Reviews from

in the past

This game slapped when I was in elementary school. I tried playing it again a few years later and it was boring and mind numbingly repetitive.

It's cool seeing all the comic book characters though.

This game makes you feel like Spider-Man's Friend or Foe

I played this game when i was 5 and I don't remember if it was good, but it probably wasn''t

played it cause I went through a phase of playing every Spiderman game
I almost asked for this for the PSP as a kid one Christmas once a dodged bullet


It was kind of fun as a kid I guess.

combate é legal mas o jogo é extremamente repetitivo

Ich liebe dieses Spiel, obwohl viele es nicht so gut finden wie ich. Hat mir soviel Spaß gemacht ❤️ würde es lieben einen Nachfolger zu bekommen. Diese Möglichkeit mit dem grünen Kobold, Venom, Doc Oc usw.. zu spielen war einfach genial. Das Spiel für mich ist eine 11/10

Auf Platz 1 meiner Games Liste

This was the shit back in the day

muito divertido de jogar co op

era muito divertido jogar o coop

My dad accidentally deleted my save and I never played it again after that

fez parte da minha adolescência

I will never forget my dad getting off work and coming home at 6am to surprise me with a copy of this game that he had got when he went to Gamestop to buy the new Battlefield and Call of Duty games.

It was just incredibly fun as a kid LOL! 5/5

A game that is as basic as it gets with mashing one button killing the same types of enemies over and over. But I have nostalgia for this one and the 2 player Co-op, cheesy voice lines and cool boss fights make me remember this one fondly.

the studio that made this is now owned by Nintendo

Legal e divertido nos primeiros momentos, depois acaba se tornando repetitivo.

I remember completing it with my mother, sweet memories.