Reviews from

in the past

I think you can buy and play this game. For science. You monster.

A step up from an already perfect game. The Cave Johnson sections alone are worth the price of admission.

I could replay this game over and over again for the rest of eternity

Started playing it a while ago but gave up on it. Might finish it one day? Largely forgetful if I'm being honest but fun in the moment! I enjoyed the 3D puzzle solving and of course the portal gun is uh very cool and epic 10/10 :)

Some people aren't fans, but I love the more humourous tone of Portal 2. I think it really lets characters like GLaDOS and Wheatley shine, and it makes things like the trip through Aperture's and its crazier characters like Cave Johnson land. The gels and other new puzzle elements help to keep things fresh too! I might just be nostalgia blind but I can't think anything bad about Portal 2, it's just such a good game. One of the first I ever played on PC.

still remember how smol 11-year-old me beat this game on an old laptop at 1:00 A.M. and thought this was the best game in the world

This is how video games should be like.

british sphere called me fatherless :(

so the only thing that was really lacking in the first portal game was like a real sense of a grandiose story with like high stakes at play and stuff like that

so they cranked the lore and story to a 11 in this game holy shit valve this game is awesome

one of the best coop games ever, not rated higher cause i was to young and stupid to beat it

Люблю Портал.

P.s. Пройдена на 100%

Just wow. This game is... Wow. One of the best games I've ever played.

one of my first games I've ever completed

Peak Valve. A bit hard, funny robot lady calling you fat... All that a Portal game needs. Would love to play again without the knowledge of the game. Challenge Mode is also pretty fun if you like to speedrun. Also played coop with a friend, very fun, a lot of achievements. 5/5 Would recommend!

ну норм проходил в детстве в коопе с девочкой

Amazing puzzle game, full of humor and well made puzzles.

absoluta gema videojueguil, epico fantastico RE divertido

Probablement l'un des meilleurs jeux de puzzles de tous les temps

Beautiful game with a great story

Una secuela que moderniza muchas cosas pero que en mi opinión es menos efectiva que el primero, tanto en la historia como en la interactividad. Aun así es un muy buen juego.

the turrets are so cute 😭

"Mob é seu parceiro na ciência"