Reviews from

in the past

The Ditty of Carmeana is stupid. But it wants to be. And in a style of humor like something written by Kevin Smith, it's got enough heart inside of its inanity to be an alright time.

The biggest sin, really, is that there's just too much dialogue and the humor is too try-hardy too often. Instead of pushing the pace and getting things accomplished the game goes for too many yucks that don't always land. Which bogs the game down in unvoiced dialogue and silly fetch quests that feel more frustrating than fun when not only are they stupid but they were supposed to be funny and aren't.

All that being said, there's plenty in this thing that's clever. Clever enough to make you chuckle and sometimes laugh out loud. The writing isn't bad it's just inconsistent and I'd like to see more projects from the dev in the future as they get better at programming and finding their voice. But overall Carmeana is a fun little goofball satire of fantasy stories and RPGs. It mostly does the job and I think most people that are inclined to stumble on this thing would find it funny to play.

For someone's first real attempt at something of this scale and with this humor, it's a really good swing. Consider this game graded on a curve.

You're enjoyment of this game is 100% down to your enjoyment of its sense of humour. As such you should go into it as blind as possible. But if an extremely tongue in cheek parody of Zelda and adventure fantasy games sound fun; give it a shot!