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in the past

neat math puzzle game

we're just putting every game on this site huh? alright yeah I played it, its good

I play the duckduckgo version (but I've never beaten it)

Relaxing minimalist puzzle game where you slide blocks to merge two of the same number to create the sum of those numbers. It's fun for an hour, but once you figure out that it can be "solved" by swiping in two directions repeatedly (and if you can't do that, "farm" for more blocks by going back and forth or up and down, making sure to keep your largest number in the corner) the appeal wears off quickly.

I get it. Just not into it.

Only got to make the 512 square.

juego classic, no puede faltar en un móvil para algún momento aburrido, en un funeral por ej

Variations of this game where people edit the numbers to be pictures and things are very fun ngl

i like to swipe things into other things to make a bigger thing :)

How do you score a simple time-waster mobile game? If I'm going by how effectively it wasted my time, it's a 5/5. If I'm scoring it by how much fun it actually was, it's a 2.5/5. So we'll call it somewhere in the middle.

2048 is an app that I had to delete from my phone because I was sinking too much time into it while gaining nothing from the experience. And then I installed it again a year later. And deleted it. And then I downloaded it once more for a long trip. Then finally deleted it a third time a week later.

2048 is addictive gaming perfected. It's just barely a puzzle, and is really more about organization skills than anything else. I've been near-obsessive about organization from a very young age (hence the countless hours I've sunk into Backloggd), so I was the perfect mark for these habit-forming squares.

If you really want to try it, all you really have to do is keep your big number in the same corner the entire time, and do everything you can to move the lesser numbers towards it so values decrease the farther you go from your big number. But once you hit 2048, call it. Quit. Delete the app and never look back.

Or one day you might realize you've sunk dozens of hours into a never-ending 8x8 version of the game simply because you get dopamine spikes from a feeling of progression while seeing numbers grow.

This game is genius. It hooked me. I kind of hate it.

lmao i rememer playing this on a plane ride back from california

Pretty decent time killer.

A fun, but at the same time, sometimes really frustrating logic game.

Removed half star for reminding me how many hours I have in League of Legends.

I'm like, really stupid.
I only just recently beat this game for the first time and it took me a good while. I'm not going for 4096 tho.

If 2048 is so good then why isn't there a 2049