Reviews from

in the past

I swear you can just chuck this on and do a quick run through the game no matter where you are or what you’re doing. Not too hard, not too easy, short, and the levels have a ton of paths through them. Sonic 2 is one of the most replayable games ever.

Overrated demais. O jogo tem diversos problemas, ao ponto de que se torna uma experiência de merda jogar ele. Level design mal feito, tu toma dano do nada (até em partes onde você deveria ir rápido). O jogo parece que não aguenta a velocidade do Sonic e buga de maneira muito fácil. Sem falar dos special stages horríveis onde o Tails só atrapalha (mesmo tendo a opção de jogar só com um dos dois o jogo todo). O Super Sonic desse jogo é uma merda, buga o tempo todo se tu não tiver cuidado, sem falar que o jogo te obriga a se transformar quando tiver anéis o suficiente (o que pode te causar vários problemas e te fazer morrer bastante). A luta com o Mecha Sonic é sacanagem, os caras te dropam lá e te deixam sem anel algum. Enfim, o jogo é uma porcaria e é adorado sem motivo.

A huge leap in quality over Sonic 1! Level design is a lot tighter, somewhat trickier fights and.... to be frank, a special stage that's a pain in the ass. It's like they really built this one to be played by two people...
Still, a cool ride nevertheless. A fairly nice starting point if you ever want to check the franchise out.

Your little brother probably fell in love with games here

Sonic the hedgehog 2 improves upon the first game to the point where this is a perfect game. All of levels are fun and memorable, the music is even better in this game than the first somehow, and the bosses are absolutely perfect.

On top of this, the level design is much better than sonic 1, there so many more routes to take and the world's just feel SO much bigger. Also, every boss in sonic 2 was very fun to beat, especially the death egg robot. I was stuck on this boss for an hour at least, you need to fight two very hard bosses back to back with ZERO rings, so it's a little hard.

Although despite it being extremely challenging I would be lying if I said that this boss wasn't one of the best in all of gaming history. I highly recommend this game to anyone and everyone, I hope sonic 3 continues this trend of being better than your predecessor but after playing this I highly doubt anything can top this.

An improvement over the first game in most aspects. There is a lot of “old school” BS and there is some bugginess that comes with all Sonic games for some reason, but it improves on gameplay, level design, challenge, and full of bangers.

Better than the first game for sure, but I swear every zone got progressively less fun and well-designed. Was having a good enough time the first five or six worlds, but Metropolis tested my patience so hard that the rest of the game just didn't have the steam to bring back up. Probably didn't help I played it on PS2, so I had to wait 15-20 seconds each time I died, not wanting a game over. Self-replicating impatience.

The Sonic game that's the Sonic game that made Sonic Sonic (if that makes sense).

First thing that hits you is the visuals. The levels are much more colorful and detailed than in 1 and have a ton more personality to them. One of the best looking Genesis games and one of the finest looking platformers from this generation.

The gameplay here gets tightened up considerably. Levels feel like they have more paths than the first game and in general just flow better. The game loses some of the precision platforming of the slower paced original, but it's just as thrilling now as when I was a child getting up to BLAST PROCESSING SPEEDS in the levels and finding that path that lets you zip through a level in 1 minute. Shortening down to two acts also helps with the pace.

The music here is simply amazing and iconic.

There are a few levels that are a little on the frustrating side and I found that the final boss had some janky hit boxes but nothing that would ruin the game totally for me.

This has all the same problems as the first game but with some new modes. It's still not fun beyond the first level but i can still see why It's loved and me and my brother used to have a lot of fun in the 2 player mode.

bardzo dobrze się ta produkcja trzyma

I actually prefer Sonic 1 over this one, which is admitedly weird even to me.

The level design in this game just felt way cheaper all throughout, and on a game with limited continues this is seriously a no-go. The level select code is legitimately a saving grace for this game.

Some people argue that StH2's level design starts to fall off a cliff starting with Mystic Cave, but honestly? I started to see shit like this as soon as Chemical Plant Act 2. The second-to-last boss of the game being a memory game where any error equals death is also SUCH a dick move.

If the game didn't have limited continues this would've been a 7/10 due to the level design issues, but as it stands, this game is just way too eager to cheat out deaths from you to feel comfortable with its current structure.

I'll preface this by saying I've played a total of like three 2D sonic games. (more of a 3D sonic girly myself) HOWEVER this game was rad, and I genuinely think it improved quite a bit from the first Sonic. (I drowned far less, yay!) Some of the levels were a bit redundant, but the killer music and fun bosses made up for it.

The game isn't too hard until the final stages, and overall the pacing felt super reasonable. Looking forward to trying to find some of the hidden chaos emeralds in the future!

I couldn't count how many times I played through this as a kid. Was always crap at getting all the emeralds though. The different zones were all so memorable, and had such awesome theme songs

(Origins Version)
One of the best Sonic games around fantastic levels music and speedy gameplay the only thing that holds it back is that metropolis zone!!

This is the one entry in a short list of sega genesis games I had a brilliant experience with. I played it on console a year and a half ago, and at first, I had the same experience I've always had with 2d sonic games: Having fun, but very annoyed by the obstacles and limiting my average speed level. I thought to myself, like a lot of people, "man its so annoying i have to stop and play slow sometimes."

Of course, as sonic fans understand, all i needed to do was play and play. I started to learn the levels, everything started to mesh in a cohesive way, and i started to get faster and faster. Jump here, kill this enemy in this specific way, jump up here and get this shield, etc. So, once it clicked, I understood why sonic fans love these classic sonic games.

What a fun game to get good at. Reminds me of 3d mario games in that way: getting good at this game is a lovely experience. Also, not to disrespect the other aspects of this game that are clean as fuck. It has incredible music, sprite art, and physics. All in all, a fantastic follow up to the first game and a game that grew on me massively as I played it.

Ужасно. Отвратительно. Невыносимо. Непроглядный мрак ждёт в душе каждого, кто посмеет нагрянуть на территорию Богом проклятого ежа.
В отзыве на первую часть я упомянал прохождение посредством прекрасного официального эмулятора, позволившего вовсю манипулировать внутриигровым пространством и временем. Замечательная штука. А теперь небольшое откровение - в Сонике 2 я отматывал время вспять чуть ли не ежеминутно. Смейтесь, но примите истину - никому из вас не дано пройти это по человечески, ибо оно так и задумано. Левел дизайн прямиком из пучин ада предоставляет нечеловеческого рода ловушки и различные факторы дискомфорта тут и там, лишь бы бренное тело вашего колючего аватара преждевременно не продвинулось дальше положенного дедлайна в десятки часов перепрохождения одних и тех же отрезков. Откуда дано тебе знать, что во время скоростного разбега предстоит в доли секунды отреагировать и прыгнуть на трамплине, не сгинув в пропасть? Не дано, вот и пошёл нахуй, а заодно перепройди игру ещё разок, будь любезен. Про босс файты я вообще хотел бы промолчать. Финальный бой прошёл с такой частотой перемоток, словно спившийся скуф уснул на пульте от VHS плеера во время очередного пересмотра Чужих. Я уже говорил, что левел дизайн до невозможности всрат? Так повторюсь. Вспомните всеми "любимые" водные уровни в первой части. Так вот здесь их низвели до уровня ниже дна, откуда постучали. Задыхаться вы будете на постоянной основе, ведь пузырики не соизволят снизойти по вашу душу ещё секунд десять после прошлого возникновения. Перечислять подобное можно просто бесконечно. Каждая составляющая этой пытки возведена в уровень боли намеренно и не иначе.
Что такое сиквел? Мысленно подберите собственную интерпретацию сего термина. А теперь сопоставьте это с тем, что из себя являет Sonic The Hedgehog 2. Этот сиквел не даёт ничего того, что расширяет или превосходит что-либо предложенное в предшественнике. Лишь только унаследованная и развившаяся предрасположенность к нескончаемым мучениям. Игра не привлекает уже даже на визуальном и музыкальном уровне, а это единственное, что я мог похвалить в прошлый раз. Жалкий коммерческий самоповтор, растерявщий изначальную идентичность. Порой даже и не виден идейный корень того или иного сегмента.
А, у Соника появился друг лис. Рад за него.

A perfect sequel. No notes. The mobile port really puts it over the edge

Sonic 2 is a pretty fun game for like, 2 zones. Once you get past Chemical Plant, the zones get slower and far more dickish in their layout.
Also who hurt the designer of Death Egg!?

A lot better now that I know how to play the game properly.

crazy how actual levels make a game good

Biiiiiiiiiiiig jump in quality from Sonic 1, the Spindash alone feels great.
However! Oil Ocean! Fuck that!

Ehhh me quedo con el primero. Aunque talvez una rejugada me ayude a que me guste un poco más.

One of the best sequels of all time. Takes everything the 1st game did and improves it and then some. While it does falter a bit at the end, its not enough to ruin the complete experience! A classic that I revisit time and time again.

Better than the first game, if only because demolishing levels as Super Sonic is actually pretty fun. (They still gotta work out the kinks on those special stages, though.)

Played the mobile port on my Kindle Fire, and made it either as far as Hill Top Zone or Oil Ocean Zone, I can't remember. After trying several classic Sonic games, and coming to terms with the fact that Sonic is not for me, I will not be returning to this game.