Reviews from

in the past

Tried to enjoy it, but there was one small issue. It randomly crashed lmao

Will probably play sometime again, probably not on Switch either. I've read on the Wiki that this is apparently common on the Nintendo-emulated versions, but I didn't touch 3DS VC Shantae at all. Not risking it lmao

Is hard to get into, but is so pretty, iconic and fun. I enjoy every aspect of it, even how tedious it is, it feels like a proper adventure

I finally played this game. The only other one I've played is 1/2 Genie Hero.

It's probably the best-looking game on the GBC. The graphics are pretty impressive for the system. The music is good and the characters have a lot of charm. A great start for Shantae.

The dungeons are easily the best part of the game. Figuring out the puzzles and unlocking the next area (while getting collectibles) until you reach the boss.
While the world exploration is fine. There are a lot of instant death traps that backtrack you (without loosing anything you've collected). The main issue I had (besides all the instant death traps) is that you spawn with only 3 hearts even if you've collected them all.

Seeing as I had a good time playing this and loved 1/2 Genie Hero I now have more motivation to play the rest of the series.

a fine start to this half genies series, but suffers from blindjumps, and overall a lack of fun : /

Very conflicted about this one. The graphics, music and the charm of the characters carry this game hard, but it's one of those cases where the game could've been better on a more powerful system even if it's pretty impressive for the GBC.

Pretty obvious statement but I'm pretty sure that the most important thing in a metroidvania type game is the exploration, but exploring any of the areas in this game is so damn painful. The enemy placement is godawful and there's a lot of instant kill traps that only serve to slow down the experience since you'll always go back to the start of whatever area you're at. Been a while since I hated backtracking in a game as much as this one.

Wanna know how it gets worse? No map system. Not a huuge problem since there are plenty of maps available online but it's still such an inconvinience for this genre, specially when put next to the portable Castlevania games on the GBA.

The combat also leaves a bit more to be desired. The attacks are nicely animated but honestly feel kinda unsatisfying to use since almost every enemy take way too many hits to kill and the hit detection is kinda wonky.

I can kinda see why this has such a cult following but all those issues made it a pretty annoying experience for the most part. Only play it if you really wanna get deep into this series, otherwise I would recommend to just skipping to Risky's Revenge.

(The dances and overall spritework are still really cute)

I have many conflicting feelings about this game that are mostly negative and I keep thinking whether this game should be 2 stars or 2 and a half stars. For the first game in this series it just isn't that good and suffers from one too many instakill pits and spikes. The fact it released on the GBC does not help it's case as I believe that a platformer rarely works on a device with such a small screen. However some positives I can say about this game is that I like the sprite art, the day night cycle was decent feature and the transformations that you unlock were pretty fun.

Edit: after thinking a while about this and playing the later games this is a 1.5

Did you know if you like this game you should leave your house and learn how to talk to women

Nobodies favorite Shantae game. Barely passable as a video game. More bottomless holes than you can shake your hair at. At best it's gameboy style eye-candy. Shantae is underaged.

Easily one of the best GBC games I've played. You could tell me this were released today as a retro throwback and I wouldn't bat an eye.

It has some great ideas! Making you constantly walk back and forth isn't one of them.

Eu gostei bastante do que joguei, claro que há algumas falhas, mas é um jogo legal até. Espero que os jogos seguintes sejam melhores.

It's dated, but they were definetly cooking. What's more of note is I was positive I owned a physical copy of this and accidentally tossed it in the trash when I was cleaning my room as a kid. If I knew what it would cost on ebay I would not have done that

This review contains spoilers

An enjoyable and charming adventure that is hampered by way too many instant deaths coming from off screen and a transformation system that should feel snappier than it does.

A fantastic-looking swan song adventure for the Game Boy Color. Some enemies are a real pain to deal with and time not freezing while your dancing or transforming becomes incredibly frustrating incredibly fast. On the whole however, I can absolutely see why this became such a cult hit. I became a fan through the sequels though so I may still wind up sticking with those.

This game is a commitment man like you already have to sell one of your kidneys just to get a loose cart of this game but then you gotta buy a GBA which is like $80 itself which is roughly the equivalent of one pancreas. No you aren’t getting by with your game boy color that’s shoved between your couch cushion because then you don’t get the Super Secret transformation that lord only knows how you even get that in the first place

And THEN you have to mod your GBA because otherwise you’re only playing that thing when god himself decides to shine a beam of sunlight on your screen so you can actually see it. And have you actually modded a GBA before? You will fuck it up the first time. After going through like 5 systems (equivalent to roughly 1 spleen) you’ll say “screw it I’ll just buy one” but THEN that’s like $300 on top of the $500 you just spent already. Hope you weren’t using that liver

So yeah unless you weren’t planning on living past 50 I’d just emulate this game or something because it’s just Pretty Good all things considered. I’m already operating on like 67% of my required organs I don’t think I’m gonna see my son graduate college

And DEFINITELY don’t blow it all on one of those stupid “WATA graded” copies that’s in a plastic case that’s impossible to open and you’ll end up just leaving on a shelf to collect dust anyway. Because that’ll require BOTH your kidneys.

It also makes you a sucker.

And I don’t talk to suckers.

This game is overall, as a whole experience, not that great. The exploration is not satisfying, the lack of a map is frustrating, and finding the talismans to upgrade the transformations happens way too late. However, I will say that the dungeons were each pretty fun in their own rights. I hope I see more of this while I play through the franchise

Um dos jogos graficamente e esteticamente mais bonitos que já vi no Game Boy Color, a protagonista é muito expressiva e consegue fazer vários movimentos, é um bom jogo de plataforma, porém com certos problemas e bugs que podem atrapalhar um pouco a gameplay

Definitely one of the most impressive games on the game boy colour, but it falls short in its progression and clunky movement at times. it hasn't aged terribly well but its still fun to play, and looks amazing for the system it was on.

Was enjoying it (despite all the flaws and jank that come with being a first game in a series and being way too ambitious for GBC) until i got hardlocked out of finishing the game in the fourth dungeon. Fun.

Já conhecia a existência Shantae, mas nunca tinha jogado nenhum de seus jogos, então decidi pegar o primeiro pra ver qualé que é e fui surpreendido.
O mais óbvio de se falar é que o jogo é muito bonito, o estilo de arte é muito bem feito, os personagens muito bem animados e expressivos (na medida do possível).
A história é simples, mas funciona, os personagens tem personalidade interessante, carismáticos de certo modo.
A gameplay funciona bem, mas tenho um problema especial com o level design, é muito foço da morte em lugar que é uma desgraça, é muito comum pular pra chegar e mais rápido e subitamente quando chaga lá embaixo, surpresa! Buraco que você nem viu. Ou entrar correndo numa porta e no fade do novo cenário você cai num buraco que nem apareceu direito ainda, isso deixa o fator de exploração meio punitivo já que é muito fácil morrer num buraco no meio do caminho e voltar pro começo do cenário ou pior na última cidade salva, isso é remediado com uma das formas que você se transforma, mas você só consegue ela no final do jogo então... É. O sistema de dia e noite me dá sentimentos mistos, porque deixar os inimigos mais fortes se torna mais um incomodo do que um desafio, mas os vagalumes e inimigos que mudam de forma a noite foi uma feature bem interessante, mesmo que pudesse ser feito diferente. Explorar o mundo é algo que fica confuso nesse jogo, pois grande parte das cidades é acessaveis por "corre toda vida pra lá" só raramente você tem um "pra lá", a forma de descobrir é voltando na primeira cidade e falando com o Mimic, só não te falam desse fato, então já teve vezes que terminei uma Dungeon, tentei ir pra próxima correndo numa direção só pra descobrir num beco sem saída que o lugar era no extremo oposto do mapa. Outra questão, a Caravana Zumbi aparece em lugares aleatórios só a noite, na história ela se fixa num canto pra você passar por lá sem problemas, mas se você quiser voltar, sem warp, boa sorte pra achar. Todos esses problemas seriam facilmente solucionados por um mapa (coisa que eu busquei na internet e ficou mais agradável de me guiar assim), mas isso não se aplica 100% a Dungeons, que funcionam bem mesmo sem mapa, eu sou meio tapado e me perdia fácil, mas aí já é problema meu e não do jogo.
Acho que é meio que isso, é um jogo muito bom e bonito, só que com várias pequenas e grandes coisinhas que incomodam e poderiam ser bem melhor.

The off-screen instant death pits are a dealbreaker.

Probably the best looking GBC game out there. The controls are a huge pain in the ass due to the run button, but there's a lot of stuff here and I find it a genuinely enjoyable experience.

I like some of the ideas but it's quite a slog at points, level design is not good

This game required me to use a guide. the game needs a wider version in order to be played.

The transformations were an interesting concept, the music is nice and the graphics are really great for a Game Boy Color game. But the lack of a map, some design choices (specially in the last labyrinth) and how tedious it is to travel from one place to another kinda ruined the game for me.
It's still okay, and I hope the sequel is better.

This game takes the Game Boy Color to its limits.
Really good, but the little 1:1 Game Boy screen makes the game way more difficult than it should be due to the small field of view.
Also, the level design is not the best, and it gets a little frustrating to explore many areas.
However, some cool ideas and charming characters keep the game enjoyable.
It need to be praised for the technical aspect, but again, is a big fish in a very small pond.
I'm happy that the saga grew, got better, and is still present nowadays.