Reviews from

in the past

Looks and plays like a game that you can find on a disc inside a ceral box

Rise of Kong é um jogo que desperdiça um potencial imenso, um personagem interessante que poderia ter sido melhor aproveitado. O game sofre com um map/level design tenebroso, parece que todo o tempo foi investido na primeira e última fase, que são competentes, mas todas a outras simplesmente copiam e colam recursos dessas duas, tornando a gameplay extremamente cansativa e repetitiva.

Durante a gameplay sofri com diversos bugs, crashes e glitches, que mudaram completamente minha gameplay e tornaram essa platina dolorosa. A falta de TP para voltar no mapa, pouca pluralidade de inimigos e uma gameplay que carece de novidades, fazem com que Rise of Kong seja fraco, mesmo sem levar os problemas de desempenho em consideração.

I don't know, why people complained so much about this game, I bet it was actually pretty good for it's time.

What do you mean it came out this year?

Normalmente eu so coloco os jogos que terminei como jogados, mas nos 30 minutos que eu joguei essa merda, foi como se eu tivesse platinado o jogo.

"It's Digital Faeces!!!"

Worth A Buy
23rd October 2023

Somehow looks better than Pokemon Scarlet

Didn't think that 2023 would have a game that's worse than gollum but here it is

2nd worst platinum I have to date.

This game is terrible in every direction. Looks awful, plays awful, sounds awful, I feel awful.
I was lost every time because the map doesn't pinpoint your current location or display any goals. Instead, the game insists on "roaring" to find a point of interest, which will stay even after completing said objective. The game crashed twice during the end of a boss fight, twice. I was softlocked because an enemy didn't appear.
Despite all this, I still want more terrible movie/tvshow/ip tie in games. It's the perfect garbage shovelware C-list genre that needs to exist.

I'd like to apologize to Godzilla PS4.

finally the public is able to experience this character the way the producers of the seminal 1933 film must have intended.

people have grouped this in with gollum because they are both bad games that came out in the same year. i have thought about gollum maybe every day since i beat it 9 months ago. this game is no gollum.

that being said, i have never seen a game begin to tear itself apart at the seams while you are in the process of playing it in quite the way this one did. i had to fully quit out of the game at least once in each level because after playing for a little while kong would start to run slower, wouldn't always respond to inputs, and his attack animations would start interrupting themselves so mashing buttons would result in constant wind-ups that never actually got to the frames that start to deal damage. this is why we play.

Skull Island: Rise of Kong was definetly one of the worst games I have ever played in my whole life. save yourself from the time you could spend playing something much better.

Wow, did a playthrough for youtube and spent 99% of it regretting everything. What an absolute travesty, funny though.

Gonna be real here for a sec I didn't actually finish this game or even putting in more then 2 hours. all I kept hearing over the last 3 weeks is that this is without a doubt one of the worst games of the year and possibly one of the worst games of all time. And then I get back from my vacation to actually stream it with friends and it''s just shovelware trash. Don't get me wrong this is a bad game a very VERY bad game, but it's just the same old licensed video game trash that flooded the market during the 6th and 7th gen.
I just don't know what else to say about something that's hasn't already been said a bunch of times over about other games of it's nature. Oh wow it's a broken mess of a game that probably had the budget of a food court salad and probably had no time put into it's development, yeah wow cool that's such an interesting observation; fucking get in line. Do you know how many times GameMill has done this shit??? They make most of their money of crap like this idk what else you want me to say they've always been like this, this well is dried up and I have nothing insightful or interesting to say about this game.
Is the business model that GameMill practice a horrible and scummy system; yes.......................................................................................

I don't wanna put any more brain power towards thinking about this waste of time; I'm gonna go play that new Robocop game. At least that game looks like it had time and effort put into it, even if it does looks like one of those fake video games you see in a movie or tv show.

Gaming peaked here. Sorry if you are too filtered that you end up not playing it.

im so glad licensed games are in high gear, both bad and good
this is like a new dawn

...would rate devil may kong higher if i didnt get utterly softlocked on autosave with no hp leftover..
but thats okay because its not like i can make the public opinion of this worse by any means

there's some fun moveset things going on here and a unique low budget charm tht i think is reminiscent of late sixth gen shit and something that seems like itve thrived as a mobile game as promotion for a new kong game

Video games are back. I told my wife that video games should be openly bad sometimes again. That we need shovelware. She left me. Well here we are, shovelware. So who won this one? Pah… who needs a wife anyways!

If sonic unleashed was only werehog levels

Realmente nós precisamos de um PS5 Pro, como apontam os rumores, afinal já extraíram o máximo da geração atual. A disputa entre Kong e Gollum no GOTY vai ser empolgante!

Total buttsauce that looks and plays like shovelware from 2003. To its credit it's at-least short and not full-priced unlike this year's other notorious licensed game- Gollum. It's still not worth your time or money in any metric though and you'd be much better off revisiting the 2005 Ubisoft King Kong game to get your "monke" fix. In fact coming to the realization that this emerged from the same publisher responsible for none-other than Big Rigs should tell you everything you need to know.

assim nao é injogavel, mas é extremamente mal feito e entediante, só aguentei ir ate a metade, esse jogo fez o jogo do godzilla parecer uma obra-prima

King Kong being a horrible mess (Flirting) vs Gollum being a horrible mess (Harassment)

One of the most graphically impressive games I’ve ever played, more than does justice to the original source material