Reviews from

in the past

Ugh, Rock Revolution is a huge disappointment. The whole idea of making your own rock band sounds awesome, but the game is a mess. Learning songs is way harder than Guitar Hero or Rock Band, the career mode is boring, and the covers of famous songs are just awful. Even the studio for making your own music is super clunky and hard to use. Unless you're desperate for a new rhythm game, steer clear of this one.

Ass juice. It was always so hard to see the notes because they were so tiny, and the game itself had none of Guitar Hero's charm.

Though lowkey, I wish it was as easy to rack up points in Guitar Hero as it is here. Getting 2 million points a song? Hell yeah.

abysmal gameplay, but one of the best song selections in any guitar game soundtrack, but also every song is a cover because fuck you. only konami could fuck something up this bad.

Probably the worst rhythm game I've ever played. The interface/UI was horrible and while the setlist itself was good, the fact that almost all the songs were horrible covers that make the original Guitar Hero covers look like masterpieces shows why you'd always see this at the store in the $5 bin.

Some interesting ideas for the 5 fret games, like the career’s unique missions and a more merciful but more difficult to increase score multiplier, but the UI isn’t as readable as Guitar Hero or Rock Band, the covers are very hit or miss, and the charting is abysmal.

At least it isn’t Powergig.

yeah that definitely wasn't it fam. while the setlist had a few decent songs thrown in there, the beatmaps for this game were just mostly so repetitive and boring you could fall asleep to them. The game also doesn't have any level of charm to it, as the characters and setpieces are the most generic people and places you could put in a rock and roll video game. Add in a rhythm game engine that just also feels lacking and you get probably the weakest guitar rhythm game on 7th gen consoles. Strange to see that konami, a company that is world-renowned for making great rhythm games, couldn't make a captivating version of guitar hero, even with the experience of making things like guitarfreaks. wack.

Konami's idea to siphon the then still big rock game bubble is to get Zoe Mode, the developer of some SingStar games, to make Rock Band, but worse in almost every category. All but two of the songs are decent to horrible covers, all made by a hideously rushed Steve Ouimette, in a time where master tracks were the norm. The flat interface, standard for GuitarFreaks but definitely not standard for the market it was going for, is just unimpressive and hard to read at times. Worst of all, the charting is hit or miss on guitar and absolutely dreadful on drums. That last part is weird, as the only Rock Revolution peripheral is a drumset; the game requires you to use a Guitar Hero or Rock Band guitar to play guitar or bass. It's hard to not compare this game to Guitar Hero and Rock Band when the game requires one of their peripherals, and it's just as hard to find anything this game has to offer that Guitar Hero and Rock Band didn't do better. It has an additional timing window besides hit and miss, I guess?

A rather big disappointment is that this game could have had something to only itself that no other game could officially have: Bemani songs with Guitar Hero-like charts. While we did get the former in a Bemani Pack, the charts for them were worse than anything else in the game, with intricate solos being charted as simple tremolo sections. It made sense in GuitarFreaks because that game didn't have hammer-ons and pull-offs, but this game does and has no excuse not to use them. (Note: I've only played the two free songs, but I've seen videos of the paid pack and they're about the same in quality.) Probably wouldn't have saved this game nonetheless, but it would have been something cool. I paid about $3 for this, and I got maybe a day or two's worth of semi-enjoyment out of it. Don't even bother.

its an interesting challenge for anyone who is good at guitar hero/rock band games