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in the past

Honestly an incredibly fun DLC that gives me lots of nostalgia just thinking about. The great Borderlands gameplay combined with zombies is an impeccable combination

Fun, spooky maps with silly writing that doesn't take itself too seriously. Even the boss was pretty memorable by BL1 standards thanks to the bizarre presentation.

Great change of scene at first, but the lack of enemy variety started to wear near the end.

Brings a nice aesthetic change to the Borderlands experience, although it does feel bit stretched thin by the end. A decent addition to the original Borderlands regardless of its inconsequential nature.

Games I Dislike That Everybody Else Likes

The relative 'best' of the original Borderlands DLCs - still mostly crap but for a base game with combat so lazily rage-baity that it feels like you're fighting mindless zombies, it at least makes some sense that here you're actually fighting mindless zombies. Still looks mucky, plays janky, and has another map that can fuck right off to navigate - but (holy shit) there's actually one funny joke in this for once! That has to be a record or something.

Nice not being in a desert for once, but fighting zombies can get boring pretty quick. I appreciate that there is far more voice acting in this dlc than in the original game.

Good DLC, but shooting zombies gets old fast. If you're a completionist, don't forget to pick up the Brains quest chain at the beginning since the ones you pick up don't count until the quest is active.

While the dlc takes place in the still forgettable and generic Borderlands 1, the setting is a completely different story. Long forgotten are the dull colors of the desert planet Pandora. Here there is an atmospheric dark forest full of fog, promising battles with not the mutated but the supernatural. And fuck, do I love the supernatural. The plot is a spooky campfire story told by Marcus to his kid, giving it a surprising amount of warmth. It's just... nice.

I feel like this is when BL1 truly shines as the dlc really has that borderlands comedy and a bit of seriousness in the lore that we all know and love

Will always appreciate a decorated and well groomed facemask

The best DLC for the main game in my opinion.

Borderlands is a fantastic game. It combines high paced action with good mechanics, a fun story, upbeat dub step music, humour, filthy jokes and does not take itself seriously.

I enjoyed every minute of the main game, it's story and the collecting of loot, cash and special items. And then I played the DLC’s. My god, they were even better. The DLC’s are all over the place and add a fresh new mini campaign in each one of them with a completely different idea and style.

The second DLC I completed was The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned, in which “totally not Dr. Zed” from the original game brings the dead back to life and you need to stop him. Collect brains, brains, and more brains, kill his monstrosities and eventually “Dr. Ned” himself.

I really loved the bad villain acting of Dr. Ned and his stereotypical bad guy threats towards the main character. They were hillarious.

I like that they combined jokes, characters, and events from the main game and the other DLC’s into each DLC, it makes everything feel more connected. Examples are Zombie T.K. Baha (killed in main game) and General Knoxx as a puppet in Claptrap’s revolution, who finally died in The Secret Armory of General Knoxx, just like he so desperately wanted, but now is back as a zombie-puppet.

Overall, the main game and it’s DLC’s are in my top 10 favourite games of all time, and I would definitely recommend it to everyone.

the zombie island of dr ned dares to ask bold questions, such as: "how do you make borderlands fun with only melee enemies?" and the answer is certainly not this. this dlc is so incredibly mindless. just mowing down stupid, slow zombies. never going to play this again probably

The first DLC for Borderlands is pretty solid. Coming out in the peak of the 2000's/2010's zombie boom of course borderlands needed a zombie DlC, and so the zombie island of Dr.Ned was born. It's pretty fun, gives you hordes of zombies to shoot through, but it doesn't offer much else on the gameplay side of things. The aesthetic is definitely the highlight, DLC 1 brings in some much needed colour to Borderlands and though it's not much it feels like a breath of fresh air, after the main game.

Quite literally a mustache-twirling adventure

Had the best joke in borderlands 1
(Ned with a big moustache)

annoying as hell. I never played the DLC for this game because I was told to steer clear, and I see why here. From what I understand, the first 3 DLCs feel like chopped together attempts to bide time while the final one is actually not half bad.

"A Solid Start To The Borderlands DLC Saga"

Upon completing the main story, I finally embarked on starting this DLC with my girlfriend to see if I would enjoy it as much as I did as a kid. It still has a solid premise and setting just as I expected, but the low enemy diversity, disappointing quests, and short story length made it a bit of a disappointing journey. It was definitely a wackier experience than the main campaign, but it also lacked a certain level of polish that made the original game consistent throughout. Whether it needed a more substantial story or greater enemy diversity I can’t say for certain, but it was still an enjoyable romp through a wicked zombified Borderlands setting!

The gameplay is still the same ol’ Borderlands experience, though it's against a large number of melee-oriented enemies. There are some projectile foes, but there's really only one type introduced throughout the experience. I wish there were more types of enemies that involved ranged combat so that fights would be a bit more diversified. The enemies were still unique in art design, but deeper gameplay interactions between them would’ve helped make fights more memorable throughout.

Missions are similar in presentation as well, though there is a much greater focus on humor in this first DLC. The setting is pretty cool and fits the quirky setting the game operates in, but I wish there was a bit more life brought to the murky swamps and run down community of Jakob’s Cove and the surrounding areas. Most of them are typical Borderlands missions, so the funny writing helps to try and distract the player from their similarities to the main game. It works though! Nothing ever felt serious, which is fine since this DLC’s premise is pretty out there. The ending fight against Dr. Ned is pretty funny too, as there’s a bit of a twist with his boss form that is pretty funny.

The new guns are neat, but aren’t “super” creative in design. There’s some nice increase in power which makes collecting them worth it, but in general you won’t be blown away by the amount of content at hand. The side quests are a mixed bag, with some being creative with their structure and satire while others are just boring collect-a-thons (the “Brains” questline was sort of lazy). However, the recurring characters, strong humor at times, and consistency with the main game’s gunplay loop make this a DLC I can Recommend. It’s not something that will shock or impress you, but if you want more “Borderlands” action it's a solid start to the bonus offerings that Gearbox offers through its DLC.

Final Verdict: 7/10 (Good)

fena değil, fire kullanıyosanız inanılmaz basit

So is Dr. Zed a villain or no? Still fuzzy on that detail. Other than that, its like if Borderlands was like COD zombies, minus the arcade aesthetic and more like Borderlands.

My favourite of the Borderlands 1 DLCs! Ya, it's zombies, but I generally enjoyed the storyline and visiting old characters and locations from the base game as Zombified versions are always fun to see!

The first DLC for Borderlands and my second favorite DLC for the series. The story is the usual pop culture satire revolving around zombies (released for Halloween). It's more borderlands with plenty of zombie killing and loot collecting so you can't really go wrong with this DLC if you like series.

This is an alright DLC. I don't really like the enemies, but the locales are kind of interesting and the characters ok.

BL1’s DLC expansions are nowhere near as good as BL2’s and 3’s so it’s hard to judge these having seen the true potential of what Gearbox can offer with these expansions. That being said, Zombie Island is a good first effort. It’s incredibly short, but it introduces a new area that’s visually more interesting than anything else in the game up until this point and the main story is campy fun. Largely unmemorable, but a fun ride nonetheless.

the new enemy variety is cool but the zombies get old quick even for a relatively short dlc


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Wow this was actually pretty fun. This is the first DLC I am playing during my Borderlands playthrough and I think I enjoyed it more than the base game. It felt a lot like Left4Dead, but with much more enjoyable gameplay.

I loved the parts when the HR Jakobs lady is trying to reassure you in the most corporate way when giving you the lift while you have to defend yourself. Also having Dr. Ned turn into a horrific zombie that resembled the likes of something from Doom was also really cool.

Eh, it's fine I guess. Honestly the enemies are way too samey, a couple types in particular are a pain in the ass, and my god I think the hordes are even worse here than the base game. At the very least, the writing and story were still on the ball.

Solid DLC for a solid game. Whenever I killed a zombie, they dropped zombie brains and I collected them all. Finished the DLC and I still don't know why I collected them.
Too many zombies around you will be frustrating but you'll get through.
I loved the reference to Shaggy from Skaggy Doo!

It's a fun DLC, sure. It's fairly fun mowing down hordes of zombies, and the comedy here is absurd. Dr. Ned is hilarous and the Jakobs lady is pretty funny too. It is a pretty short DLC though.

But i'll be damned if this DLC doesn't have a lot of waiting! You have to wait for the elevator, the ride from Jakobs, the bridge, og my God there's so God damn waiting!

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