Reviews from

in the past

mediocre game, shame it didnt get the R treatment like the other 2 ds tales games because the foundation of a good story is there.

Ooooooooooook, putain, je sais même pas par où commencer... écoutez, SVP ÉVITEZ CE JEU D'ACCORD, vous vous souvenez que j'avais dit que trails of cold steel 4 a le pire scénario que j'ai vu dans un rpg ? Eh bien tales of the tempest C'EST LE PIRE RPG QUE J'AIE JAMAIS FAIT, PUTAIN C'EST POSSIBLEMENT LE PIRE JEU QUE J'AIE JAMAIS FAIT

BON SANG, IL Y A MÊME PAS UN SEUL TRUC POSITIF, le scénario est complètement de la merde, l'artstyle EST HORRIIIIIIIIIIIIBLE OMG ILS SONT TELLEMENT LAIDS WTF ?! OÙ EST PASSÉ L'ARTSTYLE TALES OF ?! Les persos sont complètement merdiques et oubliables avec 0 character development, le combat est de loin le pire combat de tous les jeux tales (eh oui c'est bien pire que le combat de tales of legendia), le taux de random encounters est absurdement haut 💀 Les bosses sont faciles mais ennuyeux car en gros on doit juste spam les normal attacks pendant genre 10 minutes, LES PARTY MEMBERS SONT DES IDIOTS ET PARFOIS ILS HEALENT PAS MÊME SI TOUT LE MONDE EST SUR LE POINT DE MOURIR ET IL Y A PAS DES INSTRUCTIONS EN MODE "Heal when HP is low" WTF.... Et j'ai mute le jeu car, vu que c'est un jeu DS, la qualité des sons était trop compressée et mes oreilles ont presque commencé à saigner... Je pense que le seul truc positif c'est que le jeu est extrêmement court, ça m'a pris genre 15 heures max, alors au moins c'est vite mais quand même ça a pas valu le coup punaise

Comment est-ce possible, CE JEU IL MÉRITE PAS D'AVOIR LE MOT TALES DANS SON NOM, JE VOUS JURE C'EST LA SEULE RAISON POUR LAQUELLE J'AI FAIT LE JEU CAR BON SANG SINON J'AURAIS ABANDONNÉ LE JEU APRÈS LES 5 PREMIÈRES MINUTES WTF... Car littéralement même l'opening est hyper merdique et tellement moche, même avant de commencer le jeu, juste avec l'opening on sait que ça n'augure rien de bon 😭😭😭 POURQUOI J'AI TOUCHÉ À CE TRUC


honestly if this game got a remake and the ideas were properly fleshed out itd be really good. but it didnt. so it isnt

Very bad, but gets a bonus half a star for having the most interactive cooking in the series

I love random encounters and overly large overworlds!

Combat is bland at best, characters are boring I can't remember one personality quirk about any of them, and the story at best is functional. Just another example of Dimps being Dimps.

yoooo this game fucking sucks

I played this through twice... TWICE! It sucks beyond belief. Please, take care of yourself and don't play this.

Puedes pasarte este juego al nivel 20
Así de malo y aburrido son sus combates...

I knew it would be bad. Everyone said it was. And yet, what is it about surefire disappointment that allures me so? I've been really getting into the Tales series, and after recently finishing Zestiria and really enjoying it despite its glaring flaws, I was feeling a little quirky. I think it's not so much that Tempest gets a lot of bad rep, but just so the fact that not many people outside of Japan played it. Anything to join an elite (but useless) club just for a small sense of trite accomplishment. Was it worth it? Well, sort of.

This is a truly fascinating game. I mean, just the fact that it manages to be a whole lot of nothing. I just finished this game, and I honestly couldn't even begin to properly summarize what happened despite its ridiculously short length of only 10 hours. The most I got from the story is... SPOILERS: MC's dad is a furry.

True story, that is. Outside of the generally uninteresting story, the characters rarely get a chance to develop, especially with the absence of skits, which is a crying shame in a Tales title. Some of the older titles excluded, characters are a big part of what makes the series so enjoyable, and skits really enhance that aspect. Tempest sort of has a replacement in the form of "campfire breaks" that only really happen at specific moments in the story, and a few optional ones when using a tent at certain points, but none of these are very interesting, either.

Story is a bust. Characters are also a bust. Well, how about gameplay? It's surprisingly OK! And by that I mean it's not terrible enough to put me to sleep at least. It's a fairly simple battle system, but it gets the job done, I feel. The main issue here is the godawful encounter rate that makes getting from Point A to Point B a slog half the time. Oh, and the whole game save for the final boss is extremely easy. Just have fun dealing with the stupid AI which refuses to heal you half the time you need it.

All around, everything about this game is kinda stinky. Even the UI for the menus is terrible. Clunky and unintuitive navigation makes switching out gear more tedious than it needs to be. Still, as I said earlier, finishing this was sort of worth it. It was kind of cozy to play. Brain off. Right thumb mashing that attack button. Laughing at the jank and the insipid story; especially the two hilariously dumb plot twists that occur later in the game. The game was short enough that it didn't overstay its welcome (too much), and it was honestly pretty cool to check out this obscure piece of Tales history in the spirit of getting more into the series. It's not an offensively bad game, just boring, and definitely not worthy of being branded as a "Tales of" title. After all the negative reception it garnered, it makes sense why they decided to reclassify this as a spin-off.

Its not a fully bad game, it has ideas that work well but due to how short the game is and how its paced it ends on a kinda abrupt note.
The battle system is pretty good but I had the constant issue of items not doing their job.
The exploration was easily the worst part due the empty plains and a pretty bad encounter rate with lots of back tracking later on.
The game I can only recommend for those curious about its infamy, Bamco please give this a remake treatment like the other DS titles

L so big Namco made it a spinoff

LMAO WOW! I keep forgetting this exists but it's extremely funny to me that it got a full fan translation. Wowowowowow how'd they even put this shit out?