Reviews from

in the past

Probably my favorite capcom vs game mechanically. Don't care much for the tatsunoko characters but the capcom picks were really good. Shame the power stone guys didn't make the cut tho.

put my girl Saki into other games Capcom you fucking cowards


One of the most underrated games of all time. Amazing cast, gameplay and music. Capcom should try to make more VS games like this.

Es una ofensa que Nintendo ni capcom no hayan sacado un remasterd o un port de esto.

The control scheme for this is overly simplified due to the use of the wiimote and nunchuck. I wanted to like it, but I just couldn't get into it.

Os sistemas desse título são bem implementados, apesar de ser ruim jogar com o Wiimote sem o Pro Controller.

A seleção de lutadores conversa com um nicho específico de personagens de uma empresa não tão conhecida no ocidente de forma geral, o que o torna atraente mais pros fãs do que pro público geral. Seria legal se fosse reaproveitado com ports pra outras plataformas.