Reviews from

in the past

the music - my god, the art - very nice, and hey, the gameplay is so stupidly broken and unbalanced, it ends up being fun

¡Excelente beat-them-up! Logra hacer bien muchas cosas a la vez:

- Respeta el tono y diseño del cómic.
- Resumir de manera entretenida la historia.
- Es divertido en su sistema de combate y movimiento en el espacio.
- Da guiños y referencias a la película y a otros videojuegos como Zelda, Mario o incluso Las Tortugas Ninjas.
- Su arte pixel es una maravilla.
- El toque especial es un mega soundtrack compuesto por Anamanaguchi. Que aunque decidan no jugar el videojuego, sí les recomiendo escuchar el álbum y disfrutarlo mientras trabajan o hacen ejercicio.

Scott Pilgrim vs the world es un gran videojuego y uno de los mejores de su género.

Short game but super fun and a great representation of the Scott Pilgrim IP.

Feels like shit gameplay wise but everything else is super charming

pretty harrowing that michael cera has to deal with this every time he leaves the house

Oh man, I really didn't have fun playing this. Do I need to give it more time? Do I need to play it with a friend? Based on positive reviews I must be missing something right? I'm a massive Scott Pilgrim fan, this can't be right

is this insanely hard or am i just bad.

a lot of these characters are not very nice in the books

Esse jogo seria muito melhor se ele não inventasse de querer ser um beat up com sistema de RPG, sério, ficar farmando só pra conseguir terminar as últimas fases é insuportável

I felt scammed after hearing people gas this thing up for a decade only to play it and find out that it’s a very poorly put together river city rampage rip-off.

It's cute but wayyy too hard for me, in an annoying way

Am I crazy or is this game too hard?

I tried to play it multiple times, with both of my sisters and even once with my cousin who actually plays videogames, but every single time we just got our asses kicked.

Idk if I had the set the difficulty too high or what, but there would always be too many enemies on screen and they would take a LOT of hits before they actually were knocked out.

I legit have not gotten past the first level lol. I wanna give this game another shot, but I don't really like playing beat 'em ups alone.

Lembro de ter achado os controles ruins dá primeira vez que joguei, mas dando mais uma chance, vejo que esse jogo é muito bom

Muita alma pelos visuais e música, os controles são meio subpar sim mas nada muito sério
Sim, o jogo é da Ubisoft, portanto sim, ele tem bugs, alguns que atrapalham o avanço kkkkkkkkkkk

Claro, jogue ele em boa companhia. Hihi.

A very flawed beat em up that despite all its issues oozes charm. Scott pilgrim got the game it deserved and I love it.

It's certainly fun with friends!! even with the nasty netcode...

Un juego corto pero bueno, principalmente para los que ya conocen la historia. Es muy básico de peleas en un nivel lineal, pero es divertido a su manera.

I love the Scott Pilgrim movie, anime and want to eventually read the original source material, but I just couldn’t get myself through this game. It didn’t click for me like the others did, and gameplay just feels like trash to me.

NGL this game was more interesting when it was impossible to own. Now that I've played it, it's just a super standard Beat Em Up

Authentically retro and authentically difficult! Both Scott Pilgrim fans will find the (like 4th now) new iteration on the story refreshing, and beat-em-ups fans should enjoy this title's gameplay. However, players should be prepared to put in some elbow grease to level up their chosen character to meet the often harsh difficulty spikes SPVTWTGCE can dish out.

The best beat-em-up I've ever played and the books are amazing Knives Best Girl

is it me or is it very slow? it's probably me

Nice beat 'em up game, similar to Streets of Rage and the like. Is probably more fun if you have read the comics. Controls are a bit weird sometimes. Played it back in the day on the PS3 and 10 years later I still suck on it.

My favourite beat-em-up. I don't care what other people say to me, I've played Streets of Rage IV and it was good but like.. This is fucking Scott Pilgrim we're talkin' about! He has an array of excellent-masterclass comic books, a damn good movie, a super good anime and this jam of a video game. So close your mouth and don't mention the words "Ubisoft" and "Connect". Cause those words form "Ubisoft Connect". The app that is actively attempting to ask me for a blowjob.

one of the best beat em ups except for a consistent crash against todd. dunno what was up with that

I beat this in 2023 after years of owning with a level up glitch and it was damn fun. I was not about to grind and nobody wanted to play it with me.