Reviews from

in the past

reciclado de subjefe final y jefe final, se notó una mejoría en el diseño de niveles, haciendolos más largos y laberinticos, pero a la vez no añade nada nuevo. Merecido 6

Thy Flesh Consumed be like: solo nos queda 1 hora para entregar el trabajó, no importa si nos salió culero así lo dejamos.

Thy flesh consumed sucks ass shut the fuck up e4m6 is an enemy of fun and the worst map in doom1

hands down one of the greatest FPS of all time and still holds up till today. A must play for any FPS fan and gamer in general.

Doom wasn't just a great game but a pioneer for trends to come. That's why despite its age, I'd struggle to call it "dated". The original three episodes expertly ramp up the action and the gunplay still feels satisfying in today's climate. That being said, the fourth episode which is a new addition to this version of the game. Can quite honestly go to hell.

There's not much I can say about DOOM that hasn't been said before, just wish I experienced it sooner. The movement and combat combined are more fluid and satisfying than possibly any first-person game I've ever played.

While it is a classic and set the standard for FPS games going forward, the lackluster stages found near the end makes this one harder to come back to compared to other games in the series.

Just rating Episode 4: Thy Flesh Consumed

Eu joguei muito Doom na minha vida e em vários consoles diferentes, tenho toda uma experiência prévia com esse jogo,no entanto, eu não tive a VERDADEIRA experiência com esse jogo como tive agora.

Depois de assistir o vídeo do Tim Rogers falando desse jogo por 3h30m, eu resolvi jogar ele novamente sem as firulas que eu fazia antigamente, com os códigos, modificações, ou jogando em controle. Essa partida de Doom foi usando o DOSBox e teclado.

O jogo em sua versão Ultimate continua maravilhoso assim como foi no lançamento mesmo com todos os avanços que o jogo passou ao longo dos anos. Doom é rápido, violento, empolgante, assustador, gostoso, experimental, e principalmente bastante cruel na sua reta final. Eu sorri, fiquei com medo, dei muita risada, levei até susto, mas principalmente, me diverti pra caramba.

O primeiro episódio é uma ótima introdução, aí é a partir do segundo episódio que ele começa a complicar, com o terceiro sendo um encerramento muito bom juntando tudo o que o jogo apresentou de melhor. Aí é quando chega o episódio 4 que é quando ele começa a ficar esquisito.

Thy Flesh Consumed, o episódio 4 que é o principal elemento que dá o nome Ultimate a Doom, é uma coisa de louco. Não tem uma progressão gostosa assim como nos anteriores, ou então uma dificuldade justa. É imperdoável e requer diversas tentativas do jogar para aprender todos os padrões e dominar cada fase... e eu adorei isso. No final do dia videogame é diversão, videogame é bagunça, e essa é uma bagunça muito gostosa. Esses últimos níveis são muito experimentais e é como se fossem fases de Mario Maker no sentido de que não parece ser uma coisa oficial.

Eu vibrei como nunca tinha vibrado ao criar toda uma estratégia para pegar poder de invincibilidade correndo no começo de uma das fases para dar tiros à queima roupa em um cyber-demon no maior estilo Rambo.

Jogar esse jogo no teclado usando seta, virgula e ponto é uma merda, até o momento em que deixa de ser.

Enfim, Doom é foda.

A day after finishing Inferno, i started playing Thy Flesh Consumed. I have mixed feelings about it.

Some people seem to hate this fourth episode, and many tend to agree on it being the most difficult of the whole series (at least for the 90's games). I feel like this is kind of a mixed bag: Some really bad levels, some forgettable ones, and a few that are truly masterpieces.

E4M1 is easily the most awful map i've played in the series so far. Like there's no design at all, it's just monster randomly teleporting in a very small space, and you dealing with little ammo and health packs. Then there's E4M2, which is considered by many as the most dificult level on this episode, and is for sure hated by many. I personally think it's a fantastic map, one of the best in the game. The lack of horizontal space is cleverly compensated by it's verticality, and overall is both equally challenging and pleasant. E4M3, as a map with a huge open space and enemy fire coming from every direction, it's actually better than many maps on Inferno, in my opinion. E4M4 and E4M5, i actually can't remember anything about them. E4M6 was actually the map that gave me the biggest trouble: It's almost impossible, given it's location, to beat the cyberdemon at the end without using the only invulnerability item available in this map. It's actually a good map, but like the first two levels, it's challenge is also about being resourceful. E4M7 and E4M8 were actually pretty enjoyable, and i actually feel like this last one was actually the best final map out of the four episodes.

"Let it burn"

By the end of the fourth episode I wanted to see everything incarcerated. I finally understood the classic Doom Guy rage on a smaller scale. Time after time, death, death, death repeatedly. Until eventually it felt like the level was over only for there to be a bigger threat in the next level.

I needed to come here after reviewing Doom to discuss just Episode 4. Now after beating episode 3 I was like "WOW what a solid ending but I felt like the difficulty Plateaued and I was really ready to test my skills." This episode delivers on that, and it makes you regret asking for more of a challenge because HOLY SHIT are some of these levels BRUTAL. It's all of the best parts of Doom turned up to 11, in the respect that, the "Conserve your ammo and health because you are getting 50 shotgun shells for 50 enemies levels." Make you use every secret area to your advantage you need to learn every enemy placement perfectly. The Puzzle levels make you explore the whole map multiple times to figure out where the fuck you are going and what you could possibly be missing. And finally the DOOM levels are just so satisfying mowing down a sea of enemies with a cache of weapons and ammo you spent 3 episodes grinding out. And at this point my aim was so on point and I was SKATING around these levels hitting my shots ducking under fireballs and it just felt so incredible that I get excited just talking about it. Episode 4 while painfully hard at time is seriously some of the best Doom.

Pretty fun, but some of the level design is just insulting.

le falto amor a thy flesh consumed

its really cool how important this game is to the fps genre even existing but its just so hard for me to actually get engaged in every time i try playing it

E4M2 is what separates men from boys

While the original Doom is a masterpiece, this additional episode is an unnecessarily overly difficult adittion to the campaign. Every level tries the players patience and endurance with waves of hitscanners. While the levels are creative and fun for the most part, they litter most of them with unnecessary monster closets that take from the flow of the level.

Perfect game, perfect OST's. I don't know what to say about this game it's just perfect.

i cant believe this
i can sprint and i never thought this before go fuck your self u silly game
nice demons btw

gonna be brave and say that maybe this isn't the ultimate doom game

Thy Flesh Consumed played via Steam on a Lenovo Y50-70.

As it stands, I am simply not good enough to get anywhere with Thy Flesh Consumed. I had a great time with the base episodes in The Ultimate Doom, and although I would get stuck for a while in those levels, E4M1 is just not designed with enough entertainment for me to want to continue like I had intially. There's too little ammo, too little health, and way too many enemies able to bring you down in seconds.

Maybe I'll tackle this again at some point but I'm fine admitting I simply cannot penetrate this extra set of missions.

Mesmo tendo um level design confuso em certos momentos, continua sendo um puta jogo divertido e que vez ou outra eu pego pra joga alguns episódios. Falando em episódios, Thy Flesh Consumed é um bom mapa. O meu real problema com ele é por conta das duas ou três primeiras fases que são frustrantes: Você fica preso com vários inimigos em corredores apertados e isso somado ao fato de que você não tem muitos recursos pra lidar com eles, mas ao decorrer do episódio isso melhora. Na verdade, o episódio melhora como um todo, apesar de eu achar o level design de Thy Flesh Consumed menos marcante pra mim.

Note: The base Doom '93 is a total classic for a good reason, it's a genuinely great game, however, this review is focused exclusively on the additional episode that the Ultimate Doom added.

After having gotten through the 3 main acts in this, I was looking forward to a bit more with the special episode 4 that was added to Ultimate Doom, but immediately upon starting it up, I quickly realised why they didn't originally add this. To say that this was a step down from the rest of the game would be a huge understatement, and it all comes down to the level design. At its core, you've still got a game that feels fun to control and has great atmosphere, but the issue is that now everything surrounding it is so heavily flawed. The first stage is a prime example of this to me, feeling like something a 12 year old would think of making, supplementing interesting and balanced difficulty for unapologetic enemy spam and heavily reduced resources to the point where you'll practically be out of everything by the end of a stage if you play super carefully.

After having hit a wall with level 2 I just decided to go back on an easier difficult setting and try again, but even ignoring the issues with blatantly awful spam, the layouts tend to just be very uninspired anyway for the most part at the best of times. After hitting the stage that forced the player to keep running over damaging ground while trying to figure out where they were meant to go, I just realised that it really wasn't worth continuing so I dropped it. A bit of a shame considering how fun most of the main game was, but this feels closer to a bad mod than it does an official piece of content for this.

I was kind of getting pigged at Thy Flesh Consumed because it is really hard to start but once you complete a few missions you start steam rolling, still kind of challenging even then. It does start getting more confusing in its level design which sucks, didn't have to look at a walk-through at all in base doom, only did it once in this, but still.