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A near perfect portable version of Uncharted.

Jogo muito bom, o problema é o analógico do vita... esse jogo deveria ser remasterizado ou ter um remake para quem nunca jogou, pois nem todos possuíam um Vita.

It’s amazing that a game like Uncharted was squeezed down to fit the scope of a PlayStation Vita, while retaining the familiar Uncharted gameplay that you would get on a PlayStation 3. The limited power of the Vita means that you will never get anywhere close to the level of bombastic set-pieces that you’d come to expect from an Uncharted 2 or Uncharted 3, so The Golden Abyss feels would be more akin to an Uncharted 1.5.

The Uncharted formula is all here: find an artifact, chase after some warlord who took artifact, hide behind cover and shoot a bunch of dudes, exclaim “woah!” a lot, realise that the artifact is nothing compared to the power of friendship, the end. The gameplay from the PS3 game translates almost without compromise onto the Vita’s controls. Being able to use the gyro-controls to fine tune the aim of a sniper rifle is a welcome feature to have.

Unfortunately, I found the minigames that use the Vita’s touchscreen and accelerometer to be awkwardly shoehorned in. Crossing over a narrow bridge? Better stop and have the player do a tilting minigame by titling the actual console. Want to throw grenades? Use your finger to drag the grenade to where you want to throw it. Found a torn-up map in the level? Use the touch screen drag and rotate the pieces to put map back together. Want to row the boat? Drag your finger across the screen to row. I’m not against Sony wanting to use the Vita’s capabilities to the fullest, but either go all in with the touch controls (like Nintendo did with the Zelda games on the DS) or go for a similar, no-nonsense game that plays like the PS3 counterparts.

Overall, the game is fine. The Golden Abyss shows off the impressive graphical capabilities of the PlayStation Vita handheld, so it's worth checking out if you own a PlayStation Vita. However, the awkwardly implemented minigames and the weak story means that I wouldn’t say it's worth hunting down a Vita for.

A great entry on the Uncharted franchise, uses several PSVita only capabilities (such as rear panel touch etc.) without that being just to show off technical capabilities.

Techniquement, ca a quand même de la gueule pour une console portable à l'époque et dans les grandes lignes, on retrouve l'esprit Uncharted. L'histoire n'est pas très intéressante mais ca fait le job. Par contre, gros point en moins à cause de la jouabilité qui impose des mouvements au tactile vraiment relou.

great game and story with some scene that ahve unresposive but still solid game

I understand the ambition but this game was bloated and underbaked. Glitchy, tried to do too much. It was more focused on showing off the different features of the Vita rather than making a good game.

Esse jogo não é nem medíocre. É menos do que medíocre: é chato, irritante, tem uma história péssima, personagens sem carisma algum, e a cereja nesse bolo de merda são os momentos de gameplay que exigem utilização das gimmicks absolutamente desnecessárias do Vita, como o giroscópio, a tela de toque e a câmera. São mecânicas que quebram o ritmo e não agregam em nada. O único mérito desse jogo é a parte técnica, que realmente é impressionante por estar rodando num portátil de 2011.

A pretty fun game that's fairly impressive for a Vita game.... but the fact that it's on a handheld is clearly the cause of every issue. That and the fact that Bend Studios in charge. Nate is pretty on point the whole game but most of the supporting cast is just kinda off. I will say though, the chapters with Sully were easily the best. His and Nate's chemistry was as good as it's been and it was just nice to be with him. I found it hard to really care much for Chase, but she wasn't awful. Villains were meh and the premise of the adventure was also kinda eh. Also of the touch screen gimmicks got old fast too. And I found the enemy encounters to be tedious. Don't think I'll be platting this one...

En general, tengo como regla valorar las cosas por lo que son, y no por lo que podrían haber sido, pero en todo momento jugando este juego pensaba "Y si..."
¿Y si hubiesen sacado las partes donde tenés que tocar la pantalla táctil?
¿Y si hubiesen sacado un The Last of Us después?
¿Y si Sony hubiese apoyado más la consola?

Hablando propiamente del juego, Bend Studio adapto de forma magistral la saga Uncharted a la portatil, mi inconveniente es que de por sí no disfrute los Uncharted de PS3, y un spin-off es difícil que supere de por sí a las entregas principales, más aun sin ser desarrollado por su propio estudio.

Si te gusta la saga Uncharted, vas a encontrar más de lo misma y vas a disfrutar del juego, a pesar de los incomodos controles tactiles de algunas secciones, sobre todo los dos enfrentamientos finales.

Este es mi primer Uncharted, me fascino cuando lo jugue

PS Vitanın şüphesiz en iyi oyunlarından belki de en iyisi ama serinin geneline bakarsak biraz düşük bir yapım.

O jogo é bom só porquê é Uncharted mesmo, já que né fazer jogo bom pro Vita era raridade

When I popped the game into my psvita, Why does it give me Nathan Drake seeing the end of days on my Home Screen?

Literally Uncharted 1 but with more gimmicks than the shittiest shovelware kids game on Wii you can imagine where you braid your pet's pubes or whatever


RACE THROUGH A CRUMBLING TOMB WITH TIGHT PLATFORMING CONTROLS. YOU'RE DODGING DEBRIS. YOU'RE SCRAMBLING PAST ENEMIES. YOUR HEART'S RACING... okay but to exit the tomb you gotta point the Vita's camera at your lamp. For real just turn your lamp on real quick and point your camera at the light please. Oh and rub the dust off this ornament by rubbing your touchscreen. OOPSIE SPLOOPSIE THE LOG'S BACK tilt left WOA-

The final boss is a quick time event

It's impressive but not very engaging. The story is the weakest in the franchise and doesn't give me enough of a reason to see it finished.

21/02/2024 - Comecei a jogar sério o game hoje, estou curtindo, porém não posso dizer muito ainda pois ainda estou bem no começo, mas o game realmente se parece bastante com os 3 primeiros títulos da franquia que saíram para play3, porém algo que já está me incomodando é a quantidade de vezes que eu preciso usar os recursos do psvita, ficar passando a mão na tela e tudo mais.

What a unique puzzle game. The not just aesthetically, but the puzzle designs as well, which I admittedly got stuck in some. Strongly recommend

Got this with Vita at launch and loved it at the time. Found it irritating to use motion controls and the touch screen when revisiting.

Pretty good! And while Bend Studio are clearly no Naughty Dog, the writing, performances, visuals and soundtrack are all more than competent enought to make this feel on par with Nate's first outing on the PS3. That's admittedly light praise given Drake's Fortune is easily the weakest entry in an otherwise stellar series; Similar to that title, there are no major breathtaking set pieces to marvel at here but the moment to moment gameplay is fun enough to propel you onwards. A new feature, courtesy of the Vita's touchscreen, in which you can 'paint' the ledges you wish to climb with your finger is very welcome, but quicktime events that have you swiping the screen in a certain direction or rubbing to reveal a drawing grow tiresome fast.

Lo más bonito de este juego es como ocupa la gran mayoría de características del Vita sin ser una demo técnica y teniendo la producción de lo que relativamente sería un juego AAA portable. Me gusta que este juego se siente más sobre "los tesoros" y hace más énfasis que las entregas principales, pero fuera de eso no tiene nada muy relevante más que experimentarlo en Vita.

Belle prouesse graphique que d'avoir un Uncharted sur Vita. Toutes les fonctions de la console utilisées, bien amenées.
Scénario un peu prétexte mais on se laisse porter comme d'habitude avec le petit côté pulp à la Indiana Jones. Et ça marche toujours aussi bien.
Grosse chute de framerate constaté à un moment, et des bugs de direction où Nathan n'allait pas là où je lui demandais.

C'était cool

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Um uncharted bem desconhecido que a princípio tem a mesma base dos outros, tendo diferens de gameplay como mira por movimento do console, interações com câmera dentro do jogo, utilização de mecânicas como QTE de deslizar pela tela que eu particularmente não gostei muito.
Em relação a gameplay no começo tudo é meio morno só melhorando perto da reta final, tem um grande número de Curscenes que eu achei muito desnecessárias e cansativas, tenso casos onde tinha uma cutscene você dava dois passos e tinha outra curscene.

Em geral um bom jogo vale a pena dar uma chance pra ver mais uma aventura de Nathan Drake que no final conquista uma donzela.

Como dis... Como que si te enseñan un Uncharted para PSVita y dices "esta bonito", este, obvia... Y en tu mente no piensas eso es que no estas siendo sincero, pero si lo dices que "está bien culero", se oye feo

writing definitely lacks Hennig's touch, but a really impressive showcase for the Vita

Hated the touch controls, but it was an early Vita game. The fact the spoiled the plot twist in the opening chapter was also a let down. The game play over all is solid though and having Uncharted portable is the reason I still own multiple Vita handhelds.