Reviews from

in the past

not as bad as i thought, the easter eggs are cute. i mean… it really could be worse. all three of the characters would solo exe though lets be real

Tails would kick Sonic.exe's ass let's be real

look i'm SORRY i really am but like i'm having a lot of fun checking in on all the stuff i remembered as a kid, this just so happens to be one of them LMAO

I don't have any fun tales to tell or any vibes to reminisce on like I did in my EYX review, which is unfortunate because that means I actually have to try and figure out what I'm supposed to say about "Sonic.EXE" and his game.

But I don't wanna be too negative about it. I actually have some nice things to say, though it's more so just me being surprised and not actually anything I'd call any good. My memory of this game was purely what it started out as, walk right and watch these characters die in about 15 or so minutes. To my shock and surprise, there have actually been some very major changes made in the 11 years since that original release. You are now given the option to, uh... I dunno, see a little more? You can fulfill certain requirements (walking left instead of right) to find extra stages that provide something of a story that I don't care about, culminating in one last little walk to the right as the blue blur himself. Blur as in he's being covered in static, nothing speed wise, he's still just walking. Aside from that, Knuckles can punch now, Robotnik lost his ability to slide (sad!), and sometimes you need to jump instead of it being purely a walk to the right. The art at the end is different, frankly a little more silly looking than the original, but shit I know there's not much you can do about that.

Was fun to see what's new, but it's still a shitty story written by a shitty person turned into a shitty game. As much as I got to gush over the community aspect of it all before, I still can't deny that much. Still not a 1/10 though lmao

why didn't sonic do that to eggman from the very first game, is he stupid?

Not scary, didn't shiver. Your attempt at horror is so feeble, I wish it had just flown over my head and you had given up on trying to scare me. Frankly, this is a pitiful effort at creating a sense of dread. Not a shiver, not a tremble, not even the faintest tingle down my spine. Science says fear triggers a fight-or-flight response, but I didn't even feel a flicker of adrenaline. 0/10, this horror is so weak, I can't fathom how anyone allowed you to create something remotely scary. The mental gymnastics you must have done to conjure up this horror could power a small village. Find a better story and learn how to build suspense; read a book. I'm not saying this to mock you; I genuinely mean it when I say this is a woeful attempt at horror. You've single-handedly butchered the concept of fear and every chilling tale in existence. I'm so disheartened that society has collectively failed to teach you how to induce fear. Honestly, even if I poured all my energy into trying to be scared by

Honestly you might think this game sucks but it's kind of a perfect adaptation for what was a really terrible creepypasta made by a weirdo.
Plus idk I just find it genuinely respectable with the idea that the person who made this game was like "eh, why not, I'll make a game based on this random creepypasta I found, could be cool"
It's less so the game and more so just the source material that sucks, even if the game itself still does suck

Idk though at some point I wanna see an interpretation of "Sonic murders all of his friends" that's unironically good as hell

I am astonished at seeing how many unjust and cruel 1 star are being left here. Sonic.exe is not simply a game, it's a cultural phenomenon because its impact on the collective minds is undeniably omnipresent. The woke mob simply cannot fathom a masterpiece such as Sonic.exe, because it forces you come in terms with the slaughter of our femboys (tails), makes us impotent upon seeing the merciless destroyal of himbos(knuckles), and disheartened on the fate that waits for the woebegone dad bods(dr. pingas). All of which the average woke mobian cannot live without, as they need them for finding the comfort in their pathetic cribs, perchance. Sonic.exe teaches in a minimalist manner the raw and steel cold reality of death of our heroes.

It's something that happened. I like the basic concept, but... If we go to what the game itself is. Unfortunately, the game I programmed when I was 14 beats it.

morria de medo disso quando eu era criança

ohhhh tge blood... the blood is spooky... sonic EVIL have blood follow you kill people.. sonc evil version im not sleepig anymore too evil scary

Never was a fan of creepypastas, didn’t get the popularity of this one

Eu nem sei que merda que joguei, não tem nada é so um plágio feito por um pedófilo e fds, jogabilidade é inexistente, é o Sonic pintado de vermelho tem o HulkBR, e os personagens novos que tentaram meter aqui KKKKKKKKSKSKSSKSKSKSSHSHSH, pelo amor né?🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 SÃO PÉSSIMOS, o final é um lixo com aquela tela toda mal recortada que teria medo com 7 anos e me dá calafrio de qual mal feito é, passa longe desse lixo radioativo.

Shoutouts to 17-year-old me, who labeled the Sonic the Hedgehog 2 ROM hack "Sonic and Tals in Paynt" as Sonic.EXE while setting up a Raspberry Pi emulation station. It really threw me off when I dug it out of storage seven years later!

To get back on topic - yeah, this hasn't aged well LOL. And I'm a pretty generous guy when it comes to reviewing games of all sorts!

O fato da risada do Kefka ser mais associada com Sonic.exe do que com ele é um crime.

L'auteur derrière le jeu est un pédophile... Fin de la review.

Sonic.EXE was a huge YouTube bait game years ago, upon revisiting this game, it does not even hold up in the slightest, even years ago this wasn't a good game.

This game is just unbelievably edgy, it's more funny than scary, it's really bizarre. I wouldn't say it's awful, but it is genuinely bad, and not something to waste your time on, unless you want to revisit it, and see how it held up. Don't play this expecting anything fun, or good.

Overall: 3/10

A Certified Hood Tragedy 🔥🔥

¿Me están diciendo que todo el gameplay es caminar de un lado a otro, restregarnos a la cara sustos baratos y ver edits gore sacados de cualquier creepypasta pitera?


Hyper realistic blood in Sonic’s eyes!

sonic fucking kills you creepypasta

oned upon a time... i wat at mh computers looking at buff pictures of sonic the hedgehog when My door knocked.

it was my best buddy Joe but he was an ghost and he was hyoerrwlistic blood eyes and he saided "dont trust the bleu...... destroy the son"

i didn't know what this mean but he had a disc with an drawing on sonic the edge on it and i am sexually attracted to Him so i put it in my pc

When i put the gamed in everything seemed normal title screen at first but then AT THE LAST FRAME SONIC TURNED INTO scary man.... he had blood every were and he was holding Amed rose head

I shat myself.

then i played the game but i could only play as tails and I fuckiby HATE that fox i hope fsonci kill him too

every thin seemed normal at first BUT...... there tails was sad which i wasvvery happy about because efuck tails i hate that fuckiny stupid kid thinks he's smarter than everyone else ill fucking kill him

then i walked to the right for 4 minutes AND THEN DEAD BODIES EVERYWHRRE..... it was Amy with NO HEAD... tails fell on his knees and cry..... i was very happy about this

but then sonic show Ed up and he said

"Your are going to die. Miles.
accept ur fate. p*opyhead." (my mom read my creepypasts so i can't say slurs)

i was shocked ..Sonic would enver, when i saw him at walmart He was with a child but he seemed nice very nice but he kill tail?

then the game cut the static for about 4 minutes and then it cut back to Hyper realistic sonic .exe with blood eyes and green coming out of hes eyes.

"I killed tail. nuckle is next"

oh no. i love buckle.

we Now cut to knucke angry with tails' ak-47 to kil sonic

After 8 minutes knuckles finally face to face with evil snick


knuckles:Sonic s.h How could you..

the blue guy i forgot his name: He he he.... knuckles m... just in time....

You are already late.. i killed the master emerald

knuckles: NOOO ILL KILL U

Knuk shoots soni but he's faster than Me in bed (am i right ladies) and he slit hes throat blood every where oh no knucll dies scream...

sonc laugh...

sonic sayd: oh shit i apologies i nevr told u my name

i told him: please do

sonic: my name is....... Roxy.scary

roxy is my ex gf!!!!! she ws an bitch.... i fuckin hate her


Roxy.spooky: yes... i died after u broked up with me and now i am Demon who possess sonic.... and soon I will kill u... but i have old friend to deal with first...

No.......... i can't believ it....

eggman: I must stop sonic


eggman: metle sonic. kill sonic..

metql: ok

Then my evil ex gf roxy appear and kill metal sonic

eggman: No mu son!

roxy.spooky: die baldy nose hair

I HATE META ERA. how dare she reference it instead of dark age.....

i broke my computer with a chainsaw so i didn't have to deal with this injustice any longer

i thought i was safe but.....

Rroxy appears behunded me... she looked like sonic but eviled.

roxy: that not enough to me.... ur with me FRKEVER...

then i died
lesson learned...If u see scary sonic disc DONT PLAY cus ur ex will kill you

thanks for readin my ceepy pasta about sonic constructive criticism only pls add roxy.spooky to fnf sonic.exe mr fnf man

Insane to me that half of backloggd's lowest rated are indie games that YouTubers gaslit 12 year old me into thinking were good because they made 5+ videos on each one.

The other half are Sonic games, so I guess this is an overlap.

this game is so scary that every time I look at a hedgehog now I get instantaneous explosive diarrhea