Reviews from

in the past

1. Absolutely shat it when the air blast thing first kicked in, didn't know they'd added air to the HotD experience
2. Pulled a muscle in my arm trying to be cool holding the fairly heavy Uzi with one hand
3. Died as soon as the zombie ninjas made an appearance but had fun otherwise
[Played at Taito Station in Hiroshima]

Played this with my buddy's girlfriend 20-odd months ago and she locked up when a QTE happened resulting in me blank-face staring at the screen as I slowly lost lives getting ready to get my R1 card out while she was looking over at my buddy saying "What am I supposed to do?"
Something to think about

A decently-fun entry in the franchise that has all the series' tropes you've come to expect- including ninja zombies, fat zombie dudes with chainsaws, little slug monsters, and some truly awful voice acting. My friend alleged that the reason these games have such bad voice acting is because you're not intended to hear them clearly in an arcade environment? I dunno, the sound mixing is weird too but if you've enjoyed these games up to this point it's a fun but fleeting way to spend an hour in Round 1 or Dave & Buster's. My only major criticism would be the lack of blood & gore compared to earlier HotD games, and if it had gotten a console port it'd likely be the first game in the series to end-up with a T rating.

Oh yeah- there's no console port is there? Well- if you can figure out how to set up TeknoParrot and don't mind playing with a mouse or you're savvy enough to set up a Sinden light gun or use Lichtknarre to set up a Wii remote, it actually is possible to play this game on PC since it runs on Sega's ALLS arcade board which is basically just a gaming PC running on an i5 6500 and a GTX 1070. I ran it on an i7 8700k with an RTX 2070 Super and had an arcade-accurate experience more or less so it's something to consider if you don't have easy access to an arcade with one of these machines. Though I don't condone piracy so spend a few bucks playing through a level or two in the arcade if you ever get the opportunity.

Scarlet Dawn is an almost perfect expansion of the ideas set up in HOTD4 with some slight dial backs into ideas from the other games, like more varied zombie types and alternate weapons.

I’d say the only real parts holding it back are the story being a bit less interesting by the series standard, a rampancy of technical issues and lack of polish, as well as the lack of a home release.

Thornheart you son of a fucking bitch you made us theorise for years but you swiped the floor with how fucking evil you are. Games story is fucking perfect but it's let down by crazily rushed voice overs (i know the point is bad voice acting haha but it's a valid critisism) and it's made in U4, there was not much care put into this as what I wanted but the story is what im going for and I challenge the people who played games such as the last of us, walking dead and resident evil to give this a shot, it will not disappoint you. I used to go for years hating this franchise cause it used to scare me as a kid in arcades, but after doing more and more research into it as I got older I realised how maginificent was and how underrated this classic from sega is.

This game is objectively not better than the others but I'm gay and woman hot and also I missed the horrendous voice acting

House of the Dead portbegging > Persona portbegging

As a long time HotD fan I was SUPER excited to see the series' triumphant return to arcades! And after playing it.. Welll...

Obviously this is the best looking HotD to date, hell even shooting the regular zombies feels great, and it's nice to see the return of some of the other normal zombies! But this game is SERIOUSLY lacking on the bosses.

Charriot and Hanged Man return from HotD1 and they're pretty fun! But as cool as it is to see the return of old bosses, I would've prefered some new ones..

..or maybe not because all the new ones in this game are BAD.

Like, design wise they're brilliant! Gameplay wise?? You can literally pay your way through them. As in, you technically have to do NOTHING to beat them.

hey at least the voice acting is horrible again

I honestly wish there was a console port of this but at the same time I know damn well it wont be a patch on the cabinet. Theres something just so intense about the entire game, from the chaotic more frenzied speed in comparison to previous games, to the lights, sounds, seat rumbles and smoke. Its an experience thats for sure.

Its not perfect dont get me wrong. The story and cutscenes are corny and weird as usual and the game just loves plot-dumping at a moments notice. The lack of the Aime card feature in the overseas version is frustrating too.

Nevertheless... This is just one hell of a blast and well worth wasting your cash on.

I am forever impressed how Sega manages to get authentically bad voice performances for these games. I'm not talking bad in the way anime dubs are bad, where the voice actors sound like Abridged Series voice actors, but bad in the way that the actors sound like they have no context for what they are ever saying. It's amazing. If a House of the Dead game has good voice acting it's not worth your quarters.

Played this at the Dave & Buster's and, gotta say, I think this is a much better game than 4 or even 3, but still retains a lot of its issues 4 introduced: gore is non-existent, zombies bodies still don't react dynamically to getting hit, the SMGs are not my favorite weapon choices, and the bosses basically fight themselves.

I love seeing The Chariot again, he is an amazing design, and in this game is actually somewhat threatening. But I have given up on HOTD ever having truly novel bosses again and just time wasters.

The game has ANOTHER SEWER LEVEL. ANOTHER ONE!!! FUCK!!! We actually start in a House of the Dead, which is fantastic, but eventually the guy on staff who fucking loves these sewers gets his slimy hands all over this shit ONCE AGAIN. This is eased by most of the levels being colorful, detailed, and interesting unlike the brown-gray stain of 4.

I can't say too much, because you can go play this in an arcade RIGHT NOW! Go to Dave & Buster's and it's THERE! The booth you play it in is one of the best arcade experiences, as it blasts air at you and has a wonderful audio setup, it feels like a very expensive cabinet and is fun enough to warrant it. Also, Kate Green is so Beautiful...

Go to the arcade and play it!! It's fun!

Kate Green is so fucking hot. Her tight red dress with the high leg slit keeps me invested in every cutscene that she's in. More of the world should acknowledge her magnificence and draw art in her honor.
Uh, what else to say... the voice acting is entertaining... the bosses suck compared to other installments... they used the SMG again even though the pistol and shotgun were much more fun to wield...

bad but not in the the good way the original games were

Being a Round 1 wagie was so worth it to play this game for free. Bad voice acting be damned this game was actually pretty fun

When finally trying to revive this franchise the devs opted to trade the thought out and deliberate approach that earlier games had with their enemy placements and variations that forced the player calculate shots and prioritize targets, and instead decided to throw horde after horde of the same bland, uninspired grey zombies that swarm the screen in the dozens.

Just because you CAN put 50 enemies on screen because of new graphics capabilities does not mean that is the best for a game with a reputation for unique enemies types made to diversify the already restricted gameplay of rail shooters.

Seeing chariot and hangedman on the Unreal Engine was pretty satisfying.
However, Moon was one of the most unsatisfying boss encounters in the entire franchise. While all games have a reputation for bad voice acting, they actually had a interesting and unique way of placing dialogues in the games. Moon's voice acting on the other hand just feels abnormally bland, without any personality or even goofyness to it, it's just bad and that's it. His animations are also horrible, he feels weightless for his size and when he moves on water you can see the clipping all over and no response, no splash, no nothing coming from the water. It just clashes so much with the whole UE rendering and feel.

Also, they developed various gore effects and responses to shots on the creatures, but then scrapped it all due to censorship, effectively putting the last nail in the coffin on the most uninteresting game of this franchise.

Feels bad knowing that for some reason they think this is the best path for this franchise and future games will follow this same path seeing no one is pointing out these flaws and just acting happy that the game got attention

This game was really really good!

I played the arcade version with my boyfriend and we got through the entire thing. I hadn't played a House of the Dead game before but I already knew about it from other media (primarily the Sonic and All-Stars series), and I wanted to give it a shot.

It worked really well in the arcade format, the gun controls worked surprisingly well and I felt like I always had a bearing of where I was aiming, it was pretty intuitive to pick up quickly and I felt the prologue gave a good environment to learn how the game worked without being too unforgiving. (My bf did get me killed a couple times but it's ok he's wonderful)

I like that the game gave you the opportunity to try some of the weapons within the game's story against certain bosses and in certain situations, I think that there was a lot of creativity and variety involved in how to deal with monsters and their designs. I suppose there were a couple of things that I felt got overused a little (so many chandeliers!), but I think playing the game with another person enhanced the enjoyment for me a lot.

The story wasn't anything special, but it didn't need to be, and it probably shouldn't have been given the format of the game, and yet I still harbored some sort of intense attachment towards Kate Green that I don't really understand. She's cool! Ryan is cool too I guess.

Good game! I would absolutely recommend giving this game a shot, I hope to try some of the other games in this franchise soon!

Good addition to the series, kept cheesy while making the gameplay better

the most mid tier lightgun game I ever played