Reviews from

in the past

Absolutely fantastic, top 5 best games to come out in the last decade. The music, the graphics, the gameplay are all flawless and the story and banter make this infinitely revisitable. That dang soundtrack haunts my dreams, I adore this game!!!!

What a fun time the Messenger was.

Apart from a couple of painful backtracking sections, this was wall to wall gaming bliss. It's got a no fluff mentality where everything is simple, to the game's benefit. You chop monsters, run and grapple hook to stuff, and bop out to the amazing soundtrack. The writing is also surprisingly clever and got a good couple of laughs out of me.

Oh and, Quebec represent, of course.

This game is incredible. The OST slaps harder than your mom with a wooden spoon, and the bosses and art direction are SO clever. The difficulty does ramp up, but the game constantly provokes exploration and mastery of the mechanics in a fun and not punishing way. 10/10 would recommend it to anyone.

Un jeu inspiré de Ninja Gaiden aux premiers abords, mais qui cache de nombreuses surprises de gamedesign qui sont les bienvenus.
Par ailleurs, Sabotage Studio nous propose une bande-son exceptionnelle.
Bref, une excellente expérience.

Je l'ai refait en me disant que j'avais peut-être abusé sur la note, et bien non ! Je pense même qu'en ayant cette fois fait le dlc mon appréciation pour ce jeu à encore augmentée ! L'aventure est pleine de surprise le gameplay répond au doigt et à l'oeil le level design est super et tout le contenu est de qualité ! Un jeu indé à faire à tout prix

I have no reason for not enjoying this more than I did. It just didn't click for me

Really enjoyed the gameplay, music, and sense of humor in this one. Got lost a few times during the extended exploration segments, though. Would have preferred if this thing was completely linear. Still very good.

A great throwback platformer (set to a spectacular soundtrack) that kept me hooked from start to finish. Nothing insanely difficult, but the platforming feels great (with some very fun traversal tools) and the bosses are entertaining. The tongue-in-cheek story mostly just gets the job done, but the dialogue can be pretty funny at times.

This is honestly my top 5 favorite games. The only bad thing is the segment without light.

I played this coming off of Sea of Stars wanting to see how they're connected. I wasn't 100% sure what I was getting myself into, but I'm big into 2D platformers so I figured I'd like it. The game has a really interesting premise and a gimmick that I've personally never seen before, but I feel like the game missed a lot of potential and falls short as a Metroidvania.

You play as a ninja who is soon revealed to be a prophetical hero of legend, a Messenger. You're tasked with taking a scroll to the top of a mountain. It's somewhat nondescript, but it's fleshed out later. The game opens as an 8-bit side-scroller where you traverse from level to level eventually reaching the mountain. Later on down the line you gain the ability to travel to the future and the game flips into a Metroidvania that swaps between 8bit and 16bit to show the passing of time. It's really really interesting visually, and the music having different renditions for each period adds to that feeling. The presentation here is great and the music for the most part is pretty good.

The Messenger is able to cling to walls, glide slightly, use a grappling hook, and later learns to walk on water. The real special mechanic here is the Cloudstep. If you're airborne and land a hit on an enemy or projectile, you get another jump. You can do this indefinitely and many of the levels are built around this. Sometimes it's great! There were so many times that I felt a really nice flow climbing walls or jumping off of enemies, but sometimes they get very demanding with the timing and precision on these jumps. I wouldn't mind this so much if I was able to map my controls a bit more comfortably. One button acts as your jump and glide, so it's a lot of mashing A to keep height and rolling your thumb to X to swing your sword. It's just a little uncomfortable and I'd like to be able to use the triggers more. While the moveset itself is fine, some kind of dash would've been appreciated as well. The Messenger isn't that fast, so an air dash or something would've made platforming more quick and snappy imo.

Level design is all over the place. There are often some odd difficulty spikes like in the Tower of Time, or they just say f-it and the whole level is spikes and pits like in Glacier Peaks. The game asks you to backtrack through the same 3 or 4 areas over and over again because not every world gets a portal. It takes forever to get anywhere in this game. It all feels so spread out. There were multiple moments were I walked away because I just didn't feel like going through Autumn Woods for the 4th time in a row. It would help if maybe you could warp between warp points in a given world when you reach it. Maybe as a late game power up to help with clean up. Some areas don't even feel like they're meant to be back tracked through, meaning you HAVE to go around a longer way to get where you need to go. The prime example is Glacial Peaks. Right in the middle of the level is an object of interest, but the portal takes you to the top of the mountain. Getting down is a MAJOR pain, so you HAVE to climb up from the prior area. It just feels like this game often wants to waste your time, but this is just one instance where I felt it was unnecessarily annoying.

The Messenger was an ok 10 hour game. It lacks that sense of progression that games like Hollow Knight or Symphony of the Night have, but for the $5 I picked it up at I can't be too upset. The lore makes no sense, the link to Sea of Stars is barely there, but it was cool to see the links in real time while playing. I probably won't come back to this one.

A very solid platformer. Has some neat twists both in the mechanics and the story.

It really is a great game. Funny, engaging, inventive. Sadly, it has some difficulty spikes that almost ruined it for me. Overall a great experience. I would think it would be a nightmare if you're a completionist.

Best story in a sidescrolling action game. The gameplay is also really fun

Very good Ninja Gaiden clone that goes on for way too long.

Gran juego de Sabotage Studio, creadores de Sea of Stars y que comparte universo con dicho título. The Messenger es un juego muy divertido, con una gran jugabilidad y que tras su apariencia de plataformas 8-bitero esconde mucho más. Me he llevado más de una sorpresa mientras lo jugaba. Sin duda lo recomiendo para todo el que le gusten los plataformas clásicos... y no tan clásicos ;)

This game was way better than I expected. I started to play it after I've finished the Sea of Stars. And it really got me by surprise.

It's challenging, the characters are fun (shoutout to the shopkeeper) and the game its always expanding itself.

Great game (:

Me ha encantado, y eso que el género no me suele gustar. La música es de lo mejor que he oído nunca.

Jogabilidade divertida e história engraçada, visual lindo.

provavelmente meu jogo de plataforma favorito

lots of bosses, funny diologues, a scroll, a young man, an old lady, a piano guy, some music notes, a shopkeeper, dragon???, stone guy... and ninjas.

Esse jogo é maravilhoso, seus gráficos são impressionantes e sua mecânica bem desafiadora de se masterizar. É muito legal ver o gráfico do game evoluindo conforme você faz progresso na história.

Sampled. Beat the third boss. Found nothing of interest. Moved on.

La experiencia de juegos 8/16 bits definitiva.

I can't think of enough good things to say about this game. Even after my third playthrough and all of the Archipelago sessions I've done with this game, I can't get enough.
(I still need to play Sea of Stars.)

o que esses caras sabem da arte de fazer joguinho é brincadeira

absurdo de bom,que jogo fantastico ,nem quero escrever muito porque pode ser spoiler.

A feast for the eyes and ears, with a tight platforming setup, and a simple but ingenious central conceit. It's a shame the writing lampshades nearly everything, to the detriment of playability. A near masterpiece, held back by Deadpool dialogue.