Reviews from

in the past

Silent Hill: Shattered Memories is a unique and chilling reimagining of the original Silent Hill. The psychological profiling system subtly shapes the world and encounters based on your choices, delivering a personalized horror experience. Its emphasis on exploration and puzzle-solving over combat creates a tense atmosphere, and the focus on narrative delivers a haunting story. While the "Nightmare" chase sequences can feel clunky and repetitive, Silent Hill: Shattered Memories offers a memorable journey into the darkness of the human psyche.

Quando era pequeno não joguei esse por ter medo da capa, hoje resolvi pegar pra jogar e acabei terminando numa única sentada.

O jogo tem puzzles interessantes, a história é bem escrita, a gameplay dá suas trupicadas (é silent hill ou fatal frame?), o combate não existe — o que acho preferível a existir e ser ruim — e como substituído esse Silent Hill te dá algumas sessões de fuga no outro mundo. Vendo o nome do Sam Barlow nos créditos isso tudo fez mais sentido ainda, vide os jogos seguintes dele.

Acabei ficando feliz em ter jogado sem nenhuma expectativa, imagino que muita gente não curtiu pelos mesmos motivos de eu ter gostado mas pra mim esse aqui encerra com um baita saldo positivo.

I do not like Sam Barlow's writing. He is especially not good at writing women characters and that is unfortunately a thing he loves to do. The game completely removing combat and turning any and all enemy encounters into a run-and-hide scenario is very boring.

Horror games around this time, and even to this day, have mostly given up on doing combat and I personally think it has really harmed the genre. What makes combat in a horror game "good" is different from what makes combat in any other game "good". But everyone is scared of having their game docked for having "bad" combat.

I liked this original take on Silent Hill. The way monsters only appear in the nightmare world creates a stronger contrast between the "normal" and "nightmare" zones. And the inability to fight, and having to shake off enemies.

Mostly forgettable, but an interesting and scary application of wii controls.

Argumento un poco cliché, plot twists bastante predecibles y gameplay algo tedioso que consiste en caminar/correr porque no hay combate. Aún así me gustó la atmósfera (la transformación de la ciudad está muy bien lograda), el level design y el soundtrack que es maravilloso. Bastante decente para ser de una época donde Silent Hill solo iba decayendo juego tras juego.

ALMOST beat this in one sitting. the motion controls were very immersive because i was probably in as much agony and confusion as harry was. once i learned how to use them it wasnt so bad :) fun game i loved the snow

Played for the soundtrack, stayed for the soundtrack, love it for its soundtrack!

Loved it Loved it Loved it, such a surprise and a hidden gem from the Silent Hill series. Great plot with a fun exploration.
The only flaw is that its not very scared compared to the first 4 games and frustating chase sequences.

Apart from that it was perfect, a short almost perfect game.

Second Sam Barlow game ive played after a long time after playing Her Story and this just hyped me up alot to play more of his work

most underrated silent hill, seriously has a great story that makes you question harry's sanity throughout and changes constantly. this is basically a walking simulator but I actually like it here because the atmosphere is so good and I liked to go exploring and looking for things. the "scary" running parts of the game tho are a little tedious after awhile and go on for a bit too long but at least the transformation of the town to the otherworld always looks cool asf. really had some great moments and it's the best western developed silent hill in my opinion

Experimental pero sumamente aburrido. No fue una buena ejecucion de la idea que tenian en mente.

De início não achei tão bom pois tinha acabado de zerar o sh2 e as comparações eram inevitáveis, porém com o tempo fui curtindo, o final me fez chorar, coisa que nem o 2 conseguiu, apesar de ser meu favorito até o momento.

Nesse o único ponto negativo são os puzzles, que achei meio óbvios.

The only SH I've enjoyed playing, and actually finished, because it isn't chock-full of shit-ass combat. The escape nightmare parts do suck, but they're short.

Otherwise, it's basically a point-and-click adventure, which is probably what SH always should have been, but they were busy chasing RE's success. This is the only one worth playing instead of watching cutscene full movie compilations on youtube.

Quando se trata de narrativa psicológica, esse provavelmente seja o melhor da franquia. É realmente tocante como certas coisas pequenas define quem nós somos, a relação de pai e filha com uma trilha maravilhosa (com destaque pra Hell Frozen Rain), é o que aumenta esse sentimentalismo ainda mais. As seções de terapia são o maior diferencial do jogo também, algo que dá ainda mais veracidade pra tudo.

Sim, a gameplay do jogo não é uma das melhores coisas do mundo e os inimigos não tem nenhuma variedade, mas dou um desconto por ser um jogo originalmente feito pra portátil.

Realmente gostei muito de Shattered Memories, inesquecível.

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the plot twist at the end caught me so off guard, i still remember it over 10 years later

7 or 7.5 nglll this was actually cool af

Actually a pretty amazing game, and can only assume it's hard-to-describe distance from the first four is why it's rated so much lower. There are aspects here I believe to be straight-up more effective than any other Silent Hill, then there are things that are entirely absent, like the horror and combat. I think this is the first time I wished that this wasn't a video game or didn't have to be a Silent Hill, for the enhanced freedom to drink up the environment made the exploration segments feel like watching a Lynch film. Having an American team, to me, made the environment genuinely feel American. I've been to places that look exactly like these locales! I can fill in their smells and see the phantoms of where people would be. The decay and desolation felt more real to me, more effectively liminal. Other than the shitty reveal, this may also be the best-written Silent Hill (dialogue and character-wise, the semiotics were weak). I spent the whole game speculating Harry's role, thinking he abandoned his daughter and ultimately destroyed both of them. I thought for a bit that Dahlia was Cheryl at her absolute lowest, hooking up with her father without either realizing it. Shit left a lot of room for speculation, and I really wish they didn't lay all their cards out. All these broken women coming in and out of Harry's life, all of which you get to choose if you be creepy towards or respect certain boundaries, I felt was building towards a greater reveal. The ice-otherworld sequences I could've done without. By the second time, it had already become confusing and unmemorable. Luckily they don't take up that much of the game. The atmosphere really is such a boon to making the experience feel terrific. There were a few points where I just stared at the side of a building, letting Best Game Composer work his magic on me. I read every sign the PS2 gave a decent resolution to and got disappointed every time I accidentally progressed before getting to check every single corner for details. What else... Michelle and Dahlia had killer fits, and apparently they change off your behaviour? Really cool. Also a little disappointing that all the therapy mini-games just led to a pretty general ending and a meaningless astrology reading, but I don't know how much was reasonable to expect. They were engaging, which is the best I can ask for. I'd heard it did a lot more with it's psychology mechanics, and was expecting it to, than it actually felt like it did. The ways it does utilize them, however, I found very fun. By no means a masterpiece, definitely worth playing, at least to hang out in.

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this one is definitely interesting. i'd like to read some analysis' of the story and hear what other people think about it, but I'm forming a few ideas in my head of the story being told here.

i think the game is maybe a little too blunt and disrespectful with some of its sexual content, and the characters are notably weaker than some other entries, but the story here is solid. music and sound design are great as usual, visually this is an absolutely drop dead gorgeous game, all the voice actors do a solid job, and the therapy sessions were a neat idea.

i really love how this is a game that seems to take a warped approach of retelling the first game. rather than the story taking place in a world born from alessa's mind, the story itself is a fictitious retelling from cheryl's mind. its a cool little swap.

another fun detail i noticed is that "Acceptance", which is the track that plays during the Good ending (in which Cheryl accepts Harry was a normal guy and dead the whole time) had a similar melody to "She", which plays in the Bad- ending from Silent Hill 1, in which Harry was dead the whole time. little musical parallel there hmmm?

yeah! good video game! wish climax got to make more of these!

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I played the PS2 version of this game but if you can play the Wii version
So this SH is supposed to be a reimagined of the first SH and with that it is very different. We have returning characters Harry, Lisa, Dahlia, Cheryl and many more. There is no combat in this installation, instead we have a chase sequence. I'm ok with this change because it focuses more on the story than the survival aspect. Although it did get a bit frustrating towards the end. Also this game does try to psychologically profile you, I do not think it does but more like it profiles the character with the answers and actions you do through the game. When progressing through the story you get sent back to a therapist's office and he will ask you questions which you answer yes or no and depending on your answers affect the ending you will get. You know your ending changes when the clothing of Harry changes throughout the story. There are 4 endings and 4 videotapes endings, I got the Hero Forever ending with the Lost Love videotape. The other endings are Broken, Bearer of guilt and UFO. Videotapes: Sleaze and Sirens, Wicked and Weak, Drunk Dad. Everyone will get a different ending and videotapes as they change throughout the game with the answers and choices you make in the office and in town.
Not my favorite SH but was enjoyable.

Quirky (cosa buena en algunas cosas y mala en otras) y un poco cliché, pero con un no sé qué que si esto fuera letterboxd se llevaría 3.5 estrellas pero con un corazoncito

fraco de gameplay mas tem temas e assuntos bem interessantes sobre luto/família

It is easily one of the best psychological horror games out there. I had never heard of it before I just installed it because I wanted to have a silent hill game in my PSP Go, the atmosphere the music the story, I liked how the puzzles played out and how hard but not too hard, the way the story goes along with the gameplay was cool too, the game is so immersive, too bad the ending was spoiled to me by one of my friends but the ending was too good it didn't even ruin it, this is my first silent hill and am excited to play the others

Sam Barlow makes games for smart, handsome people with great personalities

Um jogo especial pra mim, por mais que não seja o melhor silent hill, me trás ótimas lembranças

Exploração boa, ambientação melhor ainda. Bons puzzles,
e o diferencial do jogo é: Ele muda a partir do jogador. Você ao decorrer do jogo terá de responder perguntas, e estas influenciarão o seu redor, claro que no máximo em questão de aparencia, mapa etc, nada muito grande, mas por existir isso já é grande e bacana. História tem mais de um final, dependendo de suas escolhas também.

Sometimes you play a game that maybe isn't the best in the series, but it feels like the one that's made for you. That's Shattered Memories for me. A game that delves deep into topics that resonate with me a lot. A game that, after two pretty unoriginal or weak entries, feels like a game that is actually taking advantage of what makes a franchise like Silent Hill so amazing. A game that is just, so fucking beautiful. I get not everyone will like this as much as me, but if you give it a shot, you might see something truly special.

Meus amigos, que jogo bom. a narrativa é muito foda quando se encaixa no final, adimito que fiquei bem perdido, o jogo te taca um monte de informação e sinceramente eu nem sei se entendi a historia direito, não estou falando que isso é ruim, na vdd é muito bom, faz o jogo ser frenetico e ao msm tem tranquilo. Eu simplesmente amei o final, cara foi sensacional o plot, eu ainda fiquei com muitas duvidas, mas no fim o jogo é maravilhoso. As cutscenes são boas, a trilha sonora e ate os graficos(joguei no 1080p com emulador). A musica que toca no final é muito boa, a maioria das trilhas sonoras são realmente boas e a atmosfera é muito bem feita. Eu simplesmente amei o jogo pela narrativa, agora, falando dos pontos negativos na minha opnião, a maior parte do jogo é andar, eu achei meio chato, mas os puzzels ate que era diverdidinho por mais simples que fossem, uma parte que eu odiei foi a perseguição, mermão, é um saco, vc simplesmente tem que correr sem rumo e dar sorte de chegar onde tem que estar, claro, tem um mapa, mas vc tem que parar pra olhar ele e tem chance de ser pego e ter que voltar tudo dnv. Eu iniciei o jogo pq ele era de terror, no fim eu não senti muito o "terror" no jogo, claro, tinha vezes onde a atmosfera realmente dava medo, mas em geral o jogo é bem tranquilo.
obs: Aquele é o psicologo mais desequilibrado que eu ja conheci, oq caralhos sexo tem haver com a morte???

This game was made by people who love silent hill, and it shows. It has easily one of the most emotional and intriguing stories in the series, while adapting completely new gameplay styles that work well. I was always left second guessing my own thoughts on everything and that is what makes shattered memories such a good game.
The dumb labyrinths in the end suck tho.

I had NO idea this game was gonna be as good as it was. Sure, the gameplay wasn't anything to ride home about, but it also wasn't a bitch to go through. The story is where this game shines, the story is SOLID.