Reviews from

in the past

My favorite shooter so far. I really liked the references to horror films, weapon damage feedback and level design.

It has 11 weapons, they're very creative and different enough to justify the inclusion. The shotgun is always remembered as THE shotgun, but the dynamite is perhaps my favorite weapon in any game. It has a learning curve, but very satisfying to use it.

Game has 6 chapters, 4 from the base game and 2 released later. Each one has a secret stage hidden somewhere, boss and credits.

To get all the trophies I played each one 3 times (it could have been less, but it wasn't my initial intention).

The key hunting isn't bad as in others of the genre, I got lost a few times the first time, but on the second playthrough, knowing more or less what to expect, I realized that it's almost linear, and very few times the door was far from the key. The chapter "Cryptic Passage" can be accessed through the option menu, I had to watch a video to know where to go, but otherwise it was fine.

By jumping and shooting yourself in the foot with dynamite or the Napalm Launcher, you're launched high into the air. You can skip entire sessions and make really cool sequence breaks. I loved every second of it.

Just a fantastic game. Might be one of my very favorite boomer shooters to date, if only for the atmosphere alone. It's not perfect, and some levels and episodes definitely dragged on. Some weapons felt useless and/or superfluous like the different types of dynamite and the lost soul thing (besides its secondary fire), but the weapons that do land, land oh-so-very well. As someone who hates using grenades in games, the dynamite has made me a convert, though I suppose it's partially because it almost feels more like a wind-up grenade launcher than it does a throwable. Save those earlier mentioned exceptions, every weapon was extremely fun to use, and felt like it had its place by the end of the game. Atmosphere and music was incredible. Enemy variety was enjoyable and mostly fair. I would still tone down the twitchiness of the cultists, especially the tommy-gun toting ones, because they were by far the reason I save-scummed the most. That said, the remake does have a custom difficulty option which allows you to adjust many aspects of the enemies, like their health pool and aggression levels. I'm sure enough tweaking would allow folks to enjoy the game however they want. I would love to see a DOOM 2016 treatment done to this franchise, and I'm excited to mess around more with any WADs / mods for it in the future.

I can see where there might be an audience for Blood, but even as a fan of boomer shooters, I just don't think I'm that audience.

Its greatest strength and weakness is that it's very different to other boomer shooters out there. Where other games like it want you to go in there guns blazing with a good understanding of your arsenal, Blood wants you to be very methodical in your movements. Dashing around corners will get you instantly killed, so you need to take every corner carefully and use every tool in your arsenal wisely.

This is good since it sets itself apart from other games, but to me, the trial and error nature of essentially needing to have knowledge of every combat encounter prior to entering it just isn't for me. I can deal with a little save scumming on occasion, but having to save scum several times a fight just makes the game feel grating at times.

I wasn't enjoying it even after getting through a good chunk of the first episode, so I dropped it. While I can praise its style and sense of humor, I can't enjoy a game that asks a lot out of me in each encounter, then feels more relieving than gratifying once I finally get through it.

eu acredito em homem maluco de chapéu e voz maligna supremacia

I never understood why everyone loved this game until i finally got a PC to play it and this game is almost a masterpiece. This game is the best of the build engine trilogy and a blast to play. Its brutally difficult but in a really fun way, and as someone who enjoys horror this game loves it too!

Gritty, Gothic, and hard as Nails. want to feel some real pain? try extra crispy~

Shelving this for now, I really like it but I'm getting annoyed with some of the maps and how open they are. I prefer Doom 1's tight level design in terms of old boomer shooters but I can still appreciate this game is good even if it has a ton of bullshit.

blood... is good... (wait that doesnt rhyme like how i thought it would)

doom uses it's garish colours and primitive but expressive graphics to create a world that feels alien and martian in so many ways. it's stylish, but it never fully worked for me. blood - with its trimmed down colour palette and more familiar spaces - goes the opposite direction, creating this 19th century sci-fi horror setting that still looks incredible all these years later.

game still plays damn well too, and still feels so unique for how it eschews the archetypal fps arsenal in favour of its own set of weapons. sure there are some classics like shotgun, machine gun and rocket launcher, but then there's the handgun being replaced by a flare gun which can kill in a single shot but takes time and can damage you, the voodoo doll which can hitscan enemies but damages you if you miss your shot with it, and the delightful, wonderful dynamite sticks, which graciously remain viable - no, essential for almost the entire playthrough. their mere existence shifts the whole dynamic of the game from boomer shooter run and gun to a more tactical style of play, something which i feel suits it much better.

"I live.. again..."

the sourceports for this game are pretty nice (i tried one way back) but the fresh supply remaster by nightdive studios is the way to go. on top of being far more convenient for most players it adds new difficulty options that allow you to customize the way the game is played to better suit you. which is very handy because the basic cultists can be disproportionately difficult compared to other enemies on the vanilla difficulties, something that the remaster explicitly recognises and gives you the option to turn down their range and damage. this is how i played most of the game while cranking up other stuff like enemy density and i think it was a good decision overall

where the game does begin to stumble a bit is with the level design. mind you it started off great! episode 1 and 2 have many baller levels between them, and while some of the later levels in both episodes felt a bit meandering and languid, i felt like that vibe was always leveraged in a way that felt appropriate to the tone of those levels. episode 3 struggled a bit but had a great aesthetic and used the city theming with its levels very well. episode 4 was a disorganized mess all the way through, and was the hardest to slog through. the farting demon intestines level was a low, low point for the game. if one is to play this game i'd say there's no shame in stopping at episode 3.

despite that i thought that this shit very much ruled, and it's a game that still feels so modern, both graphically and gameplay wise. i would definitely be pointing anyone who wants to try out a boomer shooter in Blood: Fresh Supply's direction

I'll finish this eventually but I know how this goes, issa good boomer shooter, I don't expect the 7/10 in my head to change, love the screams and dialog in this game, very campy.
Guns are fun to use, movement is (crisp??). But omg for some reason moving my camera on the Y axis makes me almost motion sick, bleh...

Ancient 3d cutscenes have so much soul it's not even funny

People who say this game is the hardest thing ever don't realize how you can do more in this game than just shoot forward. The arenas allow you to approach, move, and attack in a variety of different ways that make the encounters so much easier to handle than one would think. In any case, this is a classic for a reason. It has a strong feel, a wonderfully charismatic lead, a great look, and plenty of bang bang shoot em variety that any classic boomer shooter fan can enjoy

Played all of the episodes, Cryptic Passage and Death Wish. Possibly the best FPS game ever? Easily the best Build engine game. Enemy design and style is just so spot on that it's easy to be a fan. So satisfying to play, even tho it's harder than your average FPS. My favourite especially is the sound design, all of the voice lines just perfect. Why am I even saying anything, just go play it.

This game is amazing if you are into boomer shooters you have to try this one out. The weapon selection is awesome, you have the usuals like the shotgun and machine gun, but they add some really fun unique ones like a voodoo doll, pitchfork, dynamite, aerosol can, and a bunch more. The level variety is really great, especially if you are a horror fan. Mixed in with the large variety of settings are some horror movie parody levels like the Shining and Friday the 13th. Enemies are also really unique and well done, I especially appreciated the little crawling hand enemies that would jump up and choke you. Really glad I played this one as I rediscover my love for this genre.

Could not get into this one sadly. I never played the original game, but this remaster is great from Nightdive, as it does a great job bringing the game to modern systems. The sprite work of the enemies is fantastic and I love the unique weapon line up and art style. Playing it though didn't feel that good and you die so easily in this game. The first episode is just a massive turn off as you barely have any ammo and enemies hit like a freight train. Unforunately its just not for me, but if your a fan of the original, then this remaster will give you everything you could ask for!

Good release after patches, better to play in Raze Sourceport now. Atari are jerks and won't let Nightdive finish

Fast, difficult, and brutal retro FPS with an amazing horror atmosphere.

The game will absolutely kick your ass even on the difficulty equivalent to a medium difficulty in other retro FPS, and absolutely brutalize you on its high difficulties, be warned.

But beyond the difficulty awaits an extremely fun retro FPS rewarding quick movement, good tactical thinking outside of circlestrafing and shooting, and smart usage of the tools available to you.

The hellhounds can still piss off though.

"Hey what if we made Doom with a pretty kickass horror aesthetic?"

"Oh thats a nice ide-"

"And lets add stupid awful hit-scan enemies and awful maps as well!"

One of the few times I was legit pissed the game had to eventually roll credits.

Mechanically one of the best shooters ever made. Insanely hard and fun. Thematically just really over the top and nasty.

Five star mechanics, one star themes.