Reviews from

in the past

The game has great artstyle, but the gameplay is so slow and boring that I was begging for something to happen 40 minutes into the game. I was really looking forward to playing this game but I was let down :-(

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This is the goofiest horror game i think i played. Graphics are hitting that 90s look. The horror aspect is really bad, except if you are really afraid of cartoony looking worms, clowns or human body parts. Game does get really boring after the novelty wears out. What kept me going is just morbid curiosity, and boy oh, boy was i surprised by the ending. While we are talking about endings, there are two. Both are equally goofy. Do i recommend playing this? If you have a few hours to spare. It took me about 2 hours, so sit down, get some spicy food and get playing!

"as pessoas não temem o cu, elas temem o que está escondido nele" - albert einstein provavelmente

Cool and funny, but should've been shorter.

Honestly kinda disgusting but cool game

This game is weird, just weird. It is designed and made to make players go "ew" but it is honestly not that bad. It is just a weird body horror game that takes some interesting twist. Worth playing once but I can't see much replay value coming out of it. It is a short game clocking in at around 2 1/2 to 3 hours of runtime.

The game really meant when it said that I am the Michael Jordan in the world of gastroenterology

eu nem sei oque dizer desse jogo..........é um jogo de terror de ser mediCU............ é legal vai

acho que assistir o felps jogando esse enquanto eu almoçava não foi uma ideia muito boa

um ah yeah idk what is this and why did i play it