Reviews from

in the past

It's pretty all-right. Nothing really bad. It's just really...meh. If you've played either of the previous entries, it's just yet more of the same but with an isekai storyline and some new cute characters. The missions are still pretty short in actual length, the story isn't that interesting, etc etc. Grenades are absolutely abysmal to use though.

I was browsing Play Asia in the early hours of the morning and made an impulse purchase. It is what it is.

Extremely low-budget stage-based monster shooter only appealing to people who seek out mindless action with pretty girls.
+ decent fan service for the cute cast
+ mostly acceptable movement and shooting core
- awkward key bindings
- no save data management whatsoever
- bizarre perverted mini game that is badly explained
- nonsensical fantasy story and lifeless worldbuilding without any side character appearances
- small quantity of poorly made 3D assets used everywhere
- brainless enemies who often chase nothingness
- constantly recycled levels that look and feel barren

The missions are repetitive, the enemy variety is extremely lacking, enemy A.I is braindead, and the framerate is abysmal. That being said, it gives me the vibes of the 6/10 cute girls doing cute things anime I enjoy and the girls are cute so I still found it fairly enjoyable. It was also nice just having a cute anime girl game where you can shoot stuff which is surprisingly rare. The fanservice was great too, no shame. Could've have more outfits though. I especially enjoyed the part where I started the final boss fight and the boss immediately glitched out and died. suggests this will take 12 hours to beat. Twelve. Hours.

It's not the worst thing I've ever played, but even knowing how much of an EXTREME BUDGET title this is, it's hard to swallow. Terrible production, bland models, asset-flip-esque enemies and stages.

I'll probably spiral at some point and end up beating the whole thing but gooooood god is this boring. If you're that horny there's a lot of free sites (or better games) out there, man.