Reviews from

in the past

This game disappointed me so hard
The power scaling was stupid with the way the recruitment worked and the ending was honestly the worst part
It was trying and failing so hard at being tear-jerking
And after everything I was left wondering if perhaps it wasn't the game but my own mind that lost its whimsy

Los primeros como 10 capítulos pueden hacerse un poco pesados y lentos pero es que a partir de ahí sube el nivel muchísimo
Me parece de los mejores de la saga mundo misterioso, me encanta y le tengo mucho cariño

Me parece un juego muy bueno y que sigue la linea de los mundo misterioso originales. Pierde un poco la esencia por no usar pixel art pero aún así es bastante bueno, excepto por algunos momentos algo más aburridos

Era uno de los pocos juegos de pokemon que me faltan por jugar e iba con muchas ganas, pues exploradores del tiempo me encanta. Pero joder, menuda decepción.

Para empezar el juego es infantil, pero infantil como muchos otros juegos de pokemon, hechos para que críos los jueguen (y oye, 0 problema). Infantil mal donde te llevan de la manita todo el maldito rato, hasta casi la mitad del juego ni siquiera puedes elegir tu tus misiones, la historia es digna de uno de los peores capítulos de Doraemon... Pero bueno, me dijeron que de la mitad hacia adelante mejora, así que tiré. Lo he abandonado cuando me quedaban apenas dos bosses para acabar el juego, porque me ha dado en la hora 20 igual de poco que en la hora 2, excepto que al principio tenía esperanzas de que mejorara.

Si, a mitad hay un cambio que a nivel de "historia" es muy importante, pero en realidad es EXACTAMENTE igual que el principio pero en otro sitio. Bueno, ahora te pueden salir Carburantes, Proteínas, o ataques en cofres raros. Yuju. Lo único decente del juego de hecho es una pequeña cinemática en ese punto de inflexión.

Ah, las cinemáticas. Tu día consiste en levantarte, ver una microcinemática, (una vez avanzado el juego) elegir una misión de un territorio en el piso 2 de 4, vender las basuras que has conseguido por quizás 15 monedas (total el dinero sirve de poco), ir a la misión, hacerla (pongamos un pin a esto para más adelante), volver, y repetir. Entre cada una de estas cosas hay, como mínimo, una pequeña cinemática y cuándo no, la interfaz es MUY lenta. Lo mismo se queda en pantalla "¡En este piso está el regalito de Geodude, búscalo!" como 8 segundos en pantalla. Porque claro, los niños leen más lento y el juego está pensando para ellos, pero sin tomarlos como personas que también tienen su criterio y no hay que servirles mediocridad.

Volvemos un momento a las misiones. En todas esas h, apenas he superado el nivel 20, de forma que sigues siendo bastante débil incluso hasta el final del juego. Además, un pokemon random lo mismo te quita con cada ataque 1/3 de vida. Guau, que difícil, ¿Cómo solucionamos esto? Pues ponemos un montón de objetos para confundir, dormir, teleportar, petrificar, y demás mierdas por todo el mapa que no estaquean entre sí, de forma que si no quieren morir, simplemente entran en la mochila, le dan al palo de ganar, y ale, han ganado, porque estados como la confusión duran como 15 turnos. Y más te vale hacerlo, porque tampoco puedes preveer cuándo vas a recibir un ataque, puesto que, a veces, atacan a tu amigo, y tu te comes el daño y viceversa pues saltan al rescate del compañero. Lo malo es que es aleatorio y no es nada raro que el pokemon a un toque salte al rescate de otro con toda la vida, muera y gaste un revivir. Así que metete en la mochila, y saca el palo de ganar, viva el diseño. Bueno, o te puedes llevar al tercer compañero, estnaod tu al 11, tu amigo al 9 y ese al 55, porque total, ¿que importa el equilibrio? También hay una serie de gemas que te dan cosas aleatorias solo para esa run, pero quitando una o dos no aportan nada más que un gimmick vacío.

En cuánto a las misiones, en otros juegos del estilo son de recadero y de relleno, si, pero en este rozan lo patético. Pasar todo el día para subir una unidad de piso, recoger un regalito con su lacito, e irte. A veces el juego es un malote y te saca un piso sorpresa lleno de enemigos y bosses y... ah vale, que has sacado el palo de ganar porque no quieres perder todo el día y ver otras 80 minicinemáticas insulsas. Ok, has ganado.

¿Son al menos los personajes principales o secundarios del pueblo interesantes? No, ni un poquito. Son niño numero 1, numero 2 y numero 3, y luego adulto del 1 al 15, con nada que los diferencie entre sí. Tanto es así, que cada día vienen y van nuevos pokemon, to0tal, tienen la profundidad de un NPC de ciudad de un juego de la línea principal de pokemon. Si me los cambias todo el rato y no dicen anda interesante, me da igual lo que les pase.

La historia principal no la spoileo porque tampoco hay mucho que decir, empieza a verse algo cuando vas por el 75% del juego, siendo lo anterior relleno malísimo, y no está a la altura. Me la he visto por youtube y se diferencia poco del relleno tristemente.

En serio, menuda decepción. Si no fuese porque al principio es interesante hacer dungeons, le habría dado menos nota incluso.

Not as amazing as Explorers of Sky story-wise but definetly a very good PMD game.
Post Story content is friggin' hard tho since you can't evolve your starter yet and have to crawl the dungeons alone.

i was fucking sobbing for months when i was a child, screw you spike chunsoft.

Straight up had a moment where I remembered the ending of Explorers and thought "Wow that game had such a big impact on me", got half a dozen hours into this one before remembering "Oh yeah, I found this game really annoying" and never touched it again.

it's alright. on paper it has the best gameplay of the pmd games but suffers from poor sound and visual design. plot also is atrociously paced and predictable. music is decent

While not nearly as good as the Explorers or even the Rescue Team games I think Super is pretty underrated. Sure it has its flaws like removing the A-button attack and it really limits how often you can do side stuff.

Yet I found the story to be up there with those other games. It had some neat twists and honestly I didn’t mind the overly long tutorial section since there was a lot of plot stuff happening during that time. Gameplay is fun adding looplets and emeras adds some strategy each time you head into a dungeon. I really appreciated how easy it is to get new Pokémon on your team as well! I will say though dang this game can be challenging when it wants to, I genuinely had to reload my save multiple times cause I got knocked out and refused to lose all my items and money.

If you’re a Mystery Dungeon fan then this one is worth checking out!

Extremely underrated. Plays amazingly and gives you so many mechanics to juggle and fight the steep challenges it throws you. I don’t think the plot is quite on the level of Explorers, but it’s enjoyable and the world building is a love letter to the series as a whole. 9 years since the last truly new PMD story. That upsets me. Imo, this is how you do legacy content. Build your own story, but sprinkle references in as a bonus. They don’t inhibit it or take control of the plot ever. That’s why this is good.

Incredibly underrated. SMD goes hard in every aspect and makes a ton of bold choices. There were some gameplay design choices that I don't completely love, but besides that I cannot recommend it enough. Thoroughly enjoyed. I'll be thinking about those end credits for a long time.

I still mourn the loss of an A-button attack that means anything. Also, the plot and railroading was the opposite of fun.

this series has consumed me they should make a new one

Great vararity in dungeons, but the limited choices in partner and player pokemon leaves this one as pretty unreplayable

mystery dungeon games are better than the normal pokemon games

After not caring that much for Gates to Infinity, I was overall quite happy with how Super Mystery Dungeon turned out. I fully enjoyed it, and the ending hit hard as usual. I don't remember going back to play it very much though - nothing like I did for Explorers. Thinking back, I feel like this might have been the last released Pokémon game I was really happy with until Legends: Arceus.

The push mechanic being the most bothersome thing to ever be put into these games aside, gameplay wise this is the best PMD without a shadow of a doubt, but unfortunately the game is also littered with very clunky feeling movement and menuing that were never an issue in Rescue Team and Explorers.
The story itself is ok but unfortunately it lacks the memorable and very human characters Explorers had, this said, I think it is still worth a playthrough for the gameplay and just to see the cool shonen shit they cooked up in the cutscenes.

Interesting story for mystery dungeon and I liked having chikorita as my pal :)

Definitivamente un juego muy divisivo para los fans de MD. Personalmente, aunque no es el mejor, es un segundo cercano, la historia está muy bien en comparación a la entrega anterior los personajes se hacen agradables y se les ve la personalidad.
Loa diferentes pueblos, las misiones y los métodos de reclutamiento expanden el mundo de una manera distinta e interesante.
Finalmente, aunque se tomaron decisiones raras en cuanto al gameplay y ciertas escenas del final, overall es un buen juego y un mejor inicio para aquellos que les interese probar estos juegos.

wow this game takes a while to start

Overall okay enough for me to actually finish it, but this is by far the weakest entry in the series.

In the beginning, you have to go through a tutorial that spans multiple hours until you actually get to play the game normally. Once through that, the story is promising at times, but always ends up with some kind of weird twist. On the rare occasion it does get exciting, it quickly rolls over to a different strand, you never really receive a satisfying answer to any of the questions brought up.

The gameplay is lacking as well, with no reason to re-visit dungeons (aside from orb missions where you'd usually only have to go a single time once you have ~3 to accept there). Aside from a few exceptions, no dungeon feels as unique or interesting as in other PMD titles, not to mention almost all of them are less than 10 stages long, often with at least one "pause" inbetween, meaning you can ignore hunger and move management 90% of the time, even in the late game. At the same time, enemies can either do no damage at all, or one-hit you, there is barely an inbetween.

Given I was able to recruit level 50+ partners when I was just about level 15, I had no reason to do more of those after finishing the main story either, there's no extra incentive to complete the orb missions. Finally, other than a small number of additional dungeons, there is absolutely no post-game content.

The music is nice and there were a handful of well played jokes that gave me good laughs.

Peak PMD in terms of gameplay. Explorers of Sky still blows this out of the water in terms of story though.

The start is super slow, but it really picks up. The plot can best be described as a coming of age story featuring Pokémon and some really, really weird shit going on in the final act. Anyway, the game looks good, and I enjoyed its take on the PMD job and recruitment system, for as different as it is. The characters are enjoyable and the partner is one of the best in the franchise, in my opinion. I even liked the ending twist, even if it wasn’t foreshadowed very well. All in all, if you haven’t played a PMD game before, this isn’t a bad place to start.

a great game which has been forgotten. made recruiting pokemon to your team a lot easier and more interactive

a fun experience! the characters were very charming and i liked the setting. i have nothing to back this up but i feel like they made the movement easier since gti which i was very thankful for! ♡