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You could tell me this was made by tobyfox himself and i would believe you then and there. First of all,the undertale humour is there. Love that. They really did a great job on the animations. In terms of gameplay mechanics and animations,i would say this game is better than undertale. I also liked how much personality Clover has. The rest of the characters are okay ig. The new soundtracks are bangers. Cant go wrong with those. I LOVE how this ost matches perfectly with Clover's running animation. Best fanmade game ever!

great game, the sprites are incredible, some of the music can even be arguably than undertale's , definetly the best fangame, but the biggest reason it may be inferior to undertale are the characters, don't get me wrong the character's are good, but undertale's character's are simply better.

First playthrough: Neutral Route. Still sorting out my feelings on the game, and I'll have more to say when I do a Pacifist playthrough.

I genuinely do not have the words to articulate my feelings at the moment other than this: How the heck is this game FREE???

Side Note: UTY manages to be a more effective horror game in the last half-hour or so of Neutral Route than most indie horrors since Undertale came out. I think that's really funny but also a testament to how much these devs knocked the climax out of the park.

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Well this was solid.

Undertale was my first introduction to the Indie RPG genre, I probably played that game a dozen times within the span of 2 years. The game appealed to me so much because of it's mix of comedy and REAL WORLD SHIT! The character's were fleshed out and probably deserve a place in the discussion of the best video game companions ever. After playing Undertale to death, I moved on for a couple of years, playing other games in the progress (Like Earthbound GOD I love Earthbound play Earthbound please.) Just recently I was browsing through Backloggd and decided to rate Undertale, and when I searched up the same I came across "Undertale Yellow". I did a little bit of digging and found this game was in development for almost 7 years??? How tf Did I not know this was a thing??? The same day I downloaded it and started playing.

(I Only played the pacifist ending, I may play the neutral ending or maybe i'll just watch a youtube video idke)

Right off the bat I realized that this wasn't your average Gay Sans Fan Fiction, This was a real substantial game. Seriously, the work that went into this is crazy, the sprites, the music, the locations, all of it. One of the biggest things I admire about this game is that it has it's own characters and locations that (for the most part) are very enjoyable. The entire Steamworks Section is brilliant, whoever designed the Guardener boss is a damn super genius. Speaking of bosses, holy moly! This game's bosses are better than Undertale's. They are very unique while also simultaneously being challenging. The rhythm boss came out of nowhere and was an extremely pleasant surprise. The Final Boss with Ceroba was like a billion different phases and was extremely challenging (compared to Asgore and Flowey in the original).

Perhaps my biggest issue with "Undertale Yellow" is the story, While I did enjoy most of what I played, it didn't resonate with me the same way Undertale did. Most of the main characters don't show up until the middle of the game. A bunch of the lore is compacted into the Wild East, which doesn't show up till the middle of the game as well. The events leading up to the Wild East are on the Hollow-er side. Snowdin was one of the coolest areas in the original and now it's just there? The character of Martlet plays a big part on why the story didn't click with me as much as I feel like it should. During the Snowdin section of the game, she is kinda like the "Papyrus" equivalent, clumsy bird who takes her job seriously, BUTR SHE ISNT FUNNY AND HERF PUZZLES ARE ACTUALLY GOOD??? DURING THE SECTION WHERE I NEED TO FIND CEROBAS HOUSE SHES LIKE, "STOP TALKING TO STRANGERS WE NEED TO FOCUS", UGH. Granted, she did become a much better character in the last quarter of the game.

One of the largest highlights were the "Feisty Five", Initially I wasn't too interested in the whole "Goofy gang" shtick, but that quickly changed. The boss fight with them had a really cool dynamic and was easily one of the biggest highlights. Starlo is such an awesome dude, him caring for Ceroba was so sweet and wholesome. As I mentioned previously, the Steamworks section is a work of art. Axis is hilarious and exactly what I felt like was needed in the first half of the game.

The ending was basically perfect, the area above UG Apartments with the lights was a perfect place for an ending and is loads better than the core from Undertale. The Boss fight with Ceroba certainly comes close to the fight with Asriel in Undertale.

Overall, "Undertale Yellow" Stands on it's own and is (In My Mind) Canon to the Undertale Story. It's not perfect, but it is an extremely impressive fan project and I do recommend.


A fan game that stands toe-to-toe with the game it honors. In fact, sometimes I forget it's a fanwork and simply remember this game as another Undertale entry. Amazing work.

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phenomenal fan game. extremely faithful to undertale's writing and world. you can tell a lot of love went into it.
i've only finished the pacifist route so far i think. i have yet to do any other ones.
i'm playing it again with my friends. then after that we'll do the other routes.

To be totally honest, I'm not the biggest fan of Undertale fan games. Simply due to the fact that they're over the top and lose the essence of the original game, but this one is the minor exception.

Undertale Yellow takes place before the 7th human (Frisk) fell into the underground but the 6th human (Clover) went to the underground to seek justice for the other fallen children that have disappeared.

I think this game did some things a better job than the original game. For instance, the assets and animations look really well made and give a lot of the environment and characters more life. Another thing they did better is the combat, it's a lot more thought out compared to the original game and it makes the game standout even more.

The cast of characters that you meet throughout your journey is pretty solid. Although definitely can't compete against the original cast but they can definitely stand out on their own. My personal favorite is North Star, which is more of a mixture of Papyrus and Sans personality together. They are also some side characters that you are able to meet as well and they're pretty memorable too.

The boss fights are really good and well made, even some of them I can consider better than the original. Although some of the bosses can be a little bullshit like Axis, but it's something that I can deal with. The difficulty scaling is pretty much one to one in the original. It's not too frustrating but also gives you little challenges throughout the entire game.

In terms of the endings, I think it is fine. I mainly did just the true pacifist route and I found it quite enjoyable. As for the other endings, I searched them up and are quite interesting.

Of course, it wouldn't be Undertale without talking about its soundtrack and this one definitely didn't disappoint. The soundtrack is pretty much a one-to-one comparison to the original and felt like this soundtrack could be a part of the original game.

Overall, this Undertale fangame did a really good job on recapturing the true magic and essence of Undertale. While it didn't really hit me as hard as the original, I still enjoyed my experience. I can absolutely recommend this to someone looking for more Undertale content that doesn't deviate to much from the original but still holds up as a standalone game

By far my favourite Undertale fanwork. It's a really great balance of feeling like the source material while still having its own merits. I think the spritework is great and the characters are interesting, and I also like how all of them are connected even if loosely. Even though it uses its inspiration well, the game is at its best in its entirely original sections, The Wild East and The Steamworks. And being an undertale fangame, it's only natural that the soundtrack is great. You can definitely play the game even if you haven't played undertale, but understanding it all and beating the game will be much easier if you've already finished UT.

A very well made and high quality undertale fangame, I don't think it tries to do anything too differently from the original but it manages to capture a lot of the same charm. The story it tries to tell is also quite good and I appreciate that it tries to have a lot of its own identity and stands out against the original.

Damn, one furry more on my list.

This game's ending had no right to make me as sad as it did.

I enjoyed my time with Undertale Yellow and I found it to be a very competently made fangame. It does fall into the trap that many fangames do in my opinion in which, because of it's similarity to the source material, it is impossible for me not to compare the two adventures and unfortunately, it is incredibly difficult to match the level of Toby Fox's wit. Still, I am heavily impressed by every aspect of this game.

Me encanto el juego, debo admitir que la historia presentada y los detalles que se encuentran dentro de este son maravillosos.
Aun asi no siento que llega a ser tan bueno como undertale y en momentos se puede ver por la historia que es un fangame que rompe con la estetica de undertale.
Del mimso modo hay que recordar que el fangame tiene su propio pseudocanon que puede contradecir el canon original de undertale, pero a comparacion de otros fanworks siento que undertale yellow se salva mayoritariamente ya que trata de utilizar personajes propios y hace una minima referencia a los personajes, siendo mas que se aprovecha del lore de undertale para contar una historia original dentro de este mundo.

It's really hard to judge this game. First of all what this game does best is art and music, the environments in this game are goddamn gorgeous, the character design is great and there wasn't a single song I didn't like. However, the thing I think Undertale does best are it's characters, which is something I think Undertale Yellow lacks a lot in. Even tho I do like the main characters in UTY I don't really LOVE any of them like I did in Undertale and this is what I mean when I say it's hard to judge this game, I really wanna treat it as it's own thing but it's hard to not compare it to the game it's based on. The characters in Undertale is what makes the entire game for me, they are fun, silly and dumb while still leaving room for depth, but I hardly felt any of that while playing through UTY. It's so weird to me that I liked the side characters more than the main cast, I think that El Bailador, The Guardener and Axis were amazing characters that perfectly captured the fun of Undertale while the rest of the cast was just... ok. I really enjoyed the fights, some of them were SUPER creative and made me really look forward to finding more enemies. I do think that the final boss of the pacifist route was kinda lame lmao, don't get me wrong the visuals, music and story was pretty sick but the bullet patterns left to be desired, at first every "round" was a different thing that only happened once (which made it hell to get used to) then later in the fight it felt like the boss was just throwing literally anything at me without any care. Ending was pretty cool, not really interested in getting any other endings tho.

Oh good heavens it's peak.
Half star off because I think ceroba's story was poorly introduced and I couldn't really get invested in her plot, but the ending still made me cry so whatever.

despite the ruins and snowdin being pretty slow, this was an amazing experience with some beautiful animation and improvements on undertale's gameplay that make it a very enjoyable experience that everyone who loves the original should play. also the neutral final boss is a reference to the sorrow from mgs3 so it gets a star just out of that.

pretty enjoyable. have to give props for sticking with original areas/characters rather than leaning towards the alreayd existing ones. some fun bosses as well.

characters were kinda hit or miss for me. felt a tad unbalanced when it came to the focus, and the one(s) that did have it the most felt it was missing...context? more build up? still mulling it over.

still have to commend it for all the effort it overtall tho

this is entirely a skill issue but oh my god i hate that stupid fucking rhythm game boss. i love rhythm games but that was genuinely the least fun i've had with a boss in ages. still extremely impressive for a fangame though, will try to pick it up again when i git gud

(Note: As of writing, I have only completed the "pacifist" route.)
No doubt emotionally impactful and passion-driven, but often faltered to really "click" with me, and I would've given up playing much earlier if not streaming it to a friend. Some major bosses come and go without leaving much of an impact, there are uneven difficulty spikes, and genuine balancing issues that allow you to essentially gain infinite money. I generally don't agree with the sentiment that this is "basically official", but I do think it is a competent and powerful piece of art that a lot of people other than me will resonate with quite strongly. Though god forbid if you somehow haven't played Undertale first, this game will eat you alive and make zero sense lmao

Los fans son una fuerza de la naturaleza imparable que llegan a hacer maravillas por mera fuerza de voluntad y Undertale Yellow es una de esas maravillas. Este juego se podría vender como una precuela oficial de Undertale y nadie dudaría de que lo es, quizás la escritura no es tan brillante como el original o quizás sea solo cosa de que es un derivado de escribir como escribiría otro. Más allá de eso es un juego lleno de cariño y con cosas mucho mejor hechas que el original. La animación de este juego es demasiado buena, las ideas en los combates son realmente variadas y su decisión de enseñarte zonas totalmente diferentes del original es un gran acierto. La música es buena sin llegar al nivel del original en mi opinión pero manteniendo muy bien el tipo y los diseños de los personajes son igualmente encantadores.
Undertale Yellow es un juego al que hay que darle amor si te gustó el original, es completamente gratuito y merece muchísimo la pena. De lo mejor que se lanzó en 2023 y un proyecto que hay reivindicar más.

My second favorite fangame ever. Following up undertale was an impossible task, but it somehow delivered something truly original, while keeping the vibe of the original.

Does a really good job at feeling like the source material while being a more refined story than it. People should draw Chujin more.

Tão bom ou até melhor que o Undertale Original, só zerei a rota pacifista ainda só que esse final é ridiculamente bom

Es una precuela perfecta para Undertale. La historia, las batallas, los personajes e incluso la música está a la altura de Undertale y en ocasiones lo llega a superar. Lo recomiendo incluso si no has jugado Undertale, es una experiencia encantadora y entretenida y ofrece más dificultad que Undertale.
Todo esto se siente como una comparación pero por si solo el juego también es una maravilla.

I liked most of the main characters, I think they have a good characterization, I just think their participation in the story isn't the best, overall I think the direction and narrative fail them in some points. Secondary and extra characters? Undertale did better in this area.

I like the idea of ​​each route. Pacifist, the protagonist gains empathy for monsters and becomes a kinder, gentler person. In the genocidal route, they seeks to avenge the dead humans and becomes more aggressive and cold. On the neutral route, they ends up wanting to abandon is mission and reveals themself to be a very different figure from the protagonist of Undertale. It's not the kind of thing I see Toby Fox doing, especially considering how little meta-commentary there is in this game. I have no problem in that area, I'm not against franchises going for different ideas and concepts, as long as it at least doesn't offend the source material, which isn't the case with this game. It was just designed with the Undertale universe more in mind, whereas in the original Undertale the universe existed more as a pretext for its message. To end positive points, I think that all the routes suffer from indicating something interesting to happen and this ends up never happening or the execution was much more mediocre than expected.

Combat is a yes and a no for me. I like the higher difficulty, I always found the original Undertale very easy. It has more animations and sound effects, which help bring more life to combat. I like the way of attacking more, especially when you acquire another weapon, getting all six shots right is very satisfying. The problems start in the act and its little function throughout the game, it even helps to finish some battles faster, however, on the neutral and genocidal route the effect is minimal, killing enemies is faster and more practical. Bosses are even worst, act is just a flavor text almost all the time. The way defense and attack work in this game would have my preference in an orthodox RPG, but Undertale Yellow is a game designed so that it can be completed between level 1 and level 20, just increasing attack and defense makes the game extremely easy in neutral route if you follow at least a few levels, and the genocidal route despite having exclusive bosses that were designed with a high-level protagonist in mind, the rest remains as pathetic as the neutral route. Attacks are generally competent and even creative, but I'd be lying if I didn't think certain attacks needed more testing.

It has its flaws, but the emotional moments make the journey worth it.

i'm obsessed with this game.. best fan game of all time

Pues me parece un fangame bueno porque en ciertos momentos no tiene nada que envidiar al Undertale original, en especial en ciertos combates, diseño de personajes y banda sonora. Esta última me ha gustado sobremanera, que ha sido super super chula.
Los personajes principales son simpáticos pero me ha parecido muy cutre ejecutado la relevancia comparada entre ellos
Está bien si quieres jugar algo de Undertale mientras esperas Deltarune pero no espere una joyaza aquí