiment le maître de la ligue et on affronte des prétendants au titre était excellent .

Viewing this game for a prolonged period of time burns my retinas just like looking at the real sun......Bearing this in mind, it achieves a striking level of realism! Knocked it out of the park once again, pokemon company! I cannot see anything

Decent pokemon game, sequel is just better

Oynamış olduğum en iyi pokemon oyunu

Un juego divertido de Pokémon perfecto para recordar la infancia a través de una historia nueva.

De todas as versões, considero a Sun, a melhor. Me passa mais carisma que as outras.

lo mejor de pokemon de las ultimas generaciones, las formas regionales

felt like baby's first pokemon game. Some cool things but more lame things.

Guzma be damned this story is dull and drags on for 20 hours and I want off this ride

Solid pokemon game all things considered. But it's unplayable at many points due to how much dialogue there is.

finished moon when it came out and moderately liked it
picked up sun again semi recently to revisit and and holy FUCK is it boring, i hate the alola region, z-moves are okay but just an overdone gimmick (at least it's not gigantamax)
at least guzma is in it and he's hot

the plot is actually good, you're sleeping on it