Reviews from

in the past

Literally my worst nightmare as a game, stressful co-op with awkward controls.

Pretty fun with friends, you'll play for 1h/2h and drop and get back some weeks or months later. Chaos is frequent too, It's really good

i keep forgetting about this game but i really should play it more because its so silly and fun in the way overcooked is

Fun until you blocked yourself

Amazing Co-op game. 10/10. Originally I wasn't too much of a fan of the game as it was very repetitive and we had to carry on repeating the first biome over and over. Upon going for 100% achievements, I loved the challenge and understanding the game more, the different biomes and wagons are really unique, there's different strategy to each run, Really fun to play with friends and I'd recommend this to anyone to try and go for a high score on. Very worth. Enjoyed going for all achievements. All was done with just me and a duo also (:

A fun couch co-op game. The gameplay of Unrailed strikes just the right balance of hectic and planned. You really have to think on feet, but it also never gets overwhelming.

Sometimes, the procedural map generation can completely screw you over, which feels a bit cheap. It also needs to be played with the right group of people. This kind of game doesn't work with everybody, you gotta be able to laugh about mistakes and not take it too seriously, but you also need to be capable of communicating and coordinating actions with your group. If played with an unfitting group, Unrailed can get frustrating very quickly. But if played with just the right group of people, it's an absolute blast!

Da lo que promete: trenes.
Lo jugué con un amigo, pero no da para mucho más que unas horillas.

Very fun multiplayer game, with a variety of difficulties to appeal to players of all skill levels.

never finished it @kingkeisler

I play this occasionally with my wife and other friends that may be around. It's a great party game. I don't know that it has the longevity that other co-op games like Overcooked might have--the various train cars and upgrades don't change the game that much and just increasing difficulty isn't as appealing as working through specific levels or going for 3 stars on each level. But it's been fun.

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Checkpoints broken also can stack mats making it easy the difficulty is in stupid map design

chugga chugga chugga chugga choo choo!!!

Couch play games with friends are abundant, and out of all of them unrailed is not at the top of my list would only buy if on sale.

Easy recommendation for a couch co-op game where you have to work with the people around you. Arguing with your friends when something goes wrong, or feeling like a real team when you narrowly avoid a crash is why this game is pretty great to bring people together. If you find Overcooked fun and want a game like it, this is a game for you.

A great, chaotic, and stressful game to play with friends.

Fun with friends, some frustrating mechanics

Fun to play in co-op, but I'd never be interested in playing by myself.

Fun co-op game but my friends didn't feel like playing it further so I didn't either :(

eh, it's okay. it starts to get really frustrating in its repetitiveness though, like how many times can i do the same shit just in less time.

Muitooo divertido de se jogar com amigos, da pra dar muitas risadas. Jogue é muito bom.

i solo'd a round when my friend was afk and i felt like a god

Pretty solid party game, have enjoyed playing with friends

Lustiges kleines Koop Spiel mit dem selben Chaosfaktor wie Overcooked und Co. Allerdings bietet Unrailed relativ wenig Abwechslung und durch das Stacken der Materialien kann man einen Run, bis auf wenige hektische Momente an Chokepoints, schnell in den Griff bekommen. Trotzdem hat es für kurze Zeit viel Spaß gemacht. Außerdem mag ich Züge.

This is how it feels like to live paycheck to paycheck

Fun, but gets old pretty quickly. This game could use an update or two to add more content and replayability.

Está muy chuli, luego llegas al bioma de la nieve y te sientes Maradona (te matan antes de que te des cuenta)

i don't like when a games idea of difficulty increase is "lets make this as annoying as we possibly can" and that's like 2 of the biomes here but the rest is really fun with friends.