Reviews from

in the past

When my high-school math teachers said that when I grew up I would use what I learnt in their classes daily, I laughed, and now... I still laugh 'cause this are the simplest multiplications ever, yet another day without using the quadratic equations babyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!

The spare time between uni classes has really gotten me into a little bit of web browser puzzle craze, it all started simple, with me thinking ''Hey, what's a better way to kill time than to boot up short games of Tetris?'', and it begun as only that, but my destiny was already sealed, and it didn't take long before I started to browse and try more and more games; I was deep down the rabbit hole, and it was only a matter of time before me and 2048 crossed paths, and let me tell ya, this game didn't kill my time, it annihilated it, to an even greater degree than Suika Game which is embarrassing to say considering that, as a game, it really just gives only a bit more of fun than messing around with a calculator.

It's funny how in a way this one has the total opposite problems compared to the aforementioned watermelon hellscape; whereas that game was highly RNG dependent and it didn't feel like strategy could really make a difference, 2048 feels like it can only be played one way and one way only, and even if it may take a while to achieve that solution, once you figure it out, you'll be getting high scores and even winning consistently. It's not just that luck doesn't factor here, it's that it feels as if every different run is the exact same thing, even before realizing the ''correct'' way of playing it. The 2s and 4s meld together and sure, it’s not a game that you can play without paying any attention, but I’d say that should be the bare minimum. You can fuck up, and you can recover from those fuck ups, but there isn’t much excitement in any of this, there isn’t an ‘’Aha!’’ moment that makes you feel that smart, since the solution that you’ll come up with to beat it has been already thought of by basically everyone that has played it.

It's not terrible, in fact it’s pretty competent at what it is: it’s just a time killer that really grabs you until you beat it, and it’s not a bad time at all, I just don’t think it really gave me anything memorable of value aside of that You Win! screen. It’s, and I say this both seriously and with the pun very much intended, extremely by the numbers; there are far more competent little puzzle games that feel far more re-playable and compelling to go back, but you don’t really lose anything by playing it, and it can be entertaining to at least beat its mean objective

Me? I’ve done it, and so I break free of the shackles that bind me and move on to the next challenge… that being more Tetris, of course…

they call it 2048 because you see it and turn 2048 degrees and walk away

Removed half star for reminding me how many hours I have in League of Legends.

i just released 2049, dont play this stupid ass game mine is better

Boredinthecomputerlab-core at it's peak

Relaxing minimalist puzzle game where you slide blocks to merge two of the same number to create the sum of those numbers. It's fun for an hour, but once you figure out that it can be "solved" by swiping in two directions repeatedly (and if you can't do that, "farm" for more blocks by going back and forth or up and down, making sure to keep your largest number in the corner) the appeal wears off quickly.

Eh, I play it when I get bored and have literally no other games to play

Fine time-waster, nothing more. I kind of think of games like this as modern LCD games, except this one isn't obnoxiously loud.

long cold school days have been saved by 2048. thank you 2048 mwah

im probably a bad person for having played this and not threes but in my defense at least i don't enjoy it

stop marking this as completed or i'm gonna cry

It gets a 6 purely because me and one of my friends spent the entire school year trying to top each other's scores and I found that very fun

remember when this was like a challenge in high school I recently gave it a try for nostalgia and lol it's harder not to get to 2048

Errrm what the scallop! Did Mario make this? It's Made In Italy. The thing only has one purpose in this destitute world, and that is to watch you slide numbers and make big number. Is there merit in this? It's not that fun, even with secret ninjutsu tips you can get on the Internet. If I was on a plane and it crashed and fucking exploded, I would not think about this game at all during my final breaths. Maybe if there were 2048 passengers I probably would chuckle a bit, then again I'd probably be sleeping or some shit.

Now, the game has crazy mods that overhaul everything, it's like Skyrim! Anybody can do it even. Look up the plethora of clones that exist, some may shock you, some may whelm you, some may goad you further in the pursuit of knowledge regarding Obama's last name, but don't forget that the soup is cold and the salad is hot if it's a school lunch. Plus, isn't it better to replace the numbers by cooler things like cool cars because otherwise, you are very nerdy for playing 2048 i aint ngl imagine going "I reached a high score of 131072 🤓🤓" instead of "I reached nirvana on the highway to hell" have some self-respect you nincompoop. What would brock obama say if he saw all that "i suck dick and huuuuuh i eat pussy too" damn he's bisexual thats crazy alhamdulillah hope he enjoys the 2048 mating technique 👏

Are you telling me a high number happens to fall like that? No! He orchestrated it! Gabriele Cirulli! He slided in a chain of numbers that happens to be my IP address and he gets to be a lauded game designer? What a joke! I do respect the hustle though. There's a spin on the formula not available for logging on Backloggd called Nextagon and that one was cool huuuuuh I'm exhausting my options here, can I discuss the game without anymore ad hominems? How about the fact the game promotes incest values by only allowing us to pair twin numbers together! This wouldn't fly even in the joint. i delet myself. bye

best game to play while one of my professors rambles about bullshit

How do you score a simple time-waster mobile game? If I'm going by how effectively it wasted my time, it's a 5/5. If I'm scoring it by how much fun it actually was, it's a 2.5/5. So we'll call it somewhere in the middle.

2048 is an app that I had to delete from my phone because I was sinking too much time into it while gaining nothing from the experience. And then I installed it again a year later. And deleted it. And then I downloaded it once more for a long trip. Then finally deleted it a third time a week later.

2048 is addictive gaming perfected. It's just barely a puzzle, and is really more about organization skills than anything else. I've been near-obsessive about organization from a very young age (hence the countless hours I've sunk into Backloggd), so I was the perfect mark for these habit-forming squares.

If you really want to try it, all you really have to do is keep your big number in the same corner the entire time, and do everything you can to move the lesser numbers towards it so values decrease the farther you go from your big number. But once you hit 2048, call it. Quit. Delete the app and never look back.

Or one day you might realize you've sunk dozens of hours into a never-ending 8x8 version of the game simply because you get dopamine spikes from a feeling of progression while seeing numbers grow.

This game is genius. It hooked me. I kind of hate it.

Simple and recognizable character design, engaging combat, and a compelling story

It's pretty fun but I got kinda depressed when I realized I did much better by just repeatedly moving in a clockwise rotation than I did thinking about each individual move lol

mid time waster lol

rather play cookie clicker

i promise real reviews are coming soon lol

Maybe I'm biased, I instantly found a seemingly-infinitely repeatable solution. Go play Threes instead.

Variations of this game where people edit the numbers to be pictures and things are very fun ngl

Costumava jogar esse quando não tinha nenhum console ou PC ....

i think after you beat 2048 once theres no real reason to go back, doesnt have the replayability of other games in this vein like minesweeper

i used to play this instead of being mentally present in high school. and i was freaking good at it too.

pair with xkcd and blog posts about vegan options

if completing means getting to 2048, I have done it.

Not as good as Denpo, but an ok prequel