Reviews from

in the past

Embora os mitos lovecraftianos me despertam grande interesse, e pelo jogo ser basicamente uma junção de diversas criaturas, imaginei que seria uma baita experiência. Não foi(kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk).

A obra em questão peca no mais básico de um jogo que se propõe a ser um walking simulator: narrativa. A história é horrorosa e nem mesmo o level design é inteligente; é uns buraco nada a ver e uns caminhos que tu anda e anda e dá de cara numa parede, aí tem que voltar tudo. Além da virada na segunda metade - do nada é dimensão alternativa e um show de nada acontecendo e feijoada.

Até mesmo os puzzles são totalmente sem sal.

It's not a masterpiece, but it's not terrible either.

I have to agree with another reviewer who called it a "Painful waking sim." Throughout the game, you'll often find yourself forced to walk through the same path repeatedly just to complete the so-called "puzzle."

The level design is trash. There are many areas and spots that look like they should be accessible to player, but they turn out to be dead ends, which can be quite frustrating after crawling towards them for minutes. Additionally the lighting doesn't fit the mood at all and can't be adjusted in the settings, not even slightly (like... really, even the gamma correction is missing).

The plot is lackluster and uninteresting.

On the bright side, the 3D models look really really good. They are high quality and captivating around 90% of the time.

If, despite all you've read, you're still curious about this game, I'd rather recommend watching gameplay on YouTube instead of buying this... thing.

Es un videojuego lamentable pero con un apartado visual por momentos brutal y un muy buen trabajo en lo respectivo al audio.
No sabe qué decir, es demasiado espontáneo y MUY confuso (Un diseño de nivel lamentable)
Y no hablemos a nivel técnico, está absolutamente roto y está muy verde (Salvo ciertos momentos fotográficos)

its cool to see some big guys but other than that not a whole lot is goin on

TheShore solo destaca a nivel visual. Falla en programación, controles, guion e historia. Tiene muchísimos bugs, que no dejan desenvolverte por los puzles. Hay cinemáticas que no salen o salen tarde y eventos que no aparecen y te hacen perder tiempo.

No entiendo las buenas notas porque el juego está rotisimo a nivel de conjunto.
El salto solo lo he podido utilizar en dos momentos, el evento de la hija no ha aparecido y el juego se ha quedado pillado un par de veces. El personaje se bloqueaba en cualquier colisión con el entorno.

El sistema de combate es nefasto, correr con un personaje ortopédico, que no puede saltar ni correr, lo hace horrible en esos momentos.
Los puzles están explicados cero, en muchos momentos no sabes qué hacer, o por qué pasa eso... y si le sumamos que a los eventos como el de la luz, no aparecen cuando deben, puedes estar perfectamente dando vueltas 20 min sin saber qué hacer.

Otra cosa que también me ha escamado mucho, ha sido que en el menú pausa los personajes me seguían atacando. Es decir, pausa ninguna porque el juego seguía.

Gameplay en twitch:

Really awesome visuals and great for any Lovecraft fan.

Lovecraftian horror makes for a challenging horror game, I understand that. Just having non-stop appearances from popular creatures, gods, and whatever else from the mythos isn't interesting or even horror. It's just... boring.

Beyond that, the combat is atrocious. Your weapon is weak while the enemies are faster than you, so no running away. It's an unenjoyable and overall dull experience.

Played this on stream with my friend and we were LOSING OUR MINDS over how bad it was! Like, wtf! The writing is so bad! The puzzles were wonky! The writing was so bad that I'm mentioning how bad it was twice!

I will hand it to them though, the visuals were stunning.

This review contains spoilers

The ending was terrible

The Shore is a painful walking simulator/trial and error puzzle game. You'll find yourself mainly walking on a lifeless beach, aside from the seagulls stuck midflight in the air, before you're walking through innards and dreamscapes, all in the search for... well nothing, really.

In the beginning, you might think you're going to be playing something like Dear Esther, only with a bit of a spookier edge to it. As soon as you hear the voiceover, you'll likely realize something is wrong, and it's got nothing to do with Cthulhu: poorly written English voiced by someone who may not even know they're being recorded. Delivery so wooden they may be catatonic. These voiceovers can overlap one another, so if you pick up two things too soon, you're in for some nice, flat, mumbled gibberish to assault your ears. Pausing the game does not stop the voiceovers or anything, actually, because apparently this game is Dark Souls.

The textures are nice, the animations are not. Everything looks uncomfortable, really, including the elder gods who certainly are not imposing. There's some brief moments when interacting with something throws you into a trance where you're assaulted by images of the 'unexplainable', and even though they're kind of jarring and annoying, they're probably a highlight, here. At least it wasn't a sequence where you had to run and shoot at something that won't die, you'll do that multiple times and it's immediately stale.

Your time with The Shore will be dry and eventually loathsome but fortunately very brief. I don't think this game should take more than two hours, but those are two hours you're never getting back. I do not recommend The Shore, it's pretty crappy stuff.

Good art direction and nonexistent puzzle and gameplay design (walking sim where you just click on prompts). Control inputs are hard-coded into in-game interaction scripts and can't even be rebound in ini files. It handles the Lovecraft mythos in rather clumsy ways that are not friendly to the lore, anthropomorphizing and needlessly grounding things that should not be within mortal grasp.

It looks impressive both technically and design wise, but sadly there's not much more to it. The story feels lacking, the puzzles boil down to finding what you can interact with, the audio balance is sketchy and doesn't respect the settings, and the ridiculous amount of invisible walls spoil any sense of exploration.

The graphics were kinda pretty but it was otherwise boring.