Reviews from

in the past

i give this game 3.5 stars but i give the matthewmatosis video on this game 5 stars

Sonic Dreams Collection is a satirical and somewhat disturbing take on the Sonic The Hedgehog fanbase, specifically around the more infamous side while being very surreal and strange. It also has a bunch of sexual undertones featuring fetishes commonly associated with the Sonic fandom though nothing inappropriate is explicitly shown. The game makes your brain fill in the gaps with that sort of thing. I get that the game is trying to make you uncomfortable but god damn I had to take a shower after this experience. I would definitely never recommend this game but some of the music was actually kind of relaxing strangely enough. But this game doesn't have much to offer beyond satire.

This is a certified “Ben Esposito made this game” moment.

i think the foot tickling segment permanently changed my comedic tastes forever

a funny little piece on the sonic fandom and how bizarre it all is, but kinda goes overboard for shock internet value which is eh. play if you like sonic memes but please don't base your impressions of the whole series and its community on this satirical fan-game.

Блять, когда нюхал краску 10ч. А потом закурил, видемо это то что видит человек в таком случае

only horror that legitimately got a scream out of me

My roommate in college showed me this game and I'm not sure I've ever properly recovered.

Meu pc antigo não rodava nem roblox ou club penguin, mas de todo jogo ruim que ele podia rodar, ele rodou logo esse. fiquei traumatizado 😔

The scars this gave me may never heal...

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Should probably just be seen to believed. Incredibly clever puzzling that requires you to root through the system files. Love games that make you unsure if you're about to give yourself a virus.


this game scared me more than i could possibly imagine

This is perhaps the perfect encapsulation of the Sonic fanbase, representing the sheer passion to create something remarkable as well as the sheer degeneracy of what is often created.

This is unironically the best Sonic game in years.

this influenced how I think about sonic fans

This was funny in 2014 but I’ve no interest in revisiting it ever.

This game was funny in like 2014.

I'd rather play Sonic Omens

As someone whose favorite website back when this came out was DeviantArt, I was frankly a little disappointed by the presentation here; it's far too tame.

game about how cringe and annoying niche communities of sonic fans can be that manages to be just as cringe and annoying

Tengo 59 traumas nuevos pero bueno.

This was like the culmination of every edgy 20 to 30-year-old internet user who hated Sonic and loved pointing and laughing at whatever weird micro-communities with content relating to Sonic that they could find. "woahhhh man have you ever looked at the WEIRD sonic stuff they put on deviantart???? talk about CRINGE am I right?? sonic fans are so CRINGE dude" fuck you man. I don't care if there's some hidden profound meaning or ARG or whatever the people who played this game aren't here for that they're here to point and laugh

This needs to be incinerated

i will never recover from this experience

This is my favourite Sonic game.
This is not a joke.
Not sure what that says about me...