Reviews from

in the past

Apartando de que algunos puzzles son muy complicados (y aún más si quieres el 100%), la verdad es que es un juego entretenido y bonito.

Pretty adorable little puzzler. Not perfect but cute.

A small puzzle-platformer where you control a cute witch trapped inside an underground dungeon and you need to find your way out. You can push blocks to resolve puzzles, but you quickly find a magical wand which you can use to control special blocks. To get out you need to find three different artifacts, and there's also a bunch of hard to find collectibles if it's your thing (some can be pretty difficult).
It's not a bad game, but it stands awkwardly between being a proof of concept and a full game. A bit of polish could have elevated it from "ok" to good.

Simples, divertido e fofinho. Dá para platinar numa sentada só jogando com o cérebro no automático. Excelente para dias que são dias.

A very short but stylish indie game. WitchWay is extremely simple but the developers manage to make that simplicity really enjoyable. The difficulty of the puzzles increased at a good rate and their wasn't any massive difficulty spikes. As well as this, the pixel art and colour palette are really cute. The game crashed on me one time, the reason being is because I spun the block too many times. The Bunnies and Artefacts are good collectables but the eyes seem unnecessary and it feels like they're only collectibles for collectibles sake, they don't even provide extra challenges to reach them. Overall, fairly solid game that is definitely worth your time if you have an hour to kill.