Reviews from

in the past

Si los personajes de Silent Hill hablasen
Harry: oh me está comiendo, oh oh me está comiendo
El pterodactilo: toma estooo toma esto hombre malo toma estooo
La enfermera: hoy es un dia mas feliiiz

The game is amazing, but I am going to lose my mind if I see another person defend the atrocious voice acting as being intentionally bad and "Lynchian". This is just the result of hiring nobodies from the street to read poorly translated lines from Japanese while giving them no direction. It kind of works with the surreal nature of the but is mostly distracting and deflating.

Demasiado bueno para ser de PS1. Fue bastante confuso encontrar la forma de avanzar muchas veces y me perdía. Odié con todo mi ser el boss final y lo imposible que era esquivar sus ataques.

emulated and sadly unplayable due to the controls. i like him better than james

The saving of the emulator didn't work

This game does some insane cinematic camera work that just isn’t done in games anymore and it adds to the unsettling, otherworldly vibe of it all and that’s what video games are all about, baby.

i wanted to get into it, and i fuck with the vibes, but honestly freaks me out too much to finish...

genuinely think it rocks so hard that you can just choose to ignore the themes of unconditional love, religious persecution and self hatred and just turn the game into Paul (2011, dir. Greg Mottola)

the game aged incredibly well im still shocked this is a ps1 game
but uh trying to wrap my head around the story is.. painful
im sure theres something good underneath it i just fail to care all that much
and the bad ending is so hilariously bad its actually amazing

For the first time in 30 years of my life I decided to touch such a great franchise as Silent Hill and was pleased, as expected. The plot is relatively banal, but in 1999 this game left a strong imprint on the souls of players. Very cool ambient and the very sound choreography that surrounds the player throughout the game can be praised forever, and what is worth the main track of the game, which simply brings joy to the ears.

Впервые за 30 лет своей жизни решил прикоснуться к такой великой франшизе как Сайлент хилл и был доволен, как и ожидалось. Сюжет относительно банален, но на 1999 год данная игра оставила сильный отпечаток в душах игроков. Очень крутой эмбиент и сама звуковая хореаграфия, которая окружает игрока на протяжении всей игры можно восхволять вечно, а чего стоит основной трек игры, который просто доставляет ушам радость.

Esse jogo é uma obra de arte, tudo nele é bem feito, eu amo ele,

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.\…………….\/…/….\. ..\/………

Finished my first playthrough. Got the bad+ ending, which was shit, but I really don't like any endings in the series (so far, I still need to play 4) they always feel anticlimactic. This one was definitely the creepiest of the three I've played and the levels were awesome.

O que sempre ouvi falar desta franquia foi dela possuir uma atmosfera excepcional que provocasse aflição a quem jogava. Lembro de jogar SH4: The Room quando criança e de fato era bem pertubador, mas não sabia o mínimo da trama e tampouco o zerei, essa lembrança me despertou a curiosidade de jogar os primeiros jogos, para me aprofundar na história.

Nas minhas primeiras impressões, fiquei fascinado do quão bonito era o jogo para a sua época (é bonito ainda, imo) e pelo silêncio que predominava na cidade que um dia já foi "normal"
até a sua tragédia.
Os personagens: simples e poucos presentes; com tão poucos diálogos que ainda revelam características merecidas de afeto, por serem consistentes com a história.
História essa que, em geral, achei confusa no começo, porque por uma gafe que cometi, muita informação deixei para trás, concluindo com um final insatisfatório e triste. não é tão diferente do decorrer de todo o jogo, já que inicialmente informações são esparsas, caindo na dedução, e depois reviravoltas que, sinceramente, me deixaram mal.
ainda tenho dúvidas em partes, por mais que eu já tenha visto tudo, porém é nada que interfira na história, eu acho.

Enfim, provavelmente, esse pode ser um meus jogos favoritos de PS1 e que jogarei as sequências da franquia. É um jogo tranquilo no começo, mas complicado cada vez mais que se aproxima do fim. Não conheço muitos jogos de survival horrors, mas ainda assim eu diria que este aqui é dos bons.

More like a 9.5/10 but it’s so damn hilarious at times. Playing on an old crt with an original copy is an S+ tier experience

for some reason i played silent hill 2 first (just to see what all the hype was about) and didn't really care about sigma male james's story. and it's a shame because the first game is incredible and completely exceeded my expectations! harry's a much better protagonist imo, the levels aren't repetitive and the LORE. right from the beginning i was invested in the story, which goes in wild, unexpected directions that get even better as it progresses. i only wish that there was more backstory on alessa, she seems like such an interesting character.

This review contains spoilers

Alright, I finished playing Silent hill 1 and I have to say this game is something else for a ps1 game. I did emulate this on DuckStation. You play as Harry Mason who is looking for his daughter Cheryl, and as you progress through the game you learn more about the town of silent hill and the cult following and how Cheryl is connected to all of it.
There are things you will have to get used to such as using tank controls and fixed camera angles, as well as the combat but you can run away or doge most monsters. There are different puzzle difficulties and I chose the normal difficulty. Figuring out the puzzles I did have trouble on and I did look them up when I was stuck in certain areas. This game does reward you as you explore with healing items and ammo for your weapons that you get. There are many endings in the game and I got the good ending but there is a good+ ending and a joke ending where you get abducted by aliens.

muito bonito e óbvio um classico

Very creepy for its time, but only good because it was first.

"It's being invaded by the Otherworld. By a world of someone's nightmarish delusions come to life..."

I think this dialogue describes perfectly what Silent Hill as a whole is all about. A delusion birthed from trauma, pain, and fear, and in this case, the delusions of Alessa Gillespie, a poor girl that only wanted to live a normal life and be loved by her mother, only to go through a destiny worse than death thanks to her actions and seek of power.

Every location, note, and monster are related to Alessa, from the start you have to seek these objects that have relations to her, like the three keys that you need to open the door, once you reach the school you realize those are the keys of the people that cared about her, like the teacher that knew Alessa was being abused by her mother and worried about her.

Every location is important for her in some way, some bad, some good. Places full of trauma like Midwich Elementary School, a place where she was bullied because of her powers and being part of a cult, this was too much for a child, to the point that now, in this nightmarish delusion, those kids that hurted her are represented as these little monsters with knifes, with her only safe place being a room full of machinery.

All these monsters are representations of her mind as a whole, things that bothered her like kids, the fear of suffering for seven years through the nurses and doctors, her fascination for insects, etc. During the whole game we are going through her trauma, and even after all she went through she still had a good heart in her, enduring those seven years of torture, not only to prevent the devil of being unborn, but also so the other half of her soul, Cheryl, can live a normal life. Even after all that she wanted to prevent even worse things to happen, her plan was to commit suicide after her soul was completed, preventing the birth of the devil.

This is what Silent Hill is all about. Delusion, love, fear, and confronting them. The town is just the excuse for it, the mirror that reflects the wounds inside the human mind, and we, the player, are passengers through this delusion, and just like the characters, we have been brought here for a reason.

What can I say? M A S T E R P I E C E.

The game came out decades ago and the atmosphere is still one of the best I've seen in any video game, the music is just incredible, while in SH 2 it was more atmospheric, over here it feels like it follows you and accommodates to every single moment, every step, making your tension rise as you feel danger coming up, only for it to not appear. Visually is outstanding.

With Silent Hill 1 and 2 you have a dilemma, let's call it a two sided coin, on one side you have a game that is all about exploration, music and enemies with variations depending on what you explore, that being shown through these dried and rotten walls, while on the other you have a more linear and calm game where you go through your own personal hell, where music is there for you but never intrusive. Either way, the coin has to fall on any side, and when it does. it works flawlessly.

The only grip I have with this game is that you can softlock yourself in various parts of the game, but that's about it.

yeah I loved the game, and its funny that Toyama left Team Silent after this game because he thought he busted it, and joined Japan Studios to re-learn how to make a videogame... you cooked with this game LMAO

Silent Hill plays so well for a PS1 game, and on top of that it’s got a really interesting story! So many mysteries and disturbances cover the whole of the small town of Silent Hill, and it’s kinda mesmerising walking through all of these places and seeing how they change as you go. I like it a lot

O jogo que fez Resident Evil na época parecer jogo de criança. Se Resident Evil deixava as pessoas em choque na época, esse aqui deve ter traumatizado muita gente.

Still one of the most effective and scary horror games ever made to this day, it has aged like a fine wine

Age cannot hold back the horror of Silent Hill, a must play, I was thoroughly shaken most of the time. The puzzles are also worthy of praise, few of them felt arbitrary or like the answer was too far out of reach. I will admit reaching the best ending gave me some trouble my first time around and I had to load an earlier save to fix it, but I guess that if you explore every area to it's fullest then you'll be fine. Like all horror games that don't restrict your saves, make sure to save often and in separate slots! The actual difficulty of the gameplay isn't very high, yes the combat is janky but the enemies give enough time to react most of the time. By the end of the game I still had max pistol ammo, in fact I took down the final boss without even running out of rifle ammo. If you persevere, explore thoroughly, and know when to just run past enemies, you'll make it out of Silent Hill just fine! I'm looking forward to when I have the time to play the second game.

As a young man, I tried to play it and failed miserably because I was too scared^^ I remember sitting in my parents' living room and trying to play the game in the armchair with my PSP. After a few minutes, I had to stop because I was too scared. Thank god, I was able to finish it years later with my buddy playing it on Halloween, that was fantastic. I actually absolutely love the game, the iconic voice acting, the symbolism, the puzzles, it's a masterpiece.

Jogando a franquia pela primeira vez no emulador de PS1 e to gostando muito

This game is peak.
I went through the game a second time just because I didn't want to stop playing after I finished it the first time. I'm so shocked with how well this game holds-up and visually speaking, god, this is ps1 at it's finest.

Only reason it isn't five stars is because this game can be a little jank at time with enemies stun-grabbing or the latter half being somewhat BS in terms of boss-fights. But please don't let that stop you if you're curious about playing it, the game is a classic for reason.

Lo considero el mejor juego retro de terror! Un juego espeluznante con niveles incomodos a todo momento ( recomendado jugar a solas y a oscuras) Acertijos creaturas que te acechan en la oscuridad y un misterio por resolver. Un suvirval horror para su epoca increible y que actualmente se defiende bien.