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Uma ótima sequência para o Valiant Hearts: The Great War , o primeiro jogo é tão fantástico e cativante quanto este. Uma história que se passa na primeira guerra mundial, é um jogo carregado de emoções. Não tem muito o que dizer, SÓ JOGUEM.

Valiant hearts Coming home conta divertidamente um dos eventos mais trágicos da nossa história

Valiant hearts tem pontos muito bons a se ressaltar, os gráficos bonitos, cenários maravilhosos com muita coisa acontecendo ao fundo, trilha sonora lindíssima e mesmo com tantas limitações da plataforma fica nítido o esforço da equipe em trazer novas mecânicas, a história cumpre seu papel e no geral é um bom jogo
Ele tem seus pontos negativos, eventualmente pela falta de desafio e a repetição de atividades ele pode ser um pouco chato as vezes, no meu caso ele teve só alguns bugs visuais e os controles não são muito precisos e acabam se confundindo
Para concluir gostei da minha experiência e é um jogo Interessante de se jogar.

L'impression d'un épilogue du 1er jeu, tant c'est globalement la même chose.
Histoire intéressante mais (à titre perso, moi Lorrain) pas aussi mémorable que son prédécesseur.
Reste une belle aventure à découvrir.

muito parecido com o primeiro sem nenhuma adição significativa mas isoladamente é um jogo bom.

Genre: Narrative Puzzler | Released: January 2023 | Platform: iOS and Android | Developer: Ubisoft | Publisher: Netflix | Language: English | Length: 2-3 hours | Difficulty: Easy | Do I Need To Play Anything First: Characters and events from the first game (Valiant Hearts: The Great War) are referenced, and I assume some moments would resonate more strongly if you played the first. I did not play the first one, and I found no barrier or difficulty to enjoying or following | Accessibility Options: Subtitles, slight dexterity required | Monetization: Requires a Netflix Subscription | Microtransaction: None | Gambling Elements: None | Content Warning: cartoon blood and gore, depictions of death and war | Parenting Guide: 12+ | How Did You Play It: Ipad via Netflix | Did you need a guide: No, but the game suffers from poor signposting | Mods: None

Is It Good: I thought it was fine, but a bit underwhelming.

Back of the Box: You’ll cry at the end, and be mad you are so easily manipulated.

Valiant Hearts: Coming Home is a beautiful, poignant, labor of love and passion marred by slightly frustrating “gameplay” that I think would be much better a piece of animation. It tells personal stories from the front lines of World War 1, and you guide various characters as they struggle to survive.

This is worth playing, for sure, but more for the informational aspect. The gameplay is so boring, and it says a log that my favorite parts was reading the in-game wiki. But as an educational game, it’s peerless.

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Trata de ser una secuela muy continuista con respecto a Valiant Hearts: The Great War, pero su condición de videojuego para móviles le capa en muchos aspectos.

A niveles narrativos es genial, como ya lo era el primer título. Apela mucho a los sentimientos del jugador, pero no lo hace de forma simplona y chabacana, te lleva hacia la emotividad a través de personajes muy bien contruidos pese a las pocas horas que dura el juego y a través de una historia a la que solo necesitan añadirle unos ligeros edulcorantes porque los hechos reales ya se encargan del resto. Y ese es otro punto muy a favor tanto de este juego como del primero, su valor como vehículo de divulgación histórica, tratando los hechos con firmeza y exactitud y aportando cierto lore en forma de documentos extra.

A nivel jugable es donde este título cojea más. Tiene muchas fases repetitivas y las que varían un poco más en entornos no lo hacen en mecánicas. Haciendo que simplemente quieras avanzar por la historia y no por el desafío jugable como tal.

En definitiva, un juego mediocre pero que tiene una historia y un envoltorio fantástico y que es totalmente recomendable si tienes Netflix y lo puedes jugar gratis.

English | Español

A direct sequel which mantains style, but simplify everything else ends to be a less rounded product which less emotional impact which gets limitated due to be an smartphone exclusive game.

Una secuela directa que mantiene estilo, pero simplifica todo lo demás terminando por ser un producto menos redondo y con menos impacto emocional al que castiga ser un juego exclusivamente de móviles.

Not as striking as the original, but still a worthwhile sequel. Really disappointing its stuck on mobile

I was testing Netflix games on my iPad, deciding whether to keep them or delete them. This succeeded the bare minimum, I ended up completing it and have a fairly positive opinion about it. I stayed for the art, music, the touch screen gameplay that works well enough and curious to see how the story would end. I found out that it’s a very short game, that was the push to keep going. Later on I noticed the historical setting and how the facts menu is based on things that happened during World War One. Or it looks that way at least. So if you want to learn some general history in small doses while playing casual gameplay, then it’s decent enough.

However, don’t expect any deep gameplay to get into. Often times you go from A to B, you’re asked to find an item and bring it to the NPC that is right next to you. There are some flying and music sections but the gameplay is even simpler and there is little variation. They are there to remind you that you’re still playing a game. The story also focuses on racism against the black community. It’s not merely about war which is what I expected from Valiant Hearts games. I’ve seen a lot of content about racism in my lifetime, so this feels a bit preachy even if it’s well presented. I ended up caring about the characters and ending.

If you go with the right expectations, then you can have a good time. I’m glad to have played it through Netflix for being a decent enough version, and not having to pay money for a game that I don’t care much about. Still it was nice enough to experience without taking too much time (there is no timer but it felt like 2-3 hours with little replay value). Now I know what to expect from Valiant Hearts games generally.

Crashou bastante e ainda tá na netflix serião, eu acho que é uma sequencia desnecessaria de qualquer maneira

Great game. Amazing artwork. Fun to pass the hour. It's set during WWI and you're going through lives of soldiers back then completing simple tasks and collecting things, with mini games etc.

It’s not great from a narrative or gameplay perspective. I enjoyed Freddie’s brother coming into the mix but the pilot and submarine/diver guy felt unnecessary and their stories were half-baked.

The gameplay is even lighter on puzzles than the first game. Its essentially busy work and backtracking. Find this gear and bring it back to the starting area, now go back with a new item, yada yada. Really boring stuff. I only kept playing because I enjoyed the original’s narrative quite a bit.

The one redeeming quality is its visuals. Very nice art in the foreground and background. I stopped many times just to ogle at its surprising beauty.

Valiant Hearts: Coming Home is a sequel to Valiant Hearts: The Great War developed for iOS and Android. The game is currently only available for Netflix subscribers.

Compared to the first game, this sequel is definitely a step back. It's not a bad game, but it's certainly not as powerful as its predecessor.

The story follows the events of Valiant Hearts: The Great War, but the big moments in this sequel are not as memorable as those in the previous game, which is quite disappointing. The most significant aspect of The Great War was its story and characters, and unfortunately, Coming Home fails to deliver the same impact. It feels more like a filler game.

The art is impeccable, with the same visuals we saw in The Great War. It's a positive aspect that the game maintains the animated cartoon style without any unnecessary changes.

Considering it's a mobile game, the gameplay is the best they could offer. It works well, but it would have been even better if it were developed for consoles or PC. The virtual joystick is acceptable.

It's disheartening that Ubisoft treated the sequel to Valiant Hearts: The Great War as a small project. The first game was widely regarded as a work of art. At the same time, we must thank Netflix for supporting this project because without their influence, this franchise would have been forgotten.

If you played the first game and you're a Netflix subscriber, I recommend playing Valiant Hearts: Coming Home. It's great to see these characters return, but don't expect to have the same experience as you did with the original game.

Not good at the first one but touched me at a personal level that many games couldn't do

Valiant Hearts: Coming Home manages to capture a lot of the charm of its beloved predecessor but unfortunately plays it a bit too safe to step out of its shadow. The game has some great location variety and some fun new sequences, such as a musical rhythm game with some fantastic sound design and controlling a plane to survive an A to B flight which takes good advantage of touchscreen controls. However, these new elements are too few and far between, with there being too much gameplay repetition and there being too many elements that have simply being copied and even simplified from the original Valiant Hearts. On top of this, I experienced quite a few performance issues during my playthrough. On a more positive note, the story itself has quite a few impactful beats and a strong ending that resonated with me even if I wasn’t that invested in the characters themselves.

While overall I’m pretty lukewarm on Valiant Hearts: Coming Home, I think fans of the original will still enjoy this sequel and feel some nostalgia playing through this experience. It doesn’t make the innovative steps that a sequel should, but for what is essentially a free game I can’t complain too much about Ubisoft giving me more of a game that I enjoyed. I only hope they continue to bring life into dormant franchises of theirs such as Rayman and Child of Light…

Tried to play on my 6 year old tablet, was bearable until I had to watch sailors drown as my game lagged too hard to be able to throw them life preservers. Not going to play on my phone's tiny screen. Please Netflix release this on other platforms, this is such a weird game to force on small screens