Reviews from

in the past

Provavelmente um dos jogos que mais joguei na minha vida. Zerei incontáveis vezes na época em que não tinha internet em casa e a única diversão no pc eram os jogos de 5 reais q eu comprava na feira. As 5 estrelas não fazem muito sentido levando em consideração a qualidade do jogo, mas as memorias e diversão que esse jogo me proporcionou valem.

Isso... Era melhor na minha memória... Puta jogo quebrado do cacete kkkkkkkkk fora que cansa pra caralho uma hora, jogo nem tenta diversificar um pouco

childhood classic for me, but revisiting this has shown that it's a lil too repetitive. would've liked more enemy variety and shorter levels. green goblin is the goat, just endless powerbombing and throwing enemies off the map at 500 mph

Marcou minha infância 🤓

Анекдот: идет Человек-паук по улице видит Человека-тапка, паук его спрашивает: ты че здесь делаешь? а тапок его просто придавил блять аххахахахахахахахаххаахха

Played the ps2 version as a kid. Fun game with great co-op. Dunno why the ps2 version wasnt an option on this site

Don't care this game underrated, stll not amazing

played on wii


С Андрейкой или кем-нибудь ещё перепройти её...

7 часов скидывания дебилов с обрыва с другом (совмещая с желанием застрелиться)

Very repetitive but still fun

Top tier childhood memories. Haven't played it in recent years at all, might have to do that one of these days


Una experiencia sólida... Al inicio, ya que a la larga se vuelve monótono culpa de su casi nula variedad en el combate y que prácticamente todos los personajes tienen el mismo estilo de pelea, y las peleas con jefes son funcionales cuanto menos. Su mayor fuerte es más que nada la presentación y música, cosa que ayuda a disimular lo vaga que es el esquema de niveles. Es un juego entretenido.

It's like a dream come true for a little champ I was when I got it. Spider-man and his enemies fighting side-by-side agains TRUE evil. Now I see that it is a very average beat'em up, but back then? Oh boy...

Los combos estaban muy buenos la verdad, las historia, medio medio, mucho enemigo reskineado

Very much a kids brawler game. Very simple and that's about it.

não ter o Mistério como parceiro foi uma decepção pra mim quando eu era criança

played on ps2

this was my favorite game as a child, i’d play it w my big bro all the time

Huge amount of nostalgia for this one, I swear I've seen that opening cutscene at least thirty times lmao. Was my introduction to so many of my favorite characters, such as Mysterio, Iron Fist and Blade.

It's a really cool little beat 'em up. Shines brightest in soundtrack, environments and character variety. The story is as basic as it gets, and the enemy types can be pretty repetitive, but it's a fun time. James Arnold Taylor is a terrific Spidey.

Melhor jogo do homem aranha já feito

What's the point? If I wanted to play a beat 'em up made for kids so bad I'd play the LEGO games

A melhor coisa desse Game é a Cinematic inicial.

Ngl this game is ass but playing as Spiderman's rivals is cool

I played the demo with my friend at his house when we were kids. So, I remember the opening cutscene was cool, but I’m pretty sure this game sucked. I mean, I remember enjoying it, but I think that was just because we were dumb kids who couldn’t detect quality yet.