Reviews from

in the past

Dios mio, Se nota bastante que este mario 2 Era un mario trucho robado Porque el mismo esta tan mal hecho que sorprende.

Para empezar Su level desing esta muy mal planteado con zonas que te ponen retos imposibles de intuir sin una guia o dar vueltas 20 años hasta encontrarlos, tambien presentando posicionamiento de enemigos tedioso.

Pero lo mas grave respecto a este juego.... Es que es aburrido, se siente lento, tosco y pesado
Sus bossfigths no dan diversión se siente como dark souls 2 y megamanX2 las cuales son largas pero no porque sean dificiles sino porque te hacen esperar eternidades para tener una oportunidad de hacer algo.

Sinceramente creo que este es el peor mario en 2D de la historia Y dudo que alguno caiga tan bajo como lo fue este que ademas de ser un mal juego representa una obvia perdida de identidad respecto al primer juego y que su final sea el tipico final de:

AY TODO FUE UN SUEÑO NADA PASO es la excusa mas barata para justificar las fumadas que se mandaron

Dog ass. Super boring, only worth playing for birdo.

GOTY every year baby.
Okay, to be honest, I feel like if this didn't have Mario plastered on the cover, this game would had been overlooked. It's fun, and visually it's really good, but it doesn't hit the same as the other Mario games.

i got a good ways into the game actually but i will never be picking it up again i hated this so much

Fun game, way it's designed is a bit annoying but I had a good time overall.

A pretty good game, even if it isn't really a sequel to Super Mario Bros. I like killing guys with nutrition.

I played this a ton as a kid but didn't actually complete it until I was an adult. The sound effect for picking up turnips is really good. It's got a different pace to its platforming that is interesting, but I'm not as into it as I am SMB1 and 3.

Super Mario Bros. 2 was the best part of 1988 for me. I say this without a trace of shame, because this fun, silly game got me through some pretty dark days. And I only found out many years later that the game was a reskin of Yume Kōjō: Doki Doki Panic, but that does nothing to diminish the thrills of discovery and the joy I experienced with it.

Este juego es, como decirlo, raro ¿Y como no? Digo, esto es una skin de otro juego, que aunque es entretenido, realmente no tiene mucho que ver con Mario.
Extra: Esta es la versión en Switch la cual esta en HD.
Juego completo al 100%.

Diria que é uma boa evolução,do primeiro ao segundo jogo,especialmente no visual.Oh jogo bonito.

Unique gameplay compared to the other 2 nes games, average difficulty, but still, nothing special.

Doki Doki Panic who? We only play Super Mario Bros. 2 in my household!

After the first world the game falls apart, yeah it's not a fun title at all. Boring.

I love when Nintendo forgot to make an American Super Mario Bros sequel gotta love them
I will give it to them though they picked a good game to reskin. It's fun and silly and very much not like any other 2D Mario title that's for sure. It's become an integral part of Mario's history though. There's still countless references to it to this day.

Definitely the most "OK" Mario game.

This game is quite odd and frankly frustrating with its enemy placement. But it has its strengths. Most notably the multiple characters. They all provide different play styles for your preference (I dont know why you wouldnt pick Peach but anyway.)

Certainly outshined by 3 but a solid NES game nonetheless. Better than Lost Levels for sure.

Un lindo plataformero que no ha envejecido nada mal y que por más diferente que sea del resto de la franquicia le da mil vueltas a la versión japonesa (me chupa un huevo que este juego sea Doki Doki Panic recoloreado)

Really big difference from how Super Mario Bros. 1 played but it makes sense considering this game is another game disguised as Mario. Never beat it but I liked what I played :) Might return to it one day

the most unique of the original 3 marios; however, designed less linearly, which is not playing to the strengths of mario

There are two wolves inside of me. One says "A ROCKET. A ROCKET???! WHAT DID WE SAY ABOUT AESTHETIC CONSISTENCY TIMMY!!" and the other says "it actually brought almost as many series staples as Super Mario Bros. while the elements that did not return really sully the game" and both wolves are right actually I'm not picking any political wing today.

Atleast the ending is accurate. I wish this game was a dream too! Alas... Birdo (which was supposed to be the ostrich enemy's name apparently) turned out to be mad annoying before she transed her gender and i never got used to dealing with the eggs. Or the fireworks coming out that mouth.... yo wtf Birdo eat lmao