Reviews from

in the past

the fact that this is the best sonic game since mania hurts a little bit.

A cute, silly little gift for sonic fans. Not great, but it's free.

was very fun to do a dub of this game with my bf

Somehow, Sonic character writing has improved everywhere EXCEPT the mainline titles. What you get is a solid hour with Sonic and the gang in an escape room, with plenty of continuity nods I wish the actual games had.

Sadly, it is held back by an unnecessary, mandatory minigame, lots of hand holding and the game sometimes freezing up / not responding to input, which I cannot excuse for a game that has no complex calculations or anything running under the hood.

Super Fun Free Sonic Game, Mostly a murder mystery with some classic Sonic platforming

for an april fools joke, this is pretty good

Kinda sad that this is my favorite sonic game released last year

For an April fools joke they really went above and beyond. It's cute, funny, and kinda emotional at the end. If you have 2 hours to kill definitely download it it's free.

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loved the part when Sonic The Hedgehog was murdered

it's really simple and short, but it's a free game for april fools', who cares?

Finally, sonic can rest in peace

Baby's first visual novel
Love to see fan-made works be published by Sega, and it's lovingly made too
Although I really don't understand what the point of the Sonic mini games was, I mean isn't a crime solving game supposed to challenge your mind, I get Danganronpa did this but that was also my main problem with that game
Give me Phoenix Wright style, I have to figure it out myself dammit!

why did they cook a full course meal for the free april fools game

A cute and funny experience to be had with Sonic characters! Loved the humor on this one.

SEGA should do more april fools like this, especially if they are quality ones.

I like to read mysteries
and this was fucking Encyclopedia Brown


Nice little point-n-click murder mystery, not too short but it didn't over stay its welcome either. For an April fools game it definitely has a lot of care put into it.

sorry gamers i love sonic but this was a very boring experience. cute, i guess, but the only reason to play it is if you just truly love sonic and don't mind reading what is essentially a kid's comic book about him and his friends.

this is like the best sonic game actually

I was really surprised how much of a fleshed out experience this is. For an April Fools joke, it's got a solid ~2 hrs of content. It's a very cute and charming blend of visual novel and platformer sections, and they use the characters well. I wasn't ready for the ending to get kinda real, though, lol. I appreciated the simplicity of it, but the last like 20ish minutes push a bit farther than I think it really needed to. I really liked it a lot more than I thought I would!

very fun and cute point and click game and im happy it came out the day after my birthday :) like a gift to me from sonic

I love when I cop the twist to a story right off the bat. Even if it's a kid's game and probably exceedingly obvious to everyone else as well.

Very cute. Lots of great references, the best presentation we've gotten for a lot of these characters... ever - in a game, that is - fun to look at, and the most I've been allowed to dig through trash cans outside of Pokémon.

This might just be because I'm tired and played this after getting off work, but man my eyes are ready to not look at things after having played this. The segments of actual gameplay that's somewhat like Sonic 3D Blast's special stages really started to bother my eyes. They were decent, but the angle being isometric instead of behind Sonic probably made me mess up more than usual.

Anyway, this was really charming and had some good laughs, I hope something else likes this happens again - maybe shift out some of the supporting characters for others of Sonic's friends?

what an absolute SLAM DUNK of a visual novel!!! this is so incredibly worth your time. it doesn't overstay its welcome, has charm in spades, is a lot of fun (adding a lot of new mechanics to the visual novel structure), and has a surprising amount of style and aesthetic vision.

got absolutely NOTHING bad to say about this lil number! super fun!

Fun little distraction for a few hours, doesn't do anything crazy though.