Reviews from

in the past

Este aqui deve ter sido o meu favorito no quesito fan service, de resto não teve quase inovação nenhuma, sem ser o gráfico etc.

As cutscenes são lindas e é tudo cheio de personalidade, acredito que tenha sido um período morno para a série.

Had a lot fun playing this. A friend recommended this game to me when i asked which Tekken game should i start with and you might be wondering if other people should start Tekken with this one like i did well honestly it depends. If you're just dipping your toes into the world of Tekken and don't want to commit to buying a new game or upgrading your hardware just yet, then Dark Resurrection is a solid choice.
It offers enough content to keep you entertained for hours on end, and the gameplay is as solid as ever.

What sets apart this game from it's predecessor Tekken 5 is the content. Dark Resurrection adds in a bunch of new characters, stages, and modes that weren't originally in the base game like the Tekken Dojo mode and also adds in like an RPG element to it allowing players to level up characters and unlock things as they progress.

The graphics in this game while not a drastic overhaul, features some improvements in graphics and visual effects compared to Tekken 5, particularly in its PSP iteration.

Another cool thing is the customization in this game offering more customization options for characters, allowing players to personalize the characters to a greater extent though to unlock the customization that you want to buy is by earning points that you get from playing the game

Difícil superar esse jogo. É o Tekken mais completo até hoje e isso inclui a versão Vanilla. Joguei no PSP pq é onde eu conseguia mas se eu pudesse eu jogaria no PS3

roger to his therapist be like: "she took the fucking kid and a damn lizard started fucking my wife"

i grew up with this specific tekken. i love the gameplay but there is nothing i love more than tekken bowling. it is so real. so raw. my first memory of tekken is tekken bowling. what i am and will become IS tekken bowling.

Kid me used to main the kangaroo


If we pretend tekken 1 doesn't exist, the odd numbered tekken games really are the most refined ones. The PS3 port of tekken dark resurrection probably has the most refined fighting, and biggest roster out of all the versions of tekken 5 out there. It's incredibly fun with friends. However, me being the lonely fighting gamer out there, I do wish it had the modes that were in vanilla tekken 5 as this version of the game is pretty much arcade and versus and that's it. Pretty darn jarring for a tekken game when the previous games usually have some wacky fun sidemodes to also sink your teeth into. If you have friends around to play this with, this game owns. If not, you might want to downgrade to vanilla.

steve fox literalmente eu

Não consegui usar o analogico pra jogar, ou seja, jogo de luta com a D-pad é UMA MERDA.

A good fighting game but a poor Tekken console experience.

Unfortunately Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection is mostly just a very straightforward port of the Arcade version on PS3, it lacks a story mode, most side game mode, Devil Within (for the better or worse), and the whole unlockable extravaganza that Tekken is known for. Having all characters unlocked from the get go is fairly handy but then you really just get this “Pick up and play” Tekken game which on its own is good for a fighting game but it’s just unfortunate to see that everything Tekken 5 on console built was completely forgotten.

While I gave it a pretty low score, it’s a good game don’t get me wrong I just don’t think it’s a very good “Update” to Tekken 5 if it just mostly removes a chunk of content just to add like 3 characters. The fact that the online was a standalone release/DLC is really weird, would you imagine paying 10€ to play the online of Tekken 8? (And I don’t mean PSN…)

But as someone who’s been on a journey to play all Tekken games in order, I can officially tell you that if I had to come back to a Tekken game it would be this one due to the polished gameplay, sleek updated PS3 graphics, and hypocritically enough the pick up and play aspect.

Première fois que je fais vraiment un jeu de combat à 100%. Ça ne m'avait pas rendu plus fort, mais ça m'a fait passer du bon temps (et rager un peu).

Parmi les meilleurs de France 5 ans après une fois que plus personne n'y jouait bah ouais mon gars

Ao contrário do Tekken 6 de PSP onde joguei o modo história de vários personagens (até por ser bem mais curto), aqui por enquanto só joguei com Lee Chaolan e confesso que já me diverti mais aqui, pela campanha maior, as cutscenes antes e depois das lutas importantes e pelo boss final que é bem mais amigável para com jogadores casuais.

my uncle lent me this game when I was like 7 and i remember being like damn this shit is violent so cool

Very solid fighting game, good roster of characters and awesome soundtrack.

Podia ser só um port mas mudaram muitas coisas, poderiam ter deixado os cenários e músicas originais e acrescentar os novos, deixar o fundo do menu igual ao do ps2 ou pelo menos ter a opção de mudar, os modos novos não tenho nada a favor nem contra, a gameplay é básicamente a mesma, gráficamente (joguei no psp, suponho que deu uma melhorada pro ps3) nada a comentar, gostaria que esse jogo fosse uma melhora grotesca do original. (achei legal o Dragunov e a Lili, antes que comentem)

Yeah, this is 10 times better than vanilla Tekken 5. And it's still my favourite Tekken game.

The new characters are cool. (Especially my boy, Dragunov!) The new palettes for characters are a nice change and customization has more to it which I like.

Jinpachi is actually more of a cakewalk now which I'm so happy they nerfed. Though, Devil Jin is still a pain to fight lol.

Tekken Dojo is a fun concept with ranking up. It gets harder as you go on which is fair even with the AI still being dodgy at times. (Usually against Law Ghosts. Grrr!)

Story Mode is just as fun as vanilla though I am sad it's not on the PS3 version.

Overall, this is Tekken 5 but way better. And it's my favourite Tekken game. The PSP version has more to it with Tekken Dojo and Story Mode so if you wanna play full on Dark Resurrection, then get that version if you got a PSP.

The PS3 version is good and you even get to play as Jinpachi! (Laughs in Devil Gene...) Too bad he's not as strong as when you fight him.

But yeah, Dark Resurrection is the GOAT.

probably a 5 but...

- no training mode or dojo
- wheres the history/campaign ??
- confused ass costumizer

so yeah, its a 4.5