Reviews from

in the past

In 2017, Sniper Elite 4 was released and there was something about it that quickly escalated it into the upper levels of my favorite "B-tier" games. Actually, I know exactly what that "something" was. It was a combination of the sound-based stealth mechanics, co-op open map exploration, and of course, the Mortal Kombat levels of gruesome x-ray violence. Hunting down squads of shithead nazi soldiers was cathartic and nailing a headshot (or spleen shot, or nutsack shot) felt extremely gratifying.
Fast forward a couple of years and the expected zobmie skinned spin-off is back with similar mechanics and features. This being the first time I've played one of these in full co-op from the outset, I enjoyed my time for the first hour or two. My friend and I started competing to see who could get the most over-the-top chain of headshots and explosions on the hordes of reanimated corpses.
But for me, it quickly grew pretty thin, and by the 50th time my camera control was violently yanked out of my hands to zoom in on a zombie rib cage being blasted inside out, I'd had my fill. In the main game, each big kill-cam felt earned and the enemies could put up a real fight if you were spotted. But in this one, the enemies by nature just kind of able toward you and wait in neat lines for you to get sick combos on them. Now of course you can turn down the frequency of the kill cams and maybe I should have, but they were so exhilarating in Sniper Elite 4 and I really wanted to recapture some of that glory.
There are some cool rpg type upgrades and there's certainly fun to be had here, but ultimately, it just made me want to revisit the dlc for the main game.

A game called "Zombie Army 4" has no business being any good but this is a quality shooter that rewards precision and forward thinking, both solo and in coop.

Make sure you turn 60 frames mode on if playing on consoles, as well as toggling all aim assists off in the options. The controls are good enough that you won't need them.

Pretty perfect PSN game for me. It's enjoyable and pretty fun, but not something I'll want to play to completion, and is a good diversion on a day when I had nothing better to play and it was this month's PSN game anyway. Good for a few hours of fun before you uninstall and forget about having played it.

It has to be noted that this game has a very strange decision in that the console version defaults to a terrible 30fps that makes the game feel awful to play. It's the kind of framerate drop that really feels like it matters. Switch to 60fps mode ("performance") in options, and it's like playing a much better game.

Eu não dava NADA para este jogo.

Mas ele é surpreendentemente bom.
Talvez eu tenha gostado tanto por ter jogado ele pós uma leva de jogos muito cabeça, mas é inegavel o quão divertido foi me deixar levar por esse jogo.

Um jogo que sabe perfeitamente o quão ridículo a sua proposta é, e se aceita como algo cômico, se auto parodiando e não se levando nem um pingo a sério.
Este é Evil Dead 3 dos videogames

Quite fun. I didn't have much of an expectation when I started playing with some friend, but found myself having too much fun. The plot doesn't make sense, but nobody is playing this games for a well-crafted and oscar-worthy plot.

You play this games to shot zombies, and kill Hitler, and the game provides you that in spades.

Uma das maiores surpresas que ja tive com videogames, o que parecia ser mais um jogo de hordas generico, se mostrou ser o melhor jogo de horda de zumbis que ja joguei.
Fases criativas e variadas; gore satisfatorio e viciante; progressão das armas diversificado o que estimula a testar todas as armas; humor funciona; em coop é diversão garantida.
O jogo pode ser jogado de varias formas devido a sua ampla customização de hordas no menu de configurações, que permite programas as hordas em dificuldade e em quantidade.

This is kind of game I would have imagined making when I was twelve

More good Game Pass fodder. It's a bit one-note but when it's a fun note it doesn't really matter. Cool finale too!

You play one zombie horde shooter you’ve kind of played them all.

Good time shooting zombie nazis and if this is the forever game you fall for then that’s that.

Like it's sibling Sniper Elite 4, ZA4: DA is, on the surface, a one trick pony of a game, and what it does, it does well. But it does hold a pretty good amount of depth beneath the surface, with ZA4 providing a very fun score and combo based gameplay loop that values accuracy and a mixture of risk begetting reward, and quick reflexes in learning where enemies are.

Zombie Army 4: Dead War is the latest instalment in the franchise and spin off from the Sniper Elite series.

I had an absolute blast playing this game, it's far more bombastic and over the top compared to the Trilogy.

I know a lot of people may prefer the tone and experience of the Trilogy but I must say I prefer this one.

I found the gameplay far more satisfying and when the music kicked in during the numerous zombie hordes it got my adrenaline going.

I found the story a bit more engaging this time round.

Unlike the Trilogy, players can upgrade their weapons and unlock perks and abilities to enhance your play style. The upgraded trench shotgun was awesome and joy to blast through the zombies.

Graphically it's a big step up from the Trilogy, I played it on the Xbox One X and it looked gorgeous.

While still linear the environments do feel a little more open this time. There is also a greater enemy varity to spice things up a bit.

The added DLC story missions were also a joy to play through.

While it's not perfect, I highly recommend this game based on it being pure fun and doesn't take itself too seriously.


Very VERY generic and boring

Cooperative games often get away with more than they should because both suffering and joy are better when shared with another person. Every agonizing minute of Resident Evil 6 is made ever so slightly better when you have a Helena to your Leon as is thinking with another set of portals in Portal 2. Games on the worse end of the spectrum, like RE6, tend to try to use co-op to distract from their shortcomings and while most titles are not that actively awful, they build themselves around that mantra regardless like Zombie Army 4: Dead War. While this zombie-shooting experience avoids some of the catastrophic lows of other co-op zombie shooters, it still can’t escape its bland nature and the array of surrounding questionable decisions.

Read the full review here:

Much like a zombie, i feel like I'm dying in real time the whole time I play this. Gives you a couple free hours to contemplate your life decisions, and all the things you've done wrong.

It's been okay, but it's not as good as sniper elite.

It's hard to describe how much I love this game. The stupid plot, the over the top characters, the gorefest psycho zombie romp. It's incredible. The only thing stopping me from popping a 5⭐ is that there's a fair amount of content locked behind a pay wall

boo! did I scare you? im a job application!

Excellent at being perfectly decent. Gameplay is fun enough but not something i can see myself going back to often

Mid, porém divertido de jogar enquanto troca ideia com um amigo, afinal de contas, matar nazi sem pensar muito é sempre bom.

The bullet explodes from the rifle as the camera zooms forward in slow motion, a plume of gunpowder smoke behind it. The angle of the slowly spinning projectile hits a shambling corpse of a former Nazi soldier in the side of the cranium with extreme force. An x-ray view appears of the bullet smashing through bone, shattering it into splinters. As the bullet exits the other side of what once was a skull it continues it's downward trajectory with surprising momentum hitting another undead soldier in the crotch resulting in another over the top x-ray view as it bursts the zombie fascists' testicles.

This game is stupid, hilariously fun and runs super well on PS5 with lots of Easter eggs and details hidden throughout. The downloadable content is insanely expensive and incredibly invasive to the experience in the menus though which I hate.

Overall however, with some friends this is ball burstingly fun.

Really fun to begin with, a shame I didn't continue playing it

barely any sniping and one of the most boring zombie game I've ever played.

Very fun third person shooter based in the Sniping Elite series engine. Gameplay feels arcade-y with the game rewarding long chains of combos by killing enemies using a variety of weapons that can be upgraded as you level up in the game. Graphics and performance were very good with solid and smooth framerates (Stadia version, no lag as well). Story and voice acting are cheesy and the game does not take itself seriously.

Campaign mode is fun and can be played with others. This game offers ample replay value with the online modes that are very addicting and offer a ton of fun.

Zombie Dead Army 4: Dead War Zombie Army