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in the past

Não tenho palavras pra descrever a minha experiencia com Quake.

Eu fico tão imerso no universo gótico de fantasia dele e no level design excelente que eu me sinto um com o jogo.

Mas uma coisa que eu preciso ressaltar, A TRILHA SONORA É MUITO FODA.
Nine Inch Nails não erra e a trilha sonora é super imersiva, ela é um slowburn mas quando os riffs começam a tocar o ambiente fica perfeito. Tenso e desconfortavel, mas não o bastante pra te incomodar e sim pra te dar a adrenalina que você precisa pra coletar as runas e salvar a terra. E isso tudo sem falar do tema principal que é icônico.

Realmente não sei mais o que dizer, facilmente um dos melhores jogos que eu já joguei.

My favorite id Software game.
Quake 1 embodies everything that I love about 90s boomer shooters.

It's fast, punishing and bizarre. Quake 1 is weird and all over the place, but in the best way possible. That's what makes it unique.

I imagine the development went kinda like this:
-'Do you guys want Quake to be a sci-fi, horror or medieval shooter?'
-id team: 'yes.'

In this game you're gonna fight soldiers, dogs, scorpions, zombies, flying snakes, knights, zombie knights, chainsaw wielding ogres, giant monsters and all kinds of random ass creatures.

You're also gonna be exploring gothic castles, crypts, spaceships and military bases.

Your only friends are your weapons, which are all awesome, and sound impactful. Not to mention, this is the first game to introduce the quad damage power-up.

This weird but unique mixture of action, sci-fi and horror is what I am missing from all the other Quake games. Perhaps Quake 3 was the only one that was somewhat similar in style.

It's also important to mention that Quake 1 has to awesome expansion packs, Dissolution of Eternity and Scourge of Armagon, which I think is even better than the base game.

Doom was a phenomenal debut for an early first-person shooter, and laid the groundwork for the future of the genre. Then id Software decided they weren't done blowing our minds and created something more kinetic and technical, but with the same DNA as their 1993 classic. Enter Quake. Now, finally we have free aiming using the mouse, and a fully three-dimensional space where the player and enemies can maneuver in new ways. This was the natural way forward, and with a new setting inspired by the works of H.P. Lovecraft, another standout classic was born.

Finished on Nightmare as well as on Normal. In retrospect it feels like the next obvious step after DOOM, but the truth is not often that clear. Too many game companies aren't able to make a good follow up for anything. ID is of course of another breed, just glad that it feels good years later and the new source port is great way to experience this right now.

GREAT game that's held back by the fact that it is not doom, which is wild given that it's actually 3d. it just doesn't have the chops. its incredibly fun to move around and jump and run like crazy and shoot everyone but the level design is just too regular. love the combat though, seems fun in multiplayer. also the version i downloaded doesnt save idk when i'll actually beat this probably never so i'm logging right away.

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I never though that this would be a problem for me one day, but my god there is so much content on this game that I became really tired on the second episode of Dissolution Of Eternity. When I completed everything, I was with 29 hours played, and although there was some games that I've played way more (Persona 5, DB Xenoverse 2, Payday 2, Half-Life, Sonic Frotniers, etc.), most of them I've played with pauses, wasn't feeling that I was playing the same thing when it was supposed to be something new (I will talk about that later) or was just playing with friends.

But besides that, it's a great game even for today's standards (not that is hard to accomplish this). The main campaign was very fun, and the new weapons and enemies on Scourge Of Armagon and Dissolution Of Eternity made them be very unique

For a first attempt on an real 3D FPS (as far as I know), it was really well done. Although it made me tired, I cannot say that I enjoyed my time with that game a lot

Now about Dimension Of The Past and Dimension Of The Machine, I gotta be honest, I was hoping it would be better. I mean, neither of them have new enemies or weapons (those campaigns doesn't even use the ones from SOF or DOE, just the ones in the base game)

Not only that, but in case of DOTP, it felt more like an fifth episode for the main campaign, and not an well made one on top of that. Different from the other campaigns it have almost no ammo and the maps felt too much similar as the first one.

In fact the final boss's map is almost the same as the final boss from the first campaign, and the boss itself is just two Shamblers, and the map have almost no ammo (oh, and you need to fight a lot of Shalraths, Scrags, Death Knights and even Shamblers to get to those final two, so chances are that you will reach them without any ammo. It's still possible to win if that happens, but it's almost unfair).

I wouldn't mind that much if it was an mod, but that isn't the case, and just a reminder, I was on Normal difficulty. I can't even imagine how it is to complete on Hard or Nightmare

Now for DOTM, it also doesn't have any new weapeos or enemies nor the ones from SOA or DOE, but it didn't had the bullshit that DOTP had, so I felt it was way more fair. Also the ambience was amazing. A lot of the time I wan't even felling I was playing quake (In fact, there was an space map that reminded a lot of Xen from Half-Life)

I still think it could had more improvements, especially on the final boss that is basically the boss from Q1E1 (Chthon), but at the end although I was very tired, I did had fun with it

I can still recommend this game, but please don't try to beat all the campaigns on one single run. After you complete one, make an pause, play some other games and then after some time come back and play the next one. I decided to play everything at once and it was a big mistake of mine

A landmark title in the FPS genre. The story is weak, the aesthetics are bland, but the gameplay is genre defining and set up the late 90s arena shooter boom for success.

When taken on its own merits, Quake is a game with amazing gameplay and some truly shitty level design, combined with a harsh dark ambient soundtrack (courtesy of Nine Inch Nails) that amounts to an atmosphere of hostility that has never been replicated in any other game.

If you know anything about the development of the game, you should know that practically every member of id Software at the time were at odds with one another. Suffice to say, the mood of the game reflects that. I enjoy how exploring much the process of creating art is reflected in the art itself; Quake is the perfect example. (Celeste is another!)

This is the first fully 3D FPS game and one of the three giants from the golden age of id Software. So, does it hold up 30 years later? Well, no, not really. These days there are numerous better games to play that tell a grander story, have a more intricately designed gameplay and look better. However, there is something about quake, perhaps it's primitive nature or the low poly look, that still makes it entertaining to play. Like a trek through a bygone era. If you ever want to experience what was once the peak of PC gaming and a turning point for the FPS genre, play Quake.
There isn't much of a story in Quake, in fact the only part that can be called a “story” is the few lines of text at the end of each chapter. That is to be expected of that era. Fitting an engaging story into an already graphically complex game would have been too much for computers of that time.
The gameplay holds up enough to still be engaging. Weapons are all the usual ones you will find in these kinds of games. I do have criticism for the guns – some of them become immediately redundant when you pick up their “super” variant. The enemies are a much better part, with plenty of variety in design and the ways they attack the player. Unfortunately facing off against hordes of monsters was simply too taxing for the time so for the most part you will be facing off against a maximum of 7 enemies at once. Also, just so we're clear, I hate the spawn. They are the worst, most annoying enemy in the game. Even the few times you meet them are too many. Level design is okay, though.
Graphics and artstyle
Simple low-poly graphics are what this game is all about.
No matter where you go everything is unnatural, misshaped, dreamlike or rather – nightmare-like. And whatever you are going to see there is perhaps best left unseen.
The soundtrack is dark ambiance by Nine-Inch Nails, and it fits perfectly with Quake.
Final Thoughts
It is surprising how such an old game, that is technically not even horror, manages to capture the essence of Lovecraft better than most modern titles.

the feel of this game has aged so gracefully that i can forgive some of the annoying enemies and the fact that half the weapons are just another weapon but again

still confused about that final boss though lmao

Childhood - "This is a fun game!"
Adolescence - "This game is mid compared to Half-Life"
Adulthood - Realizing that this game is its own thing and appreciating the simplicity and the beauty of it

Classic for a reason, fun level design and interesting monsters make this a good one even to this day. Pretty basic arsenal of weaponry but they all serve a purpose well.

Tengo mil cosas que decir de este, y todas son buenas.
Es uno de los mejores shooters que jugue en mi vida
Bastante rapido y frenetico,

El ambiente gotico y el horror tech es una de las mejores tematicas que vi en mucho tiempo.

its an awesome fast paced classic fps game with a cool art style that they unfortunately stopped using after quake II

I can feel my brain rewiring as I retread these halls and hear these dirty noises in my ears

incredible game with some wack difficulty tuning that is more than made up for by the weird mish-mash aesthetics, great gunplay, and some really fun and unique enemies. i haven't played doom yet which apparently outstrips quake in a few of these categories but i dont think that'd knock my rating down lower. glad i played it with NIN soundtrack so every five seconds i could get so scared

absolutely revolutionary. i recently read through john romero’s autobiography and had a real hankering for some retro shooters! had some really cool insights in the development and tech that went into id games.

the speed and fluidity of this game is nigh unmatched for 1996. ive always loved classic doom but i feel like quake is that next step with full 3D environments and enemies that i’ve desperately been missing. not to mention the gothic and medieval designs lead to some really creative and fun levels and enemies. super happy i finally got around to playing such a classic!!

Quake, the iconic first-person shooter that laid the foundation for the genre, stands as a testament to the timeless appeal of fast-paced, adrenaline-pumping action. Its influence on subsequent games, including the beloved Team Fortress 2, is undeniable, showcasing the impact it has had on shaping the gaming landscape. However, the unexpected twist in the narrative comes with the "New World Order" update in CS:GO, which raises eyebrows due to the unusual choice of a soundtrack featuring Tom MacDonald songs.

Quake's contribution to gaming history goes beyond its soundtrack, as it pioneered the multiplayer experience and set a standard for the FPS genre. The fast movement, intense combat, and innovative level design continue to captivate players, making it a classic that transcends time. Nevertheless, the juxtaposition of Quake's legacy with the unconventional choice of Tom MacDonald's music in CS:GO's update might leave some fans scratching their heads, questioning the thematic coherence.

Despite the soundtrack surprise, Quake's impact on the gaming industry remains immeasurable. Its gameplay mechanics and competitive spirit laid the groundwork for countless shooters that followed. The unexpected musical choice in CS:GO doesn't diminish the greatness of Quake, but it adds an eccentric footnote to its influence. Score: 9/10.

Great game, just one that never clicked with me the same way Doom or Wolfenstein did

One of the best first person shooters ever made.

It's influences (and engine) are still felt to this day.

Amazing atmosphere, incredibly fun and intimidating enemy designs, wonderful levels, and great expansions!

I really don't think people talk about how amazing the enemy design in Quake especially is.
A room with 20 monsters in Doom can feel like a cake walk, a room with 5 monsters in Quake is incredibly tough.

I Really adore this game, it's so incredibly fun.

Still the best level design of any FPS to this day; unmatched!

Despite Quake’s age, it honestly holds up really well, especially now that it has an enhanced edition. The level design is excellent, and its gameplay is a blast, both literally and figuratively. I never got to play Quake back when it originally released, so I don’t have the nostalgia tied to a lot of players of the game but as a new player I can definitely say that I had a ton of fun with the game.

Every FPS should have Quake's movement physics

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Holy shit this game is faia (tf i am saying)

The soundtrack, gothic setting, and unique enemy types pool together for a one-of-a-kind shooter that still makes you feel unease to this day.

Just as good as I remember. The HD update makes it look really sharp. Runs super smooth compared to my childhood. Controls are still solid. I liked the ending. A bit of a gauntlet and since the game is over 25 years old, I already knew how to beat Shub-Niggurath.

Difficulty Played: Hard