Reviews from

in the past

i like the silly faces but oh my god was this boring. The camera pissed me off too

A cute and simple art style is really all this has going for it. The levels are far too big and have few, if any, checkpoints in case you walk off the edge or into an enemy. Every enemy kills you in one hit. The camera is atrocious, and on multiple occasions would not move with my character, causing me to have to take blind leaps of faith until it hopefully correct itself. Would have rather had 20 small short levels instead of the eight or so massive ones. I did only pay about 40 cents for this game, so I'm not too upset about it.

Former World Record holder here. Not a good game at all and very broken. Not harmful or offensive and can be fun for a very cheap price.

I didn't dislike it but it was... definitely a game.

It's a platformer lacking any semblance of what makes platformers fun in the first place. The sequel is better, skip this game and go check it out.

One of the only times I'll ever be able to say I 100% completed a game in under 45 minutes, so it has that going for it?

Objectively the best narrative adventure game on PS4. Eat your heart out, Kratos.

I payed 10 cents for this game and for that price I got exactly what I expected. A short, pretty clunky game with not the greatest controls and a fixed camera which I’ve never seen for a 3D platformer.

With that said I did like a few things, 1 the fact there were upgrades and a couple extra levels to unlock was nice made it worth my time to collect the berries I saw. The levels had distinct themes so at least they were kinda unique. Finally I liked Woodle they are a cute protagonist.

I’ve heard the 2nd game is better so if I see that go for less then a dollar I’ll check that one out.

This was cute, its not too complex or lengthy but its well made enough and a fun short platformer.

keeps respawning in the wall then falling through floor