Reviews from

in the past

Everything presented could be interesting, but it just falls flat with every new horror element. It's an escape room, a stretched commentary on kids media telling kids weird wacky things, etc. Someone who cared more probably could've made this more than just "kids thing fucked up horror game 14," especially next to things like Poppy Playtime or Bendy and the Ink Machine or Flippy Wahoo's Pancake Scare or whatever it'll be in half a year, maybe Five Nights at Freddy's again, but this is just as boring and forgettable as all the others.

This is such a cool concept but such a disappointing execution. Very mid mascot horror when it could've been a great analog horror mystery. Also very short and feels underdeveloped, especially the endings. Still appreciate it for the attempt, for the idea, even though it left me underwhelmed.

Perhaps I was too harsh on you....
From a horrorslop perspective, you are lack luster...a tired format of mascot horror and le creepy kid's media is cursed.
But as an escape the room puzzleslop with horror elements...not bad.
I guess what I'm trying to say is...le le bad

Mascot Horror has finally reached its apotheosis this is it

Очень страшно было, очень очень очень очень очень очень очень очень, очень очень...

Well for an indie game its not bad. it would be bad if it was a triple a game.

Amanda the Adventurer gets undeserved hate, seeing as it was originally created as a game jam project and later expanded into a full game. The game is fine, but it's rather short. I was able to complete it in just under 3 hours.

Neat puzzle game, but hardly scary. Still, nowhere near as bad as most indie horror borderline-shovelware games. Solid recommend if it interests you. It was clearly made with care and effort.

It's a fine idea on paper, but the execution was just kinda lame

Very unsettling throughout the whole game, interesting puzzles, curious story that unfortunately leaves little room for speculation and theories, but fun little experience nonetheless. I think it has room for expansion though, it feels a little bleak as it stands.

played this just to help my 5 year old niece get all le bad endings and secret tapes. do i regret playing this? yes absolutely

It's a good game but it's too short

Pretty decent game for a $9 product.

Um jogo que surfa naquele tema extremamente nichado de "é um jogo fofo.. MAS NAO É."
É um jogo de puzzle e "terror", no qual você assiste fitas desse desenho que dá nome ao game, tentando desvendar os mistérios e a terrível verdade por trás da história da Amanda.
Os puzzles são até que bem legais, teve alguns extremamente simples, mas outros que eu realmente quebrei a cabeça pra fazer, mas o terror do jogo é quase nulo.

leave that gay sheep alone bruh

cool little puzzle game, some of the puzzles were kinda dumb and idk what the hell the lore is supposed to be. if it was longer I woulda liked it more, basically was an advanced escape room game lol

mann it was so cool & interesting but the endings let me down so bad. :( i wanted so much more & it could've given that too.

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It felt too streamlined for my liking, but I enjoyed the realism imitation style of the interviews and security cam footage; Feels like I need a YouTube video to explain the plot even after getting all four endings

The meat store was by far the scariest ending, and just writing this review is kinda thrusting me into a weird existential crisis - great start

Could've used better physics tbh, but not terrible

this was so interesting to plaayyy

This is not the best game, but it's good as a little indie horror with it's own unique idea. I missed that feeling of trying to unpack mysterious lore all by myself through the play, and I really like themes where everything is not what it seems at first! :]

I have no idea why this was so popular.

My dumb ass watched two full playthroughs before playing it myself, making it significantly less interesting

Amanda The Adventurer is by no means a bad game, but I think labeling it as a horror title was a wasted opportunity. I can promise you that if you aren't looking for a scary experience and don't mind having to use your brain a little bit, you will get a lot of entertainment out of this title.
On the other hand, if you're hoping to escape tired horror conventions, this isn’t the right game for you.

You can read my in-depth review here

it was fun! cant wait to see more of the lore! very creepy, but i feel like we shoulda have more interactive stuff

É como se alguém tivesse lido todas as creepypastas ruins de episódios perdidos e decidido fazer algo bom. Gosto bastante de como a maior parte do jogo é aberta a interpretação e te dá detalhes o suficiente para entender a proposta da narrativa. Espero que tenha uma continuação à altura.

wasn't that scary. cool idea tho

i wish there was more to play

Do you think Mr enter exists in this games universe. Like another episode of wooly dying with weird gore and shit gets released and hes just like Here are my top 40 worst wooly torture porn episodes.