Reviews from

in the past

Classic worms game which outdated more than I thought

It's more Worms.

From what I can tell, the series has literally been the same game with slight art style changes since Armageddon, but it's really hard for them to add to such a perfected formula without breaking the balance by including new weapons and features (e.g: the vehicles in this game, which are bullshit).

They only release new games to keep people aware of the series' existence. Yes, I AM a hypocrite for defending Team17 for doing the thing I and many others bash EA, Ubisoft, and Activision for doing. It's MY review, I can do what I want. What you gonna do about it? Worms gud. Play Worms.

This is one of my favorite games to play with my friends and it's truthfully just super well designed and funny. What you get out of this game is what you put into having a good time. Not a solo experience and your experience will vary depending on who you play with, but I ended up having a great time.

I think it's the best worms game, and it's definitely fun to play when you've got friends, but worms games are all same-y and the sequels do little to improve or change things. The price tag is also pretty stupid for a worms game.

Joaquin de re mierda q manera de enterrar a los gusanos y mandar misiles como troglodita

It's pretty good form worms, has some minor issues with settings and I don't really love the vehicles, but for my friend's first worms game it was pretty funny. There isn't much more to say than that tbh.

The game feels very slow and the hit boxes felt inconsistent at times. The CPU has insane accuracy from long distance and crazy angles so it gets very frustrating while some levels can feel like just hoping the CPU makes a rare mistake.

Лучшие вормс за долгое время. Понравилось все: физика, графика, музыка. Играется достаточно бодро. Но цена для России не очень приятная. Забросил, т.к. со мной никто не играл.

o burro é uma das coisas mais engraçadas q eu já vi

A fantastic Worms game! But it moves SO SLOWLY! The molassess-like speed of the turns feels like I'm playing Pokemon Diamond and Pearl!

If the pacing could be picked up just a bit, this would probably surpass Armageddon.

I somehow convinced my friends to play a sesh of this with me after randomly seeing it in Game pass. Very very fun LMFAO.

best game for turning your friends against each other

Every time someone misses a shot, the entire friend group will disregard all of their shared history. It does not matter how close they are, or how long they've stuck with each other. They will forget all the good times they've shared together. All those comforting moments, moments of weaknesses, they all vanish from the mind. When that worm with the face of heavy from TF2 blows itself up and ends his turn, you no longer are talking to your friends in some Discord call. No. You now stare at the endless abyss. They torment you. They mock you, relentlessly. You watch helplessly as their calm voices devolve into incoherent screaming. They truly do no longer care about your mental well-being. Hell, they don't care about much at all. Just one thing: making completely sure you rue the day you missed that grenade in some dumb game about worms killing each other. Your own personal hell, and you caused it over a stupid misplay.
7/10. Friendships have been torn. Was pretty fun, though.

Played the one on the Nintendo 64 as a kid. Im probabley blinded by nostalgia but that one was better, still enjoyable tho.

Really fun game with friends but definitely a wait for a sale game.

Not as good as Revolution imo, but still a fun worms game. Cool weapons.

perfeito para multiplayer local com seus amigos

Me sorprende que pudiera jugar a juegos de esta saga tantas horas seguidas de pequeño. No puedo con los controles ni con el ritmo, me aburre y me agobia. Por lo demás, está más o menos como lo recordaba.

Le pongo una estrella más por poder ponerte el himno de españa de celebración (es gracioso), pero le bajo esa misma estrella por intentar colarnos NFTs. Que te j*dan, Team17.