Reviews from

in the past

Pelamor esse jogo é muito ruim

After the intense "filling a market hole" vibe of resisting Zombie Army Trilogy, i expected very little of Zombie Army 4. That was a mistake. Zombie Army 4 is a fantastic horde shooter. It takes all the good stuff from the earlier Zombie Armys of the enemy variety and general weapon situation, but then just has so much fun with it throwing in boss enemies and special weapons and traps and so much more.

I'm shocked by how low-rated this is, I had an absolute blast playing through it solo. It felt like such an upgrade compared to Trilogy, with weapon and perk progression making me genuinely want to grind a bit. The horde mode being changed to have progression similar to COD Zombies improved it from a mid gamemode to something I'd actually want to go back to. While the DLC being shoved in my face is annoying, the fact that we get 12 full chapters for free is pretty insane already, so I didn't mind that much.

Es un sniper elite pero con zombies, ta bien con amigos

- BrainZzzzz -
Dentro de lo que cabe es muy buen juego de zombies, se siente más arcade y da menos miedo que los anteriores, pero en lo que va es buen juego de zombies. Tiene buenas armas y una duracion correcta.

Le jeu est presque un copié collé du précédent et pourtant il n'offre pas les mêmes sensations Bref je me suis ennuyé comme jamais sur cet opus

Well, it's way better than the 3 before it I guess, but it's still just kind of a mindless nothing

the enjoyment i get from this game, owing to its meticulously honed mechanics that offered an approachable learning curve. The game's developers astutely anticipated a whimsical ambience and seamlessly integrated this facet into their design. The abundance of collectable items within the game world significantly contributed to the thoroughly enjoyable experience shared by my friend and i.

This game artfully synthesises elements of the supernatural, blending zombies, occult rituals, and humor, forming an experience that I wholeheartedly believe merits exploration by all.

The horde mode bears a striking resemblance to the popular Call of Duty Nazi Zombies, presenting a formidable challenge that few are likely to conquer. In sum, I would bestow upon this game a commendable rating of 8/10, acknowledging its overall merits and excellence.

One of the best, most unhinged b-movie kind of games I've ever played: it's absolutely not a coinsidence that it is set mostly in Italy, the Italian cinematic exploitation masters would be so proud.

Game-wise It takes all the good shit from the Sniper Elite series (the dynamic marksmanship, the slo-mo kills, the WWII setting, the tactical set-ups for that good good murder), ditches all the boring stuff (samey levels, way too much time spent solving stealth situations), and just all-around ramps up the fun factor. Similairly to Sniper Elite it's a bit too long and repetetive, but unlike Sniper Elite there's a clear sense of constant escalation of both difficulty and just the sheer scale and ridicilousness of everything that is going on.

Aesthetics-wise you get all of the nazi- and zombiesploitation goodies you can ask for. Wanna shoot a zombie SS commander in the gonads in goregous slo-mo? You got it. Wanna lure a crowd of zombies into zombie shark's mouth? Fucking go for it. Zombie tanks? Yeah, we got those. Demon Hitler riding a giant zombie tank fortress? Yep, that too. The design on all of the zombies is top-notch, there are neat easter eggs for various horror classics strewn about, and in general it feels like the game has been made with a big love for classic exploitation cinema in mind. Which alone would be enough to sell this game to me, but it also doesn't hurt that it's just a big cheesy hunk of ridiclous trashy fun.

I miss games that felt this fun to play with the simplest things

Otro título de la escuela Left 4 Dead: multijugador cooperativo de hasta 4 jugadores y hordas de enemigos a las que abatir que, junto a una buena selección de enemigos especiales, nos pondrán en más de un aprieto. Zombie Army 4 es de los mejores títulos que he probado del género, si no el mejor, puesto que lo hace todo bien. Tiene una campaña larga y con mucho contenido, mucha variedad de armas, posibilidad de customizar tus armas, está bien optimizado, es muy divertido y cuenta también con modo horda al que siempre puedes volver para pasar un rato frenético matando zombies nazis. Muy recomendado para los fans del género. Me ha sorprendido gratamente!

surprisingly pleasing
8/10 (offline)

joke of a video game.

However you can kick skeletons to death, so thats a first

Plusy: najlepsza część Nazi Zombie, całkiem przyjemna główna kampania, działający bez problemu CO-OP, solidny gameplay
Minusy: dramatycznie słabe DLC, ponad połowa gry za paywallem, mało broni, system ulepszania ekwipunku nie ma żadnego sensu

Literally the only game I've ever actually fallen asleep to.

Deu para se divertir, mas não para completar o jogo. Joguei por pouco tempo e já fechei o jogo para nunca mais abrir.

Fun to play with friends at least

j'ai jamais accroché au zombie army, mais il y a un manque de renouvellement fort

Dime a dozen zombie shooter games. It's mindless and sometimes fun, but there isn't much to it. It has a story, but I didn't play the first 3 games and have no plans to since I don't like the Sniper Elite franchise. I will say this game is probably better than the Sniper Elite games.

Não quero escrever mais que dez palavras para esse jogo

I guess it could be fun with friends... which I don't have. I mean friends who would want to play this game AT the same time as me ON the same system FOR the sam amount of time WITH the same amount of enthusiasm, which isn't that great to start with, I mean the enthusiasm...

Zombie Dead Army 4: Dead War Zombie Army