Reviews from

in the past

This ain't a horror game, real playground are like this

i remember when this happened to me

this was very spooky actually does a really good job of building up tension and keeping it up for most of its tbf fairly short run time

Um ótimo jogo de terror psicológico, e mesmo sendo curtinho conseguiu me deixar aflito.

What if PT but a playground slide? Liked how it throws new things at you and amounts to more than just one jump scare (common for this sort of Itch free horror game). Crawl mechanics were definitely a bit odd. Worth 10-15 minutes of your time.

This game is exactly what I want from horror. An peculiar/absurd premise. A set of surreal, unexplainable twists. Absolutely pure visceral nightmarish segments of tension and terror. I loved it.

Puta madre que susto, me hizo mal no me esperaba algo tan creepy, gran idea la del tobogán y los gráficos estilo PS1 se adhieren muy bien al terror que causa su atmosfera.

This review contains spoilers

I hate when I'm on my lunch break chilling in the park and my bosses interrupt me to feed the immortal ones

Un descendiente bastante logrado de SCP-087, en el que se mezclan el test de resistencia de aquella obra con la curiosidad innata que incita el terror pixelado de hoy en día. No me convence demasiado la resolución de la historia (lo concreto de la amenaza diluye un poco la sensación de misterio insondable, similar a First Land, que me produjo el llegar a la última sección), pero la secuencia de persecución me pareció bastante lograda.


A worthy successor of SCP-087, and a game that sits in-between the endurance tests that horror games used to be and the innate curiosity that most pixelated horror is today. I'm not too convinced by the resolution of the story, as explaining the nature of the threat dilutes it a bit and didn't leave too much to imagination, which similar games like First Land provoked in me. But the chase sequence was fairly compelling in my opinion.

muchas gracias "srta" colau por tus toboganes estoy seguro de que al fondo monetario internacional le haran mucha gracia estas "triquiñuelas"

I will never slide again after this.

If you can make a game about a slide scary, I’d say you’ve done a good job

Um terror simples, curto e interessante. Deu medinho na parte de fugir monstro no escorregador kkkkk

A novel idea that is genuinely pretty creepy in parts. Unfortunately some of the "gameplay" bits overstay their welcome and honestly bog down the pacing for what would otherwise be a good little horror game.

Yup it's another PS1 style Indie Horror game. I thought the parts where the word changed every time you went down the slide were pretty novel but turns out I'd momentarily forgotten about PT. Still if you like horror, it's a creepy ten minute affair when sandwiched between a bunch of other small games on a Friday night.