Reviews from

in the past

can't wait for this one to come out

my sweet prince. gone before the world can understand your power : (

i have never felt so terrified in a game. the best horror game never released.

Shawty served tap water flavored cunt, ruined a company's image, inspired one of the worst styles of horror games possible and retro actively rewrote an entire franchise to make a hack director look good

do you guys knew that what potentially could've been the best videogame ever was cancelled because of pachinko slots and skins for dbd

Thank you Konami....thank you....

Too beautiful for this world.

gosh golly gee my hills sure are silent

inspirou re7 e Village, feito por Del Toro e Kojima
mas infelizmente nunca viu a luz do dia

Simplesmente o melhor P.T e um dos melhores Silent Hill's