Reviews from

in the past

Good platformer, not too difficult so it's perfect for noobs like me. Amazing music, good mechanics and a dark backstory.
Give it a try, it's free and you will surely like it!

For this price (free) this game is simply outstanding, I'm surprised that it doesn't have better advertising and is not for a symbolic dollar, well made, interesting story and enjoyable gameplay.

Edit1: I found a page on itch where you can set your own price.

Well, I listen to Mr SuicideSheep from some years ago, and when I saw he was doing a game i was reallyyy excited to see because the songs that he would put in his channel were just amazing and his mixes was amazing, and it was better than i expected. The songs, the visuals, the history, the mechanics that is just simple yet soo good, but unfortunelly it's just one hour of game and yet this masterpiece is for free.

So if you're looking for a small game to enjoy and vibe, just download sheepy at steam and play it. you won't regret. i swear.

Thanks Sheepy for this game and I'm waiting for the long version because these can't be the end of it... right?

Why would you give this away for free?!

Game is great. I like the happy sheep as much as I like the really fun traversal upgrades.

The section where you run to the sweet sound of DnB has to be one of the greatest and most beautiful moments in gaming in recent memory. For a free game it provided a beautiful experience and a killer soundtrack.

I am in love with this game.
I beat it in an hour, it's a short platformer with a lot of style and artistic vision that knows what it wants to do.
The hour I spent exploring was the best and it felt like a second, the game is the perfect length and is very pretty looking; also that OST is SO GOOD

I was not expecting something this fn good out of a free around 1 hour long Steam game. It's an audiovisual masterpiece.

how on earth is this game for free? the sound desing alone worth millions. the only flaws are the songs sometimes not loop correctly, other than that just freaking amazing

I always knew that investors would be the ones to bring the devastation of the world!

It's always interesting to see people that mostly operate in other fields of art give a go to videogame making; I was not familiar with MrSuicideSheep previously to this —and by that I mean that I had never heard a single song from them channel until now—, but seeing as their channel serves more as a space for compilations of different electronic music, I wouldn't have expected this in a million years... especially considering Sheepy: A Short Adventure is an extremely enjoyable bite-sized platformer.

It's full of little things that make it a joy to go through; it's bursting with easter eggs and details, from collectables to silly stuff like reach mach speed while running on top of a spinning chair, little moments and extras both in the open and some actually pretty hidden and rewarding to reach, small additions to an already vibrant and sound world.

You know you got some stellar sound effects when it's satisfying to navigate through the menus to listen to the jingles. The OST itself is pretty good, I'm usually not a fan of cinematic-electro songs but in here they work quite well, especially during the major set-pieces, but what had me in awe was the sound design as a whole, a perfect accompaniment that envelops your ears and makes every single action rewarding, and every single mistake hurt a little bit more. It's an immaculate work, a achievement that goes hand in hand with one of the sweetest character pixel arts I've seen in a while.

With some exceptions, the zones and level themselves aren't anyhing crazy, they are mostly carried by some smaller details and unexpected effects, but other than that this isn't any different to other post-apocalyptic underground setting you could think off and no area really stuck in my mind except the final one, but then there's the characters. Sheepy, Patches and even the scattered critters are beautifully animated, buttery-smooth levels of animation that would be impressive as a standalone animation, but instead we get to play and interact with it.

Sheepy isn't a ground-breaking game nor it presents a novel idea, in fact for most of it's length it's a pretty average platformer with no particularly engaging challenges, but it presents new interesting mechanics as it goes on that make it incredibly fun to move around and every time I got to use them was amazing, it pulls off some pretty fun boss fights, it tells it's story with all the words it needs. The team has already shown desire to expand or explore new ideas and I'm so glad they are, because the potential is already palpable, but even if they weren't, as a stand-alone game Sheepy is so damn easy to like.

It’s a passion project made by people that clearly loved what they were doing during the whole development, and that's clear from the get-go. I'll be looking forward to see if the next adventure of this adorable little sheep happens and what that will have in store...

Não dava nada por esse joguinho, mas acabou sendo uma experiencia super foda, com visuais lindos e tenebrosos. Os desafios aqui são fáceis, porém divertidos e deixa um puta gosto de quero maisss

I literally had to play this game thrice just to get all achievements and fucking Steam says this not eligible to be listed on the list of perfected games, I hate this software so much.

The brevity keeps this games gorgeous aesthetic from wearing itself out. Easily a one sitting play (I got the achievement for beating in 45 mins without really trying). The music, while nothing earth-shattering is beautiful and builds to its crescendos perfectly. Just over halfway through, it reaches an emotional high that felt almost ecstatic for me and just wouldn't have hit so hard in a multi-hour game. The achievements seem pretty doable, but I think I will just let this one live on in my mind without dissecting it for perfection.

A beautiful, relaxing and enjoyable game to play and the soundtrack is magnificent.

It was too short for me, which does justice to its name, right? but it has left me wanting more ;;;

I recommend giving it a try, it's free and the music is excellent, it's quite friendly and it doesn't get complicated.
It is platforms with a pixel theme and I really like the art

A cute little story and satisfying platformer that will take you about an hour to jaunt through. It might not stay with you, but you'll enjoy the hour. Props to the team for a good lil bite size snack.

A well spent hour on this. Kinda feels illegal that this was free. Loved the calm vibes and easy to play. Loved every second of it! Normally I don't give out 5/5 this easily but this was well done and it definitely deserves it!

Es sorprendente que este juego haya sido lanzado en Steam de manera totalmente gratuita.

Plataformas bastante ambiental, con un pixel art excelente acompañado de una muy buena iluminacion, una banda sonora muy potente y un gameplay que aunque simple porque en la hora que dura no le da tiempo a escalar mucho se siente todo el rato muy bien.

¿La pega? Que se hace corto.
Ojala fuese un juego completo, pero como un primer vistazo de lo que puede hacer esta gente me parece genial. Muchas ganas de verles ser mas ambiciosos.

An absolutely amazing free platformer. The game has an extremely high quality in every aspect. Tigh controls, great level design, amazing visuals and effects, it kinda feels wrong that this is free. I wished it a was longer game, I'd really buy a game from these people if they ever publish something.

Also, the game goes hard af and feels quite epic to be a game about a little sheep. An amazing plus.

Its free. Its an hour. Its beautiful. It sounds great. It plays well.

Good time. No complaints. Not a 10/10 because its not mind blowing or anything, its just a very delightful hour of your time.

Marvelous work done by the design team of this game. Platforming combined with the Mr. Suicide Sheep tracks and the amazing powers make up for a mesmerizing experience. The game is short but it's free so no complains.

so cute, the ost was great AND it's free !!!!!

This is a neat, free hour-long game. I unexpectedly enjoyed the mechanics but doubt it'll linger in my memory. Solid 3.5/5 for a quick, pleasant diversion! 🐑🎮

Surpreendente, essa é a palavra correta para descrever esse jogo. Um título convidativo sem transparecer toda a beleza que há por trás dele é realmente um feito notável.

Controlando um protagonista carismático, cujo sua própria arte viabiliza emoções que você consegue captar só de olhar para ele. Você realmente sente o que ele sente dentro do jogo.
Toda a ambientação, as habilidades, os personagens de fundo - não há personagens verdadeiramente impactantes além do protagonista e o antagonista - e, principalmente, a trilha sonora colaboram para criar uma atmosfera super relaxante que, ao mesmo tempo, te trás essa sensação de solidão.
O background do jogo contado através de rádios e documentos agregam em duas frentes: a sensação de coleta e a curiosidade para entender o que, de fato, está acontecendo ao redor. Feita de uma forma sucinta, colaborativa e que consegue contar um pouco de cada figura que ali já esteve presente, todos esses "colecionáveis de áudio" te fazem se envolver com uma história que, mesmo sendo simples, é interessante, pois te insere muito mais fundo no que é o ambiente que você está explorando.
A trilha sonora é definitivamente o forte desse jogo. Disponibilizaram-na em uma plataforma de streaming, de duas, uma, ou tem muita confiança na sua qualidade ou quer divulgar o trabalho sonoro que é o ponto mais chamativo do título. De qualquer forma, esse jogo conseguiu me viciar de mais nas suas músicas. Elas constroem o clima de cada pedaço do jogo de maneira extraordinária. Você sente quando está em perigo, no mesmo nível que você também sente quando está seguro. Quanto mais próximo de áreas hostis e desconhecidas, mais pesada a música se torna. Em contrapartida, quanto mais próximo de lugares que se mostram, além de oferecerem ambientações mais aconchegantes, seguros, a trilha sonora acompanha esse sentimento para que você, de fato, consiga "enxergar" isso.

Parabéns a todo o time que desenvolveu essa bela obra, definitivamente foi um tempo muito bem gasto e duvido que não irei repetir essa experiência muito em breve. Ansioso por mais conteúdos do sr. MrSuicideSheep!

formerly massively popular electronic music youtuber makes a free 2D platformer and... it's actually pretty nice!

Pretty fun game for what it is. I encountered some bugs, but it was enjoyable overall, especially considering it's free.

Even though I generally don't like 2d platformers, this was surprisingly enjoyable. The art direction is incredibly cinematic, and the boss fights aren't difficult.

How is this 1-2 hour game the best pure 2D platformer I've played in years? Go play it. It's free. Do it.