Reviews from

in the past

While it doesn’t have the gripping story of the first game or the kinetic gameplay of the second, Xenoblade 3 excels at being very good at everything it does. A love letter to the fans.

I was gonna call this "Final Fantasy 14 But X" but I cant cause it's literally the same fucking game. Only difference is I cant harass lolicons in this one.

Quite frankly comparable to Xenoblade 1 (Best game ever made). I prefer XC1 just a LIIIIIIITTLE bit more

self-indulgent never ending cutscenes and really boring gameplay

This is a game of all time. The world and mechanics are so engaging and rewarding. Monolith soft perfected the hero/blades type system and quests to be fulfilling and also enhance your gameplay experience. A final fantasy job type system is so perfect for this series that I wish it was here all along. Having everything from the world be in service of your game experience is so flawless here. I didn’t beat the story until 180 hours in because I was glued to the screen with all the high quality side quests, this is such an rpg it’s amazing. I love games that let you really dig your teeth into it’s systems and not be ashamed it’s an rpg full of a million mechanics. It also helps that it explains these systems way better than 2.

The story is so satisfying and the main cast is my favorite yet from the series. Even the minor gripes I have with the game are just removed from my brain when I think about the love I have for the characters, twist/turns, and the more mature themes and ideas here.

I don’t want to put this game down, and it luckily has more to offer with the post game quests and dlc, but afterwards there is going to be a huge void. 10/10 game right here

I don't really have words to describe Xenoblade 3. Just go play it, please.

I have so many thoughts and emotions on this game that I feel like I could write/talk about for hours on end (which I do plan on doing eventually), but to put it simply for now, Xenoblade Chronicles 3 reminds me of why I fell in love the video game medium as a whole. I will forever cherish my experience with this game for as long as I live.

Something about this game feels off to me for some reason, but still xenokino to the highest degree with the best characters in the series

I don’t think I’ve ever played a game that moved me as much as Xenoblade 3 has.

Takahashi, thank you. You truly are the one man.

130 horas e ainda fiquei com gostinho de quero mais.

Probably the worst game i have ever played besides Persona 4

Definitivamente no me vi venir el capítulo 5, o sea sí, porque el capítulo 5 va después del 4, pero no lo vi venir, o sea sí, pero


The gameplay itself was enjoyable, I just never felt like it wanted me to play the game. Constant story beats, cutscenes, and sequences that would go on forever that never just let me do the thing I wanted to do: play the game.

This review contains spoilers

this game gave me such a massive ick 😭😭😭

Not to deep into the game so far but who decided to give these characters British accents, that has to be worst decision I have ever seen when it comes to voice acting it’s like constant ear cancer.

gayest straight couple ever ♥

this game changed my life

The best RPG's feel like a real journey, and Xenoblade Chronicles 3 nails that bench mark. The story concept is out there enough to be unique, but resonant enough to hook you and keep you playing. The soundtrack pulls out all the stops and really aids in the emotional high notes hitting as hard as they do. The world is tremendous, packed to the brim with nooks and crannies to explore. The team building in gameplay is fantastic, giving you a huge degree of customization to make your dream team of warriors. If you've played any other Xenoblade games and liked them, you absolutely cannot miss this one.

Certainly the game isn't perfect, some things exist just to bloat the hefty run time, and certain aspects seem cool at first but way overstay their welcome (chain attack theme lol), but you can easily work past those. Just go with the flow of the game, and let your sense of adventure take over and you'll have a wonderful time.

This is my favorite game of all time. It came out at the right time in my life and enjoyed every part of this journey. The story, gameplay, and soundtracks are fantastic.

To condense dozens of paragraphs full of spoilers to a few sentences: Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is a game full of potential. A story with potential, characters with potential, gameplay systems that had the potential to be great, amazing even. In my humble opinion, it does ultimately not deliver on any of this potential in the long run, meaning that all the greatness it built up comes crashing down for me. Because of how massive a disappointment it was, story-wise, character-wise, gameplay-wise, mostly due to the high standard the series set for me with the three games that came before it, I really have no desire to return to it. It's a quality game marred by a bunch of narrative and gameplay decisions that either don't mesh with me or show more glaring faults. Thankfully future redeemed literally did redeem it and showed that this game could've been masterful if it was designed with different systems in mind.

yo no acabe el juego, el juego acabo conmigo

REALLY hard to evaluate this game, but overall I think the experience is great and worth experiencing. It has a really solid story with a small but focused cast of characters (until the second half... The story in general is heavy. It has tons of shocking and wonderful moments.

Gameplay is really fun and offers tons of customization. Tons of content too. Good voice direction overall despite some odd moments. Music is still peak. In general the map design is a mix of the best parts of 1 and 2. ALL of the game is a mix of it actually, which makes it stand out.

The last third of the narrative is poor. Plotlines are rushed and dropped pretty fast. Some of the side content is not great too with inconsistent writing. In general the villains were all bad and not interesting, with minor exceptions. I think the biggest thing is I see no reason to ever replay it, there's no urge for me to do so. Once you beat it once you don't need to experience it again.

Also, this game gets one full point off for Ghondor. A toxic, awful, annoying character that nearly ruined the game.

Otherwise, this was a great time.

It's hard to believe that from the terrible game that was Xenoblade 1 came this incredible game. The story of this game is much more interesting than the other two titles in the saga. This time, there were truly interesting characters who weren't just generic anime tropes and had some real personality, which was amazing. The story is full of interesting twists that make you want to keep playing, and the gameplay, which for me was always the weakest point of the Xenoblade series, wasn't bad in this game. Obviously, it still isn't the best combat gameplay in the world, but compared to what it was in Xenoblade 1, the improvement is absurd.

Honestly, aside from minor plot holes or annoying mechanics, I have zero bad things to say about this game. The soundtrack of this game was incredible, just like Xenoblade 2's soundtrack. It was worth enduring Xenoblade 1 until the end to have the complete experience of this game.