Reviews from

in the past

Cryptic as it may be, it's a fun time.

Super novel concept and gameplay, but platforming is a bit jank and has frustrating sections.

Evil pigs with a lust for gold have taken over the world and it’s up to you, Tomba, to help restore it.

Tomba! is a non-linear platform adventure game, which is a joy to explore as it’s littered with hidden secrets, interconnected levels and abundant puzzles. The backtracking was a pain at first, but later on resolved by a very special flying friend. It’s a little gem of a game.

De los mejores juegos de la PSX y punto.

PS 1 classic. More down to the ground than Tomba! 2
But has its own climate, tons of side-quest and great ideas for locations. It brings back times that when they tried to make bugless game with tons of content like tommorow was end of the world.

This game, and its sequel, are key childhood games for me. Having recently played some of it again, I can tell you it still holds up. It's a very unique platforming, with a very charming aesthetic. Can't really think of anything that plays quite like it, with metroidvanias coming closest but that may be a bit of stretch from me. Forgotten gem.

One of my fave games of all time and also one of the most forgotten besides people quoting the dumb GDQ memes revolving around Tomba 2. I loved this game so much I beat it in like a week and immediately played through the entire thing again. Just go listen to "The Village of All Beginnings" and tell me you aren't instantly charmed.

It's a fun game to jump around in. If some quests weren’t as roundabout as the way of raking through the world is, maybe I’d have less of a monkey on my back and more of the pigs in their bags.

This game is a serious challenge of wits compared with the second one. I didn't know that the director is Tokuro Fujiwara ( Ghost's n, Goblins) until I reached the windy and lava areas.
The game doesn't tell you anything and throws you into the game with some lives, if you lose all of them it's absolute game over and either start a fresh one or load a game, hopefully with some lives because you will need some later.
Platforming is beetwen standard and hell, the windy mountain and the lava cave is the hardest part of the game and to a lesser extent the jungle.
About puzzles, there's nothing really hard but I would like to know where I can get the events page, aside the others, because only items page is available at the beggining.

One of my favorite overlooked PSOne games of all time. From the lovingly animated opening, to the charming 2.5D platforming nature of it, Tomba! is a very cozy game for me. If you know what you're doing, the game will probably only take you 2-3 days max, but people new to the game will probably spend at least a week finding out where to go and how to find side quests, additional items, etc. The biggest downside to the game has to be it's completely underwhelming boss battles. The Evil Swine you're tasked with defeating have fun personalities for the brief time you meet them before a battle, but never appear again after they're defeated. It would have been nice if maybe they had cutscenes where they taunt you in their area which their located, but I understand the team being limited by only so much they could for their first outing on the PlayStation. Overall, if you've never played Tomba! before, I'd definitely suggest giving it a try. I just wish it was more widely available on more current gem systems instead of having to find a PSOne copy of it , or dig up your old PSP/Vita/3 to get it off of PSN. Come on Sony, it can't be that hard to get PSOne games running on the 4 & 5!

Like a lot of other people, I was very surprised by how much I ended up liking this game. It's a top 10 PS1 game.

I was not ready for how good this game is.

Another game that I liked a lot that I never got around to playing the sequel of. Somewhat similar to Astro Boy in that it combines platforming with adventure game elements. Hard to find many parallels with this in modern games.