Reviews from

in the past

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The end game was such a grain, thats why I decrease a rating. It is also really sad to see everyone go, especially stanley, love that little guy. When stella finally leaves the everdoor, I just cant help but to feel a bit sad that the journey is over.

If you feel like you haven't had a good cry in awhile, then this will do it. Very charming characters and a wonderful story about accepting and facing death over and over. It can get a bit tedious at times but fulfilling the tasks for the characters is well worth it. Highly recommend playing it if possible.

One of the first games I actually got on my switch, since I got it relatively late into it's life span.

It was a fun playthrough with lovable characters and a decently paced story as well. The building aspect was unique slightly which overall made for an enjoyable experience.

this game made me cry about once every hour, its lovely

A pretty simple and straight forward game with a story that absolutely wrecked me. Rearranging the ship was fun and I didn’t mind some of the repetitive stuff that I know would annoy some people. If you want to cry and get cozy I recommend this one.

Spiritfarer was very nice and very cozy and it was nice to play but at first I thought it was a story about fixing the spirits issues before letting them go through the door instead of a direct metaphor of the messiness of death. Understanding that, I appreciated the game way more, but I still would've preferred the first option.

One of the most repetitive games I've ever played that still managed to make me burst into tears at the end

Platformer + builder/manger + amazing hand drawn art style + touching story = Completely hooked.

One of the saddest cozy games I've played in a while.

I'm ashamed that I've not actually reviewed this sooner! It's one of those games that I watched a fellow streamer/friend play it and I then gave it my all to jump right in and buy it!

For more, here's my stream/Gameplay

The game is where you start out as a young woman named Stella, with her pet cat, making way by boat to the Boatman of the afterlife, Charon. He gifts you the task of collecting souls and then when their time is right, taking them to the bridge where they can finally pass over into whatever waits for one's soul when it completes it's journey.

You inherit his boat and soon come across friends and family members who will assist you in cleaning up and improving the boat to meet yours and your guests needs, becoming a mobile town with the number of buildings by the end of the game!

Something of a narrative brilliance that this game does is it makes you feel for the characters as they are, at times, vague in who they looked like and ect in the living world, but they're people you know and the vagueness allows you to place upon them people you may have loved and lost in your life which led to my crying every time I took someone to the point and they were either anxious about what happens next, talk about their regrets and realisations and then finally, there's those who don't fully understand what's going on due to either memory problems of just their age when they died and I felt for EVERY SINGLE ONE!

I even promised myself at times that I wouldn't do it again next time, but I DID! I was in tears multiple times because the game does such a good job in making you care and love for these characters, identifying real-life people that they could relate to in your life. One that hit my hard was how my Nan had recently passed and one of the characters made me think of her so taking her to the gateway to pass on was...difficult.

It's a wholesome game about death, the impact we make on other's lives and the impact they make upon us too. The amount of crafting and discovery to be had in this game is so massive that you will be busy for many hours and I haven't even played the new "Farewell Edition" so I'm not certain how much even more interesting content and characters that they've brought into it.

I love the Shark Shipwright and his terrible jokes!

If I have to say goodbye to another friend I'll fucking cut you

my xbox cloud game pass ran out just as i was going to get the ending...

Jogo bom mas não tenho paciência pra completar, talvez eu comece do zero.

A really nice time with an interesting story and thoughts on facing death

Bah je chiale H24 en fait c ça tu veux que je te dise ?

Perfeito, você se apega aos personagens, e se encanta com a historia.

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Eu tava me aguentando muito bem até chegar a partida do Stanley.
Eu posso até me esquecer dos nomes, das histórias, dos detalhes, mas eu sempre guardei a jornada desse jogo comigo. Obrigada por conversar comigo!

The cleanest animation I've seen in a game

I am so Cool and Normal about this game.

yes its as good as people say. yes I cried playing it.

Comfy. Really unique game about coming to terms with death and letting go. The crafting/farming part is whatever but the characters are great. My one issue is that I don't think the game benefits all that much from having the protagonist be silent. Considering they know the actually characters i'd rather they have dialogue with them as the moments between story beats (sailing the seas) get kinda dull because the rest of the cast doesn't have fun interactions with eachother

Super fun game, but very intense emotionally. One of the few games that has ever made me cry.

Esse jogo em 2 hrs me deixou mais confortavel do que nunca, virou meu comfort game, onde eu entro só pra relaxar, ainda estou no processo de zerar, mas ja nem importa mais

Cute! Fun and gorgeous lil Animal Crossing style grind game. Having co-op is also pretty cool. Not something I fell in love with but I respect the heck out of

Eu lembro de ter curtido muito esse jogo quando eu tava jogando. Infelizmente abondonei ele por conta de escola e trabalho, mas ainda pretendo voltar a jogar e terminar.

Jogo muito bonito visualmente, a arte é bem única e combina perfeitamente com a atmosfera.

Os designs dos personagens são muito bem feitos e combinam bastante com suas personalidades.

A vibe que o jogo passa é muito tranquila e jogar esse jogo é bem relaxante e terapeutico eu diria.

Talvez eu ainda pegue ele pra ver o final.

This is a super charming game that has very calming and healing energy to it. The developers did a phenomenal job at getting me attached and feeling it whenever I took someone through the Everdoor. The bittersweet feeling I got from the first spirit to the ending is a testament to the writing. Alice and Stanley definitely hit the hardest. This game absolutely deserves more attention.