Reviews from

in the past

Doesn't hold a candle to the actual first season of Telltale's The Walking Dead, but it was serviceable enough!

Not the best bunch of episodes in the series, but still pretty decent nevertheless. At least it's short and straight to the point, with some cool action sequences to spice things up. The main problem is that it's made of situations and characters we have already seen tons of times elsewhere.

Not as good as the main seasons, buut I did enjoy some story of Michonne. Michonne is one of my favorite characters from The Walking Dead TV show. I havent read any of the comics but I still adore her.

I wish this game was longer because unlike the rest of telltale's TWD you play a bonafide badass so you are just bodying left and right leaving a trail of carnage. I wish Sam would reoccur in a later season as I was fond of her character. Was cool to see what michonne was up too while she left rick's crew too.

Here's a full walkthrough no commentary playlist on 4k ultra 60 fps here:

playing it right now and it’s pretty cool!!!! i was kinda iffy about it because i didn’t really want to separate from clementines story but it’s all good right now.

A great standalone Michonne adventure that gives some good development for her character. Not as long as other Telltale games and some of the big decisions are “eh…”, but the writing and voice acting is really solid.

The least memorable entry into Telltale's Walking Dead franchise despite being centred around a main character from the source material.

maybe its because i found the show to be so boring but this game had no appeal to me, it was all the boredom of the show without any of the silliness of the games

Pretty mediocre mini-series. Way too short of a game. Characters are too underdeveloped to care about them, the plot is basically Michonne running from location to location and people dying along the way. The only intriguing part of this game is the Michonne flashbacks. Her backstory was sort of explored in the show but this game expands on it. Aside from that, an extremely forgettable game.

Try not to hallucinate challenge (Impossible!)

Oddly better than The New Frontier.

Michonne is badass.

Although, those memory flashes or hauntings were very annoying.

The Walking Dead: Michonne é uma boa DLC. ( Talvez melhor do que 400 days, diga-se de passagem. )

Os gráficos do jogo mudaram um pouco se comparados a Season Two de The Walking Dead, mas continuam bons, na minha opinião.

A gameplay não tem tantas diferenças, só pequenas alterações, se comparado aos títulos anteriores da série.
Mas isso tornou o combate um pouco mais " dinâmico ", eu diria. Isso fez o jogo ter bem mais ação do que os outros títulos da série.

A trilha sonora é boa, principalmente a que toca na abertura. Sério, achei essa música muito boa.
A trilha sonora também combina com cada situação em que toca.

A história é boa, não é algo tão elaborado ou " grandioso " quanto os jogos anteriores.
Os diálogos continuam bons, e as escolhas que você precisa tomar também.
Uma coisa que eu gostei bastante foi o conflito interno da protagonista. Ela é assombrada por uma culpa, e isso é bem executado no jogo.

Os personagens também não são ruins, não tem nada de tão grandioso neles, mas eles são até que bons. Principalmente a protagonista, a Michonne. Para mim ela é um dos melhores personagens dessa DLC.

O final não chega ao nível do final da Season Two, e muito menos do final da Season One. Mas não é ruim, é satisfatório, é decente, e é melhor que o final da DLC 400 Days, eu diria.

Enfim, no geral, The Walking Dead: Michonne é um boa DLC. Ela pode não ser tão boa quanto a Season One ou a Season Two de The Walking Dead, mas não é por isso que ela é ruim.
É uma DLC curta, mas com vários momentos de ação, personagens que são até que bons, trilha sonora boa, etc...
Se você gostou dos jogos anteriores da série, vale a pena experimentar essa DLC, por mais que não agregue à história dos jogos anteriores, ainda é boa e vale a pena para quem curte os jogos de The Walking Dead da TellTale.

I care so little that I quit after the first episode. I'm just gonna cheat the achievements for finishing it.

Não é um jogo ruim, mas tem umas reviravoltas interessantes. Explora um pouco sobre o sofrimento da Michonne, mas ainda não te faz se conectar com a trama, alguns momentos de flashback são mais para jumpscares do que soma na história. O final é bacana, mas eu esperava algo mais nas origens da personagem.

A good entry in the series and a tie in for the comics (not the show). I don't remember much from this game like the others from the main series from Telltale but it was a good and short title to introduce someone to the series if they are a fan of the show and want to follow the fan favorite titular character.

I started playing The Walking Dead: Michonne back in 2017 as a fan of The Walking Dead Season One and the TV series. However, if I recall correctly, I never got past the first episode for no specific reason, I just didn't return to it, and time went by. I hope to get back to it someday and finish it, even though more than 6 years have passed.

nonsensical story with outdated gameplay but is still entertaining


I played it last and it took me the longest to get through. The story is pretty good its just nowhere near as good as the other seasons. I went into it just for the trophies in the definitive edition so I could get the platinum, but I enjoyed it overall.

Probably the weakest link of all the TWD telltale's series.
This one is like a dlc, it's short, focused on Michonne's story and it's great. You can complete it in 4 or a little bit more hours. Some moments i felt rage, discomfort and my nerves went up high. Either way keep in mind, it's not a sequel to the original one, but as an add-up it's good.

i loved this so much i dont get the ratings...

An enjoyable miniseries with a stellar finale.

i don't remember this at all
i even went to look at a walkthrough see if i recognized anything given i been reading the twd comic but no its literally just we put michonne in one of our shitty telltale stories

Better than Season 2 and A New Frontier

I don't know why but I loved this so much. Maybe cause Michonne was my favourite TWD character.