Reviews from

in the past

A really fun sandbox with a destruction physics system that's pretty impressive even in 2017. Simply going around and demolishing buildings with a sledgehammer for no reason whatever is a blast. The actual missions are good too ,though. Some of the weapons and gadgets you acquire by the end are very creative and fun to use. For example: the pulse rifle (which makes a return from the original Red Faction) which allows you to see and shoot through walls, a gun that can literally disintegrate matter, and even a jetpack.

It's not a flawless game. I have some issues with it. For example, it allows you to carry only four weapons at any one time. Ideally, I would've liked to have all my arsenal available at all times for a game like this. Or it could've allowed you to purchase additional slots at least. Instead you have to look for these ammo crates which are scattered around the map. They allow you to switch weapons and refill some of your ammo of which you can't carry all that much.

Also, checkpoints are rather sparse. More often than not if you fail a mission you have to start all the way from the beginning of it. Some of the missions include lengthy shootouts or driving sections and it can be frustrating to have to redo the entire thing. It is an older game but is not old enough for it to be an excuse.

To be fair, I played on hard so these last issue may not be so pronounced on lower difficulties. In fact, I found it a bit more difficult than I would've liked, but I didn't want to change the difficulty midway through the campaign. Not impossible or anything, but I died quite a lot in the second half. It's the kind of game in which I just want to feel like a badass and blow shit up and not worry too much about dying. If I ever replay it I'll play on medium.

The driving is fine. Nothing special about it but it works well enough. The variety of vehicles is not too great, but they feel distinct from one another. The damage system on them is not very impressive considering what you can do to buildings. Every now and again you can get your hands on a mech (or walker or whatever) and those a lots of fun. Unfortunately, you only seem to be able to get them during specific missions.

Graphically, it looks good considering its age. With everything maxed out in 1080p it is still pleasing to the eye. The performance was locked at 60fps 90% of the time but, unfortunately, I got some drops during more intensive scenes. Particularly when you are standing next to a huge collapsing building with lots of particle effects around you. When you walk right through a building with a mech, for instance, it will slow down noticeably. I'm talking low 50's to mid 40's at the worst and only rarely. I have a 1060 6GB and i5-6500 and both of them were running at around 35-40% capacity. It's definitely not my hardware. The game doesn't seem to be able to take advantage of the extra power you throw at it during these more intense moments.

Overall, like a said, it's a very good game and I had loads of fun with it. Highly recommended if you like wreaking havoc in open world games. I'm surprised that they haven't made a newer game recently or that anyone hasn't picked up the idea of a huge open world game with destructible environments.

Blowing up buildings scratched an itch in my 12 year old brain that literally no other game could match.

Replayed it recently and it still holds up. The open world is very vacant, but it is not terrible. Story is also alright.

Pulled me back into my default caveman setting. Destroy buildings into shrapnel with bombs, driving trucks through them or brute force - buildings go BLAMMM. Story mode is too serious for such a dilly-dally playground of tear-apart-and-think-later mindless crapstorm catnip. Guiltiest pleasure.

i love destroying the environment

This was pretty basic third-person shooter with overly sensitive dudebro main character that was must for every game at the time, but enviromental destruction and nice scifi aesthetics raised it above other similiar titles. Sledgehammer gameplay was just plain fun. Main story took itself a bit too seriously, but Demon's of the Badlands DLC story was much better.

not sure I did anything other than fuckin batter the environment with c4 and my hammer, very fun and there probably is a plot line here somewhere but I had more fun blowing things up

o clássico jogo de domingo ensolarado. pegue uma cerveja, deixe sua pança de fora e destrua prédios inteiros com explosivos enquanto 85 soldados da IDF tentam te matar sem sucesso porque eles são burros. opa. eu errei a sigla. não tô a fim de corrigir

The physics are crazy good. The rest is like eeeeeeh. Almost finished it but u know, absurd difficulty spikes

Hit a building with a sledgehammer. On Mars.

I finished this game multiple times and couldn't tell you a single thing that happened in the plot, but knocking down buildings was fun enough to carry the whole game.

Red faction guerrilla is a passable game. I went into it not expecting much as I don't hear people talk about this game at all nowadays. The story leaves much to be desired as you are just thrown right into the centre of everything just after the first mission. The combat is lack lustre and has, dare I say, sub mass effect 1 levels of gun play. The main missions themselves consist of kill all members of the edf within a certain area, destroy edf landmarks, defend the base from the edf, rescue colonists, mobile turret sections, and at the end of the game; drone strikes. While nearly everything in the game is sub-par at best, where it really excels is the destruction physics. You can clearly tell that the developers put all of their time and effort in to making sure buildings are fun to destroy as you blow up and hammer away at the structures weak points.
While this game has little to offer in terms of narrative and mission variety, its a neat game for when you just want to make a mess of things.
tldr; gameplay and story mid, destruction make brain go brr

Можно долго описывать достоинства мультиплеера этой игры, но все они сводятся на "нет" одним-единственным недостатком. Угадайте каким...

This game is held up by its really strong sandbox and environmental destruction. Don't remember anything about the story or missions.

I enjoyed this one a lot. Very fun main missions and its always fun to tackle the side content with different strategies or in the dumbest ways possible. Usually I hate open world games, they feel like work and are always trying to waste your time- this one instead is pretty short and to the point, unless you are a completionist.

Also I liked the difficulty on hard mode, its not too hard so you have plenty of freedom to get creative, but you still need to be a bit careful... for example I hilariously died right before the ending after defeating the boss and all enemies because some debris fell on the character. I would have loved to see the evolution of these mechanics, a game like this with more variety and better storyline would be legendary, but sadly it wasn't a very successful game.

I'm going to be honest with you, this game was pretty average, painfully average on top of it. Whilst the destructible environments were definitely a bonus, the gameplay felt repetitive and lackluster as time went on. Every mission bled into each other and it really felt like the story took a backseat. I can even tell you now, I don't remember a single character other than the main character Alec Mason and the only other game to have that boring of a story was (unpopular opinion incoming) Horizon Zero Dawn. They both had some of the same issues in terms of boring stories but great gameplay which became ok over time. Other than it was a fun sandbox, that is good to kill time in.

Destructible environments are solid and honestly revolutionary
There's a bit of Saints Row 3 in there and that also helped with the vibe

Forgettable characters and story
Repetitive missions and...well everything else.

I'll be honest I even tried the DLC and I just didn't care enough to finish it. If you're looking for time to kill honestly this isn't a bad game to just zone out and not really think about much. Sometimes you're just looking for a game like that, that average one where you can have fun and won't be a masterpiece, a fun tech demoish sort of game even. It's for that reason I will give this a thumbs up, otherwise it's ok; there's better out there but for just wanting to play a something to play something it's not bad.

From Steam Reviews:

Yeah it's terrorism...but you's fun

Blowing buildings up has never been more fun. I also threw a bunch of remote charges on civilian's heads. Good times.

My favourite tech-demo gone game. Bummed that we never got a game like this ever again. A hallmark of experimental early 360 titles.

Incredible feat for video game destruction, and it honestly does make up for the rest of the game. Otherwise it is a pretty standard third person action shooter.

Videogame of the day! Just beat RED FACTION GUERILLA. Old game, great game.

was super into this game as a kid, very fun to just destroy everything. i think it holds up pretty well.

7/10, not great for story but a lot of fun with destruction

i like the desturction in the game. didn't care for the story. don't care for the story in any game

Got stuck in a really fun trance yesterday where I played this for 5 hours almost straight and now I've come back today and I don't want to play it at all :)

The destruction makes this a really fun sandbox that feels genuinely exciting when it's opening up but once it's open and you know exactly what the rest of the game consists of it's hard not to notice that everything besides the destruction stuff is kind of subpar? Story and world especially are absolutely grim and I think that's why most people (including myself it's looking like) give up with the game before finishing it, with the world being a series of empty feeling flat plains that I don't feel any push to discover and the story having such a default, characterless, syfy-ish tone.

Blowing things up and then experiencing the consequences of that is fun though! and most encounters do feel dynamic, i just wish there was anything outside of that

my first experience of getting addicted to a game

I thought people overall disliked this game. Glad to see I was wrong :)