Reviews from

in the past

Got over 3000 on my first attempt and then never got above 2000 again

The halloween theme song lives rent free in my head.

Tetris is one of the most famous game in history. It has many children, some of them had great destiny, like Puyo Puyo or all the match-3 genre.

Suika is based on Tetris, but twist its core essence in a clever way. In suika, you don't manipulate tetrominos. You manipulate spheres. If two spheres of the size touch each other, they merge into a bigger one. Simple and smart. The biggest size you sphere can reach is the size of a watermelon (suika in japanese).

I must say, due to the very cute look of the game and its juicy sound desing: this game is fairly addictive. The brilliant idea of the game is using round-shaped puzzle piece. This lead to a lot of rythm variation. On time, you drop fruits as fast as you can to transform a fruit just before it falls on a pit. Another time, you precisely point the very specific location you want your fruit to fall on for it to stay in place.

But there are a low of small flaws that, added to each other, lead to a not-so-good game experience. For instance, you will loose. This is mandatory. Of course: fruits add on top of each other without being deleted in any way. All they do is gaining in size. This mandatory deafeat isn't pushing you to play, and displayed highscore look like an absolute unreachable limit. Another default are collisions, which aren't great at all. Sometime fruits touch each other and do not merge. Sometime fruits are displayed on onto another, which leads to strange physics beahviour. Fall location detection isn't precise, which might be frustrating.

Jogo ok, nada demais. Não me engajou pra tentar zerar ele

Me ayuda a sobrevivr a las clases de sistemas informaticos :D

Take off that mask, Suika. You can't fool me. I know what you are beneath that fruity aesthetic, and I REFUSE to let you hook me again! I got up to 2048 a watermelon, I'm calling this game beaten now.

Me está arruinando la vida, y llenando de frustración el que no sea capaz de sacar una piña

this stupid game has taken over my life

super casual and easy to play but I've yet to hit 3k

A very charming spin on 2048 that ultimately gets a bit too repetitive for my personal tastes. Can definitely see why it got so popular though and I'm happy that it did 👍

The best part of this game is when a bunch of fruit combine in quick succession. It's like watching a bag of popcorn get cooked.

I have yet to actually make a watermelon. I have not seen a single suika in this game. Therefore, I have yet to reach true enlightenment.

Keine Ahnung warum so ein einfaches Spiel, welches gefühlt vom Spielprinzip aus den 80er kommen könnte, so viel Spaß macht

This game plays terribly but I gotta get to 3000

Es como el fentanilo para VTubers

it saves my life in history classes🙏

Kawaii, oishi incantation of evil maths that control our world, deteriorative and abstracted to aesthetic nothingness such that ones orbitofrontal cortex no longer sees through the ruse (entropic)

vai toma no cu a poha da melancia

Desde que jugué por primera vez mi vida ha ido cayendo en picado (ojalá fuese broma (pronto todo acabará))

I played this shit on roblox yo

Addicting, Dekopon are the worst.

Un juego perfecto para pasar el rato y quitarte el aburrimiento mientras esperas a algo.
La música se hace aburrida al poco tiempo al ser super repetitiva, pero por lo demás es un juego simple y divertido.

Si hubiera salido en 2011-14 todo el mundo lo hubiera jugado por aquel entonces lol.

if this shit game out in 2011 on the iphone 4 it would have had an animated movie today